eZ publish Enterprise Component: UserInput, Design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :Author: Derick Rethans :Revision: $Revision: $ :Date: $Date: $ Design Description ================== We all know that you should always check input variables, but PHP does not offer really good functionality for doing this in a safe way. The User Input component is meant to address this issue by implementing a set of filters and mechanisms that users can use to safely access their input data. It makes heavy use of PHP's built in "filter" extension, for which you see a specification here. There are two classes in this component: ezcLocale --------- This class provides method to format dates and different kinds of numbers: monetary information, decimal numbers, "spelled out formats" and user defined formats. It also offers a method to format date/time information through PHP's native date formatting functionality. Algorithms ========== The following example shows how to utilize this class: :: formatDate( $date, DATETIME_FORMAT_FULL, DATETIME_FORMAT_FULL ); // shows "torsdag august 18 2005, 02:49" $locale->formatDateCustom( $date, 'l F d Y, H:i' ); // shows "kr 31 415,92" $locale->formatCurrency( 31415.92, 'NOK' ); // shows "SKr 31 415,92" $locale->formatCurrency( 31415.92, 'SEK' ); // shows "1 457%" $locale->formatNumber( 1457.1, FORMAT_PERCENT ); ?>