Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConsoleMenuDialog


Class ezcConsoleMenuDialog

Dialog class to make the user choose from a menu.

This dialog implementation displays a menu structure to the user and receives a valid menu selection.

The behaviour of this dialog is defined by an instance of ezcConsoleMenuDialogOptions.

Source for this file: /ConsoleTools/src/dialog/menu_dialog.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogen//

Member Variables

protected array $properties = array(
"options" => null,
"output" => null,

protected mixed $result
Dialog result

Method Summary

public void __construct( $output , [ $options = null] )
Creates a new menu dialog.
public void display( )
Displays the dialog and retreives a value from the user.
public mixed getResult( )
Returns the result retrieved.
public bool hasValidResult( )
Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.
public void reset( )
Reset the dialog.



void __construct( ezcConsoleOutput $output , [ezcConsoleMenuDialogOptions $options = null] )

Creates a new menu dialog.

Creates a new question dialog to be displayed to the user. All behaviour is defined through the $options parameter. The $output parameter is used to display the dialog in the display() method.

Name Type Description
$output ezcConsoleOutput Output object.
$options ezcConsoleMenuDialogOptions The options.


void display( )

Displays the dialog and retreives a value from the user.

Displays the dialog and retreives the desired answer from the user. If the a valid result is retrieved, it can be obtained using getResult(). The method hasValidResult() can be used to check if a valid result is available.

Type Description
ezcConsoleDialogAbortException if the user closes STDIN using <CTRL>-D.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::display() Displays the dialog.


mixed getResult( )

Returns the result retrieved.

If no valid result was retreived, yet, this method throws an ezcConsoleNoValidDialogResultException. Use hasValidResult() to avoid this.

Type Description
ezcDialogNoValidResultException if this method is called without a valid result being retrieved by the object. Use hasValidResult() to avoid this exception.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::getResult() Returns the result retrieved.


bool hasValidResult( )

Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.

If a valid result has already been received, this method returns true, otherwise false.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::hasValidResult() Returns if the dialog retrieved a valid result.


void reset( )

Reset the dialog.

Resets a possibly received result and all changes made to the dialog during display(). After that, the dialog can be re-used. All option values are kept.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcConsoleDialog::reset() Resets the dialog to its initial state.
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