Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConfigurationFileWriter


Class ezcConfigurationFileWriter

ezcConfigurationFileWriter class provides the functionality for writing file based configuration formats.

This class implements most of the interface of ezcConfigurationWriter and makes it easier to work on file based configuration. All methods except save() are implemented by this class so a subclass only needs to handle the actual serialization.

Source for this file: /Configuration/src/file_writer.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcConfigurationArrayWriter This class provides functionality for writing ezcConfiguration object into files containing PHP arrays.
ezcConfigurationIniWriter This class provides functionality for writing ezcConfiguration objects into INI files.

Member Variables

protected bool $config = false
Contains the configuration object to write with the save() method.
protected string $location = ''
The current location of the config, this is either the path on the filesystem or a PHP stream prefix.
protected string $name = ''
The base name of the configuration file, the suffix will be appended to this to find the real filename.
protected array $options = array()
Current options for the writer.

See the specific writer to see which options it supports.

protected string $path = ''
The path to the file which will contain the serialized configuration data.
protected int $permissions = 0666
Contains the file permissions for the file to write the INI settings to.
protected bool $useComments = true
Controls whether comments are written to the INI file or not.

Method Summary

public ezcConfigurationFileWriter __construct( [ $path = null] , [ $config = null] , [ $permissions = 0666] )
Constructs the writer and initializes it with the file to write.
protected void closeFile( $fp )
Closes a file pointed to by $fp and sets file permissions.
public string getLocation( )
Return the current location string.
public int getName( )
Return the current name for the configuration to be written.
public array getOptions( )
Returns the current options for the writer.
public void init( $location , $name , $config , [ $options = array()] )
Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.
protected resource openFile( )
Opens a file for writing.
protected void parseLocationPath( $path , $suffix )
Parses a the path $path and sets the location and name properties on this object.
public void save( )
Saves the current config object.
public void setConfig( $config )
Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().
public void setOptions( $configurationData )
Sets the options $configurationData.

Inherited Methods

From ezcConfigurationWriter
public abstract string ezcConfigurationWriter::getLocation()
Returns the current location string.
public abstract string ezcConfigurationWriter::getName()
Returns the current name for the configuration to be written.
public abstract array ezcConfigurationWriter::getOptions()
Returns the current options for the writer.
protected abstract string ezcConfigurationWriter::getSuffix()
Returns the suffix used in the storage filename.
public abstract void ezcConfigurationWriter::init()
Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.
public abstract void ezcConfigurationWriter::save()
Saves the current config object.
public abstract void ezcConfigurationWriter::setConfig()
Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().
public abstract void ezcConfigurationWriter::setOptions()
Sets the options for the writer.



ezcConfigurationFileWriter __construct( [string $path = null] , [ezcConfiguration $config = null] , [int $permissions = 0666] )

Constructs the writer and initializes it with the file to write.

After construction call save() to store the INI file to disk.

Name Type Description
$path string The relative or absolute path to where the configuration should be written to. Using PHP streams is also possible, e.g. compress.gz://site.ini.gz
$config ezcConfiguration The configuration object which should be stored in an INI file.
$permissions int The file permission to use on the newly created file, it uses the same values as chmod().


void closeFile( resource $fp )

Closes a file pointed to by $fp and sets file permissions.

This method closes a file with the file pointer that was passed. After closing the file the permissions are set as configured with the "permissions" option.

Name Type Description
$fp resource


string getLocation( )

Return the current location string.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::getLocation() Returns the current location string.


int getName( )

Return the current name for the configuration to be written.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::getName() Returns the current name for the configuration to be written.


array getOptions( )

Returns the current options for the writer.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::getOptions() Returns the current options for the writer.


void init( string $location , string $name , ezcConfiguration $config , [array $options = array()] )

Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.

These values determine where the configuration will be serialized.

The location string can be used to determine the directory location for an INI file.

The name parameter can be the basename for the INI file, so a value of 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'.

Name Type Description
$location string The main placement for the configuration. It is up to the specific writer to interpret this value.
$name string The name for the configuration. It is up to the specific writer to interpret this value. For a file writer it could be the basename for the INI file, so a value of 'site' would create a file with name 'site.ini'.
$config ezcConfiguration The current configuration object which should be serialized by the current writer.
$options array An associative array of options for the writer. Which options to use is determined by the specific writer class.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::init() Initializes the writer with a $location and a $name.


resource openFile( )

Opens a file for writing.

This method opens a file for writing and checks whether it was successfully opened.

Type Description
ezcConfigurationWriteFailedException if it was not possible to write to the file.


void parseLocationPath( string $path , string $suffix )

Parses a the path $path and sets the location and name properties on this object.

The file is checked if it contains the correct $suffix.

ezcConfigurationFileReader::parseLocationPath() has the same code. It is duplicated to prevent complex OO hacks.

Name Type Description
$path string
$suffix string
Type Description
ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixExceptionif the configuration file has the wrong suffix.


void save( )

Saves the current config object.

Saves the current configuration object to a place which can later be retrieved with a ezcConfigurationReader.

Type Description
ezcConfigurationNoConfigObjectException if there is not config object set to write.
ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixExceptionif the configuration file has the wrong suffix.
ezcConfigurationWriteFailureException if the configuration could not be stored in the given location.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::save() Saves the current config object.


void setConfig( ezcConfiguration $config )

Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().

Pass false if you wish to remove the current configuration object.

Name Type Description
$config ezcConfiguration
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::setConfig() Sets the configuration object that will be used for the next call to save().


void setOptions( array(string=>mixed) $configurationData )

Sets the options $configurationData.

The options are specified in a associative array in the form 'optionName' => value.

Name Type Description
$configurationData array(string=>mixed)
Type Description
ezcBaseSettingValueException if you specify a value out of range for a setting.
ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException if you try to set a non existent setting.
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcConfigurationWriter::setOptions() Sets the options for the writer.
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