Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDebugPhpStacktraceIterator


Class ezcDebugPhpStacktraceIterator

Iterator class to wrap around debug_backtrace() stack traces.

This iterator class receives a stack trace generated by debug_backtrace() and unifies it as described in the ezcDebugStacktraceIterator interface.

Source for this file: /Debug/src/stacktrace/php_iterator.php

Version:   //autogen//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcDebugStacktraceIterator
protected ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::$options

Method Summary

protected array unifyStackElement( $stackElement )
Unifies a stack element for being returned to the formatter.

Inherited Methods

From ezcDebugStacktraceIterator
public void ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::__construct()
Creates a new stack trace iterator.
public int ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::count()
Returns the number of elements in the iterator.
public mixed ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::current()
Returns the currently selected element of the iterator.
public mixed ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::key()
Returns the key of the currently selected element of the iterator.
public mixed ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::next()
Advances the iterator to the next element.
public bool ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::offsetExists()
Returns if the given offset exists.
public mixed ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::offsetGet()
Returns the value assigned to the given offset.
public void ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::offsetSet()
It is not allowed to use this method with this iterator.
public void ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::offsetUnset()
It is not allowed to use this method with this iterator.
protected void ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::prepare()
Prepares the stack trace for being stored in the iterator instance.
public mixed ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::rewind()
Resets the iterator to the first element.
protected abstract array ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::unifyStackElement()
Unifies a stack element for being returned to the formatter.
public bool ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::valid()
Returns if the iterator is on a valid element or at the end.



array unifyStackElement( mixed $stackElement )

Unifies a stack element for being returned to the formatter.

This method ensures that an element of the stack trace conforms to the format expected by a ezcDebugOutputFormatter. The format is defined as follows:

  1.  array(
  2.       'file'      => '<fullpathtofile>',
  3.       'line'      => <lineno>,
  4.       'function'  => '<functionname>',
  5.       'class'     => '<classname>',
  6.       'params'    => array(
  7.           <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
  8.           <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
  9.           <param_no> => '<paramvalueinfo>',
  10.           ...
  11.       )
  12.  )
Name Type Description
$stackElement mixed
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcDebugStacktraceIterator::unifyStackElement() Unifies a stack element for being returned to the formatter.
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