Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleOutputFormat


Class ezcConsoleOutputFormat

Struct class to store formating entities used by ezcConsoleOutput.

Struct class to store formating entities used by ezcConsoleOutput.

Possible values of ezcConsoleOutputFormat::$color are:

  • gray
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • default (representing the consoles default color)
For ezcConsoleOutputFormat::$bgcolor the following values are valid:
  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • default (representing the consoles default background color)
The ezcConsoleOutputFormat::$style attribute takes an array of (possibly) multiple attributes. Choose from the lists below:

  • default (resets all attributes to default)
  • bold
  • faint
  • normal
  • italic
  • notitalic
  • underlined
  • doubleunderlined
  • notunderlined
  • blink
  • blinkfast
  • noblink
  • negative
  • positive

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/structs/output_format.php

Version:   //autogen//


string read/write $bgcolor
Contains the background color for this format.
string read/write $color
Contains the color for this format.
array(string) read/write $style
Contains the lists of styles that are associated with this format.
string read/write $target
Contains the output target to use. Pick one of ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_OUTPUT, ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_STDOUT or ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_STDERR.

Member Variables

protected array(string=>mixed) $properties = array(
'color' => 'default',
'style' => array( 'default' ),'bgcolor'=>'default','target'=>ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_OUTPUT,)

Container to hold the properties

Method Summary

public ezcConsoleOutputFormat __construct( [ $color = 'default'] , [ $style = null] , [ $bgcolor = 'default'] , [ $target = ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_OUTPUT] )
Create a new ezcConsoleOutputFormat object.



ezcConsoleOutputFormat __construct( [string $color = 'default'] , [ $style = null] , [string $bgcolor = 'default'] , [string $target = ezcConsoleOutput::TARGET_OUTPUT] )

Create a new ezcConsoleOutputFormat object.

Creates a new object of this class.

Name Type Description
$color string Name of a color value.
$style array(string) Names of style values.
$bgcolor string Name of a bgcolor value.
$target string Target output stream.
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