Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleStatusbar


Class ezcConsoleStatusbar

Creating and maintaining status-bars to be printed to the console.

  1.  // Construction
  2.  $status = new ezcConsoleStatusbar( new ezcConsoleOutput() );
  4.  // Set option
  5.  $status->options['successChar'] = '*';
  7.  // Run statusbar
  8.  foreach ( $files as $file )
  9.  {
  10.       $res = $file->upload();
  11.       // Add status if form of bool true/false to statusbar.
  12.       $status->add( $res ); // $res is true or false
  13.  }
  15.  // Retreive and display final statusbar results
  16.  $msg = $status->getSuccess() . ' succeeded, ' . $status->getFailure() . ' failed.';
  17.  $out->outputText( "Finished uploading files: $msg\n" );

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/statusbar.php

Version:   //autogen//


ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions read/write $options
Contains the options for this class.

Member Variables

protected array(bool=>int) $counter = array(
true => 0,
false => 0,

Counter for success and failure outputs.
protected ezcConsoleOutput $outputHandler
The ezcConsoleOutput object to use.
protected array(string=>mixed) $properties
Container to hold the properties

Method Summary

public ezcConsoleStatusbar __construct( $outHandler , [ $options = array()] )
Creates a new status bar.
public void add( $status )
Add a status to the status bar.
public int getFailureCount( )
Returns number of failures during the run.
public ezcConsoleStatusbarOptions getOptions( )
Returns the current options.
public int getSuccessCount( )
Returns number of successes during the run.
public void reset( )
Reset the state of the status-bar object to its initial one.
public void setOptions( $options )
Set new options.



ezcConsoleStatusbar __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $outHandler , [ $options = array()] )

Creates a new status bar.

Name Type Description
$outHandler ezcConsoleOutput Handler to utilize for output
$options array(string=>string) Options


void add( bool $status )

Add a status to the status bar.

Adds a new status to the bar which is printed immediately. If the cursor is currently not at the beginning of a line, it will move to the next line.

Name Type Description
$status bool Print successChar on true, failureChar on false.


int getFailureCount( )

Returns number of failures during the run.

Returns the number of failure characters printed from this status bar.


Returns the current options.

Returns the options currently set for this progressbar.


int getSuccessCount( )

Returns number of successes during the run.

Returns the number of success characters printed from this status bar.


void reset( )

Reset the state of the status-bar object to its initial one.


void setOptions( array(string=>string)|ezcConsoleOutputOptions $options )

Set new options.

This method allows you to change the options of a statusbar.

Name Type Description
$options array(string=>string)|ezcConsoleOutputOptions The options to set.
Type Description
ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException If you tried to set a non-existent option value.
ezcBaseSettingValueException If the value is not valid for the desired option.
ezcBaseValueException If you submit neither an array nor an instance of ezcConsoleOutputOptions.
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