Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcArchiveCallback


Class ezcArchiveCallback

Class containing a basic implementation of the callback class to be called through extract.

Source for this file: /Archive/src/interfaces/callback.php

Version:   //autogen//

Method Summary

public void createDirectoryCallback( $dirName , &$permissions , &$userId , &$groupId , $permissions , $userId , $groupId )
Callback that's called for every directory creation.
public void createFileCallback( $fileName , &$permissions , &$userId , &$groupId , $permissions , $userId , $groupId )
Callback that's called for every file creation.



void createDirectoryCallback( string $dirName , &$permissions , &$userId , &$groupId , int $permissions , string $userId , string $groupId )

Callback that's called for every directory creation.

The callback implementation is allowed to modify the $permissions, $userId and $groupId. The latter two however might not have any effect depending on which user and group the code runs at. You also need to be aware that subsequent files might be put into this directory, and bad things might happen when they can not be created there due to operating system level restrictions.

Name Type Description
$dirName string
$permissions int
$userId string
$groupId string


void createFileCallback( string $fileName , &$permissions , &$userId , &$groupId , int $permissions , string $userId , string $groupId )

Callback that's called for every file creation.

The callback implementation is allowed to modify the $permissions, $userId and $groupId. The latter two however might not have any effect depending on which user and group the code runs at.

Name Type Description
$fileName string
$permissions int
$userId string
$groupId string
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