Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialog


Class ezcConsoleQuestionDialog

Dialog class to ask a simple question.

This dialog outputs a certain string to the user and requests a line of input. This is commonly used to ask questions like "Do you want to proceed?" and retrieve an answer like "y" for yes or "n" for no.

The behaviour of this dialog is defined by an instance of ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/dialog/question_dialog.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//


ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions read/write $options
Options for the dialog.
ezcConsoleOutput read/write $output
Output object for displaying the dialog.

Member Variables

protected array $properties = array(
"options" => null,
"output" => null,

protected mixed $result
Dialog result

Method Summary

public static ezcConsoleQuestionDialog YesNoQuestion( $out , $questionString , [ $default = null] )
Returns a ready to use yes/no question dialog.
public void __construct( $output , [ $options = null] )
Creates a new question dialog.
public void display( )
Displays the dialog and retreives a value from the user.
public mixed getResult( )
Returns the result retrieved.
public bool hasValidResult( )
Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.
public void reset( )
Reset the dialog.



static ezcConsoleQuestionDialog YesNoQuestion( ezcConsoleOutput $out , string $questionString , [string $default = null] )

Returns a ready to use yes/no question dialog.

Returns a question dialog, which requests the answers "y" for "yes" or "n" for "no" from the user. The answer is converted to lower-case.

  1.  // Would you like to proceed? (y/n)
  2.  $dialog = ezcConsoleDialog( $out, "Would you like to proceed?" );
  4.  // Would you like to proceed? (y/n) [n]
  5.  $dialog = ezcConsoleDialog( $out, "Would you like to proceed?", "n" );
Name Type Description
$out ezcConsoleOutput Output object.
$questionString string Question string.
$default string "y" or "n", if default value is desired.


void __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $output , [ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions $options = null] )

Creates a new question dialog.

Creates a new menu dialog to be displayed to the user. All behaviour is defined through the $options parameter. The $output parameter is used to display the dialog in the display() method.

Name Type Description
$output ezcConsoleOutput Output object.
$options ezcConsoleQuestionDialogOptions Options.


void display( )

Displays the dialog and retreives a value from the user.

Displays the dialog and retreives the desired answer from the user. If the a valid result is retrieved, it can be obtained using getResult(). The method hasValidResult() can be used to check if a valid result is available.

Type Description
ezcConsoleDialogAbortException if the user closes STDIN using <CTRL>-D.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::display() Displays the dialog.


mixed getResult( )

Returns the result retrieved.

If no valid result was retreived, yet, this method should throw an ezcConsoleNoValidDialogResultException.

If no valid result was retreived, yet, this method throws an ezcConsoleNoValidDialogResultException. Use hasValidResult() to avoid this.

Type Description
ezcDialogNoValidResultException if this method is called without a valid result being retrieved by the object. Use hasValidResult() to avoid this exception.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::getResult() Returns the result retrieved.


bool hasValidResult( )

Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.

If a valid result has already been received, this method returns true, otherwise false.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::hasValidResult() Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.


void reset( )

Reset the dialog.

Resets a possibly received result and all changes made to the dialog during display(). After that, the dialog can be re-used. All option values are kept.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::reset() Resets the dialog to its initial state.
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