Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcArchiveGnuTar


Class ezcArchiveGnuTar

The ezcArchiveGnuTar class implements the GNU Tar archive format.

ezcArchiveGnuTar is a subclass from ezcArchive that provides the common interface, and ezcArchiveUstarTar that provides the basic Tar implementation.

ezcArchiveGnuTar reads on creation only the first entry from the archive. When needed next entries are read.

The Gnu Tar algorithm is an extension of Ustar Tar. Gnu has the following extended features compared to Ustar:

  • Filenames of unlimited size.
  • File size is unlimited.
The current implementation allows only reading from a Gnu archive.

The features of Gnu Tar and Pax Tar are quite similar, although their approach is different.

Source for this file: /Archive/src/tar/gnu.php

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Constants

From ezcArchiveV7Tar:
ezcArchiveV7Tar::BLOCK_SIZE    Amount of bytes in a block.
From ezcArchive:
ezcArchive::BZIP2    BZIP2 compression format.
ezcArchive::GZIP    Gnu ZIP compression format.
ezcArchive::TAR    Normal tar archive.
ezcArchive::TAR_GNU    GNU tar archive.
ezcArchive::TAR_PAX    PAX tar archive.
ezcArchive::TAR_USTAR    USTAR tar archive.
ezcArchive::TAR_V7    Tar version 7 archive.
ezcArchive::ZIP    ZIP archive.

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcArchiveV7Tar
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$addedBlocks
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$addedBlocksNotReliable
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$blockFactor
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$hasNullBlocks
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$headerPositions
protected ezcArchiveV7Tar::$headers
From ezcArchive
protected ezcArchive::$completed
protected ezcArchive::$entries
protected ezcArchive::$entriesRead
protected ezcArchive::$file
protected ezcArchive::$fileNumber
protected ezcArchive::$options

Method Summary

public ezcArchiveGnuTar __construct( $blockFile , [ $blockFactor = 20] )
Initializes the Tar and tries to read the first entry from the archive.
public bool algorithmCanWrite( )
Returns false because the TAR_PAX algorithm cannot write (yet).
protected ezcArchiveGnuHeader createTarHeader( [ $file = null] )
Creates the a new pax tar header for this class.
public int getAlgorithm( )
Returns the value which specifies a TAR_GNU algorithm.

Inherited Methods

From ezcArchiveUstarTar
public ezcArchiveUstarTar ezcArchiveUstarTar::__construct()
Initializes the Tar and tries to read the first entry from the archive.
public bool ezcArchiveUstarTar::algorithmCanWrite()
Returns true because the TAR_USTAR algorithm can write.
protected ezcArchiveUstarHeader ezcArchiveUstarTar::createTarHeader()
Creates the a new ustar tar header for this class.
public int ezcArchiveUstarTar::getAlgorithm()
Returns the value which specifies a TAR_USTAR algorithm.
From ezcArchiveV7Tar
public ezcArchiveV7Tar ezcArchiveV7Tar::__construct()
Initializes the Tar and tries to read the first entry from the archive.
public bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::algorithmCanWrite()
Returns true because the TAR_V7 algorithm can write.
public bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::append()
Append a file or directory to the end of the archive. Multiple files or directory can be added to the archive when an array is used as input parameter.
protected bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::appendHeaderAndFileToCurrent()
Appends the given ezcArchiveBlockFile $file and ezcArchiveEntry $entry to the archive file.
protected void ezcArchiveV7Tar::appendNullBlocks()
Appends zero or more null blocks to the end of the archive, so that it matches the $blockFactor.
public bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::appendToCurrent()
Appends a file to the archive after the current entry.
public void ezcArchiveV7Tar::close()
Closes the archive correctly.
protected ezcArchiveV7Header ezcArchiveV7Tar::createTarHeader()
Creates the a new tar header for this class.
public int ezcArchiveV7Tar::getAlgorithm()
Returns the value which specifies a TAR_V7 algorithm.
protected bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::readCurrentFromArchive()
Read the current entry from the archive.
public bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::truncate()
Truncates the archive to $fileNumber of files.
protected bool ezcArchiveV7Tar::writeCurrentDataToFile()
Writes the file data from the current entry to the given file.
public void ezcArchiveV7Tar::writeEnd()
Writes the end of the archive.
public void ezcArchiveV7Tar::__destruct()
Closes the archive.
From ezcArchive
public abstract bool ezcArchive::algorithmCanWrite()
Returns true if writing to the archive is implemented, otherwise false.
public abstract bool ezcArchive::append()
Appends a file or directory to the end of the archive. Multiple files or directory can be added to the archive when an array is used as input parameter.
public abstract bool ezcArchive::appendToCurrent()
Appends a file to the archive after the current entry.
public void ezcArchive::close()
Close the current archive.
protected void ezcArchive::createDefaultDirectory()
Creates all the directories needed to create the file $file.
protected static ezcArchive ezcArchive::createInstance()
Returns an instance of the archive with the given type.
public ezcArchiveEntry ezcArchive::current()
Returns the current ezcArchiveEntry if it is valid, otherwise false is returned.
public void ezcArchive::extract()
Extract entries from the archive to the target directory.
public bool ezcArchive::extractCurrent()
Extract the current entry to which the iterator points.
public abstract int ezcArchive::getAlgorithm()
Returns the algorithm that is used currently.
protected ezcArchiveEntry ezcArchive::getEntries()
Get the file entries from the archive.
public array(string) ezcArchive::getListing()
Returns an array that lists the content of the archive.
public static ezcArchive ezcArchive::getTarInstance()
Open a tar instance.
public static ezcArchive ezcArchive::getZipInstance()
Open a zip instance. This method is made public for testing purposes, and should not be used.
public bool ezcArchive::isEmpty()
Returns true if the current archive is empty, otherwise false.
public int ezcArchive::key()
Returns the current key, entry number, if it is valid, otherwise false is returned.
public ezcArchiveEntry ezcArchive::next()
Forwards the iterator to the next entry.
public static ezcArchive ezcArchive::open()
Returns a new ezcArchive instance.
public void ezcArchive::rewind()
Rewinds the iterator to the first entry.
public bool ezcArchive::seek()
Search for the entry number.
public void ezcArchive::setOptions()
This method associates a new $options object with this archive.
public abstract bool ezcArchive::truncate()
Truncates the archive to $fileNumber of files.
public bool ezcArchive::valid()
Returns true if the iterator points to a valid entry, otherwise false.
protected abstract void ezcArchive::writeCurrentDataToFile()
Writes the file data from the current entry to the given file.
public string ezcArchive::__toString()
Returns a string which represents all the entries from the archive.



ezcArchiveGnuTar __construct( $blockFile , [int $blockFactor = 20] )

Initializes the Tar and tries to read the first entry from the archive.

At initialization it sets the blockFactor to $blockFactor. Each tar archive has always $blockFactor of blocks ( 0, $blockFactor, 2 * $blockFactor, etc ).

The Tar archive works with blocks, so therefore the first parameter expects the archive as a blockFile.

Name Type Description
$blockFile ezcArchiveBlockFile
$blockFactor int
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcArchiveUstarTar::__construct() Initializes the Tar and tries to read the first entry from the archive.


bool algorithmCanWrite( )

Returns false because the TAR_PAX algorithm cannot write (yet).

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcArchiveUstarTar::algorithmCanWrite() Returns true because the TAR_USTAR algorithm can write.


ezcArchiveGnuHeader createTarHeader( [string|null $file = null] )

Creates the a new pax tar header for this class.

This method expects an ezcArchiveBlockFile that points to the header that should be read (and created). If null is given as block file, an empty header will be created.

Name Type Description
$file string|null
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcArchiveUstarTar::createTarHeader() Creates the a new ustar tar header for this class.


int getAlgorithm( )

Returns the value which specifies a TAR_GNU algorithm.

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcArchiveUstarTar::getAlgorithm() Returns the value which specifies a TAR_USTAR algorithm.
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