Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcDebugHtmlFormatter


Class ezcDebugHtmlFormatter

ezcDebugHtmlFormatter class implements a HTML debug formatter that outputs debug information nicely formated for inclusion on your web page.

Source for this file: /Debug/src/formatters/html_formatter.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public ezcDebugHtmlFormatter __construct( )
Constructs a new HTML reporter.
public string formatStackTrace( $stackTrace )
Returns an HTML formatted representation of the given $stackTrace.
public string generateOutput( $writerData , $timerData )
Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output.
public string getLog( $writerData )
Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $writerData.
public string getTimingsAccumulator( $timerData )
Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $timerData.
public void setVerbosityColor( $verbosity , $color )
Sets the output $color of debug messages of the verbosity $verbosity.



ezcDebugHtmlFormatter __construct( )

Constructs a new HTML reporter.


string formatStackTrace( ezcDebugStacktraceIterator $stackTrace )

Returns an HTML formatted representation of the given $stackTrace.

Iterates through the given $stackTrace and returns an HTML formatted string representation.

Name Type Description
$stackTrace ezcDebugStacktraceIterator


string generateOutput( $writerData , $timerData )

Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output.

Returns the data submitted in $timerData and $writerData as an HTML formatted string to be displayed in a web browser.

Name Type Description
$writerData array
$timerData array(ezcDebugStructure)
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcDebugOutputFormatter::generateOutput() Returns a string containing the formatted output based on $timerData and $writerData.


string getLog( $writerData )

Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $writerData.

Name Type Description
$writerData array


string getTimingsAccumulator( $timerData )

Returns a string containing the HTML formatted output based on $timerData.

Name Type Description
$timerData array(ezcDebugStructure)


void setVerbosityColor( int $verbosity , string $color )

Sets the output $color of debug messages of the verbosity $verbosity.

$color must be specified in a CSS color value.

Name Type Description
$verbosity int
$color string
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