* accept( $visitor ); * echo (string) $visitor; // print the plot * ?> * * * @package Tree * @version //autogentag// */ class ezcTreeVisitorGraphViz implements ezcTreeVisitor { /** * Holds the displayed strings for each of the nodes. * * @var array(string=>string) */ protected $nodes = array(); /** * Holds all the edges of the graph. * * @var array(id=>array(ezcTreeNode)) */ protected $edges = array(); /** * Creates a graphviz compliant ID out of the ID identifying $node. * * @param ezcTreeNode $node * @return string */ private function createId( ezcTreeNode $node ) { return preg_replace( '/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', $node->id ) . '_'. base_convert( sprintf( '%u', crc32( $node->id ) ), 16, 36 ); } /** * Visits the node and sets the the member variables according to the node * type and contents. * * @param ezcTreeVisitable $visitable * @return bool */ public function visit( ezcTreeVisitable $visitable ) { if ( $visitable instanceof ezcTreeNode ) { $id = $this->createId( $visitable ); $this->nodes[$id] = $visitable->id; $parent = $visitable->fetchParent(); if ( $parent ) { $parentId = $this->createId( $parent ); $this->edges[$parentId][] = $id; } } return true; } /** * Returns the contents as a graphviz .dot file structure. * * @return string * @ignore */ public function __toString() { $dot = "digraph Tree {\n"; foreach ( $this->nodes as $key => $value ) { $dot .= sprintf( "node%s [label=\"%s\"]\n", $key, $value ); } $dot .= "\n"; foreach ( $this->edges as $fromNode => $toNodes ) { foreach ( $toNodes as $toNode ) { $dot .= sprintf( "node%s -> node%s\n", $fromNode, $toNode ); } } return $dot . "}\n"; } } ?>