Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcConfigurationException


Class ezcConfigurationException

This class provides an exception container for use with the Configuration component.

Source for this file: /Configuration/src/exceptions/exception.php

Version:   //autogen//


Child Class Description
ezcConfigurationNoConfigException Exception that is thrown if no configuration object is present to work on.
ezcConfigurationNoConfigObjectException Exception that is thrown if no configuration object has been set to operate on. The operation cannot continue with this object.
ezcConfigurationManagerNotInitializedException Exception that is thrown if an invalid class is passed as INI reader to the manager.
ezcConfigurationUnknownSettingException Exception that is thrown if the specified setting does not exist in the settings.
ezcConfigurationUnknownGroupException Exception that is thrown if the specified group does not exist in the settings.
ezcConfigurationSettingnameNotStringException Exception that is thrown if the name of a setting is not a string.
ezcConfigurationParseErrorException Exception that is thrown if there were errors while parsing a file while the parser was not in validation mode.
ezcConfigurationReadFailedException Exception that is thrown if the read operation for the configuration failed.
ezcConfigurationInvalidReaderClassException Exception that is thrown if an invalid class is passed as INI reader to the manager.
ezcConfigurationSettingWrongTypeException Exception that is thrown if the accessed setting is not of the requested type.
ezcConfigurationInvalidSuffixException Exception that is thrown if the current location is not valid. This means it is impossible to read or write using the location values.
ezcConfigurationUnknownConfigException Exception that is thrown if the specified configuration does not exist in the system.
ezcConfigurationWriteFailedException Exception that is thrown if the write operation for the configuration failed.
ezcConfigurationGroupExistsAlreadyException Exception that is thrown if a group is tried to be added, while it already exists.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException::$originalMessage

Inherited Methods

From ezcBaseException
public ezcBaseException ezcBaseException::__construct()
Constructs a new ezcBaseException with $message
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