Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConfigurationWriter


Class ezcConfigurationWriter

This class provides the interface for writers of configuration objects of type ezcConfiguration.

The writer will serialize the data to a given format e.g. to an INI file or a given XML format which can later be read by a ezcConfigurationReader.

The writer is meant to be initialized with setLocation() and setConfig() and then a call to save(). It is also possible to initialize everything with the init() function.

  1.  $writer = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter();
  2.  $writer->setConfig( $configrationObject );
  3.  $writer->setLocation( 'site', 'settings' );
  4.  $writer->save();
  5.  <code>
  7.  Classes that implements this interface are adviced to create a constructor with
  8.  all the initialization as parameter to make it easier to use the class. For
  9.  instance this could transform the above example into:
  11.  <code>
  12.  $writer = new ezcConfigurationIniWriter( $conf, 'site', 'settings' );
  13.  $writer->save();

Source for this file: /Configuration/src/interfaces/writer.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter ezcConfigurationFileWriter class provides the functionality for writing file based configuration formats.

Method Summary

public abstract string getLocation( )
Returns the current location string.
public abstract string getName( )
Returns the current name for the configuration to be written.
public abstract array getOptions( )
Returns the current options for the writer.
protected abstract string getSuffix( )
Returns the suffix used in the storage filename.
public abstract void init( $location , $name , $config , [ $options = array()] )
Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.
public abstract void save( )
Saves the current config object.
public abstract void setConfig( $config )
Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().
public abstract void setOptions( $options )
Sets the options for the writer.



string getLocation( )

Returns the current location string.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::getLocation() Return the current location string. 


string getName( )

Returns the current name for the configuration to be written.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::getName() Return the current name for the configuration to be written. 


array getOptions( )

Returns the current options for the writer.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::getOptions() Returns the current options for the writer. 


string getSuffix( )

Returns the suffix used in the storage filename.

Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationArrayWriter::getSuffix() Returns the suffix used in the storage filename. 
ezcConfigurationIniWriter::getSuffix() Returns 'ini'. The suffix used in the storage filename. 


void init( string $location , string $name , ezcConfiguration $config , [array $options = array()] )

Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.

These values determine where the configuration will be serialized.

The location string can be used to determine the directory location for an INI file.

The name parameter can be the basename for the INI file, so a value of 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'.

Name Type Description
$location string The main placement for the configuration. It is up to the specific writer to interpret this value.
$name string The name for the configuration. It is up to the specific writer to interpret this value. For a file writer it could be the basename for the INI file, so a value of 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'.
$config ezcConfiguration The current configuration object which should be serialized by the current writer.
$options array An associative array of options for the writer. Which options to use is determined by the specific writer class.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::init() Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name. 


void save( )

Saves the current config object.

The configuration retrieved later with a ezcConfigurationReader.

Type Description
ezcConfigurationReadFailedException if the configuration could not be written to the given location.
ezcConfigurationNoConfigException if there is no config object set to be written to the location.
ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixException if the current location values cannot be used for writing.
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::save() Saves the current config object. 


void setConfig( ezcConfiguration $config )

Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().

Pass false if you wish to remove the current configuration object.

Name Type Description
$config ezcConfiguration
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::setConfig() Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save(). 


void setOptions( array $options )

Sets the options for the writer.

The options will be used the next time the save() method is called. The $options array is an associative array with the options for the writer. It depends on the specific writer which options are allowed here.

Name Type Description
$options array
Redefined in descendants as:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationFileWriter::setOptions() Sets the options $configurationData. 
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