getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSetting() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations', array ( 'format' => 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ) ); self::assertSame( $backend->options->format, 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ); } public function testConfigSettingAlternative1() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ) ); self::assertSame( $backend->options->format, 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ); } public function testConfigSettingAlternative2() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); $options = new ezcTranslationTsBackendOptions; $options->format = 'test-[LOCALE].xml'; $backend->setOptions( $options ); self::assertSame( $backend->options->format, 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ); } public function testConfigGetOption() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); $options = new ezcTranslationTsBackendOptions; $options->format = 'test-[LOCALE].xml'; $backend->setOptions( $options ); $return = $backend->getOptions(); self::assertSame( $options, $return ); } public function testConfigIssetProperty() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); self::assertSame( false, isset( $backend->broken ) ); self::assertSame( true, isset( $backend->options ) ); } public function testConfigGetUnknownProperty() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); try { $value = $backend->broken; self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertSame( "No such property name 'broken'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSetUnknownProperty() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); try { $backend->broken = 42; self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertSame( "No such property name 'broken'.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingBroken1() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); try { $backend->setOptions( 'broken' ); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The value 'broken' that you were trying to assign to setting 'options' is invalid. Allowed values are: instance of ezcTranslationTsBackendOptions.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingBroken2() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); try { $backend->setOptions( array ( 'lOcAtIOn' => 'tests/translations' ) ); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The setting 'lOcAtIOn' is not a valid configuration setting.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testConfigSettingBroken3() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); try { $backend->options = 'broken'; self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { self::assertSame( "The value 'broken' that you were trying to assign to setting 'options' is invalid. Allowed values are: instance of ezcTranslationTsBackendOptions.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testBuildTranslationFileName1() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations' ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ) ); self::assertEquals( 'tests/translations/test-nl-nl.xml', $backend->buildTranslationFileName( 'nl-nl' ) ); } public function testBuildTranslationFileName2() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations/' ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => 'test-[LOCALE].xml' ) ); self::assertEquals( 'tests/translations/test-nl-nl.xml', $backend->buildTranslationFileName( 'nl-nl' ) ); } public function testBuildTranslationFileName3() { $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( 'tests/translations/[LOCALE]' ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => 'translation.xml' ) ); self::assertEquals( 'tests/translations/nl-nl/translation.xml', $backend->buildTranslationFileName( 'nl-nl' ) ); } public function testOpenTranslationFile() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $xml = $backend->openTranslationFile( 'nl-nl' ); } public function testOpenTranslationFileMissing() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); try { $xml = $backend->openTranslationFile( 'nl-nl' ); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcTranslationMissingTranslationFileException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The translation file '/files/nl-nl.xml' does not exist.", str_replace( $currentDir, '', $e->getMessage() ) ); } } public function testGetContextNames() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $contextNames = $backend->getContextNames( 'nb-no' ); self::assertEquals( array( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', 'design/admin/class/classlist', 'design/admin/class/datatype/browse_objectrelationlist_placement' ), $contextNames ); } public function testGetContext1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Knoop ID: %node_id Zichtbaar: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 85 ) ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testGetContextUnfinishedData() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'design/admin/collaboration' ); $expected = array(); $expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approval', 'Goedkeuring', false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED ); $expected[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Approvals', false, false, ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testGetContextObsolete() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'design/admin/collaboration/group_tree' ); $expected = array(); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testGetContextKeepObsolete() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml', 'keepObsolete' => true ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'design/admin/collaboration/group_tree' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Groups', 'Groepen', false, ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE ) ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testGetMissingContext() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); try { $context = $backend->getContext( 'nl-nl', 'does/not/exist' ); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcTranslationContextNotAvailableException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The context 'does/not/exist' does not exist.", $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Reader tests */ public function testReader1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $backend->initReader( 'nb-no' ); $backend->next(); $context = $backend->currentContext(); $backend->deinitReader(); $expected = array( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Node-ID: %node_id Synlig/skjult: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ) ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testReader2() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $backend->initReader( 'nb-no' ); $backend->next(); $backend->next(); $context = $backend->currentContext(); $backend->deinitReader(); $expected = array( 'design/admin/class/classlist', array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Edit', 'Rediger', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Create a copy of the <%class_name> class.', 'Lag en kopi av klassen <%class_name>.', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testReader3() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $backend->initReader( 'nb-no' ); $backend->next(); $backend->next(); $backend->next(); $backend->next(); $valid = $backend->valid(); $backend->deinitReader(); self::assertEquals( false, $valid ); } public function testReader4() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $backend->initReader( 'nb-no' ); $contexts = array(); $backend->rewind(); while ( $backend->valid() ) { $contextName = $backend->key(); $contexts[] = $contextName; $backend->next(); } $backend->deinitReader(); $expected = array ( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', 'design/admin/class/classlist', 'design/admin/class/datatype/browse_objectrelationlist_placement' ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $contexts ); } public function testReader5() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $backend->initReader( 'nb-no' ); $contexts = array(); foreach ( $backend as $contextName => $context ) { $contexts[] = $contextName; } $backend->deinitReader(); $expected = array ( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', 'design/admin/class/classlist', 'design/admin/class/datatype/browse_objectrelationlist_placement' ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $contexts ); } public function testReaderValid() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); self::assertEquals( false, $backend->valid() ); } public function testNonInitException2() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); try { $backend->current(); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcTranslationReaderNotInitializedException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The reader is not initialized with the initReader() method.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testNonInitException3() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); try { $backend->next(); self::fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcTranslationReaderNotInitializedException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The reader is not initialized with the initReader() method.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testAddTranslation1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Node-ID: %node_id Synlig/skjult: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testAddTranslation2() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Node-ID: %node_id Synlig/skjult: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testAddTranslation3() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'number_two', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Node-ID: %node_id Synlig/skjult: %visibility', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'number_two' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testAddUpdateHtml() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/html-string.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/html-string.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'this is important', 'Changed', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'html-string' ); $backend->storeContext( 'context', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'html-string', 'context' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'this is important', 'Changed', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/html-string.test.xml" ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testTwoContextsSameStringAddTranslation() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/dup-string.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/dup-string.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Edit', 'Changed', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'dup-string' ); $backend->storeContext( 'number_two', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'dup-string', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Edit', 'Rediger', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'dup-string', 'number_two' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Edit', 'Changed', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'dup-string', 'design/admin/class/classlist' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Edit', 'Rediger', false, ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED ), ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/dup-string.test.xml" ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testUpdateTextWithQuotes() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/quotes.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/quotes.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: \'test\' "test".', 'CHANGED: Test quotes: \'test\' "test"', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: "test" \'test\'.', 'CHANGED: Test quotes: "test" \'test\'', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'quotes' ); $backend->storeContext( 'quotes', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'quotes', 'quotes' ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: \'test\'.', 'Test quotes: \'test\'.', '', ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED, 'test_files/test-quotes.ezt', 9 ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: "test".', 'Test quotes: "test".', '', ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED, 'test_files/test-quotes.ezt', 7 ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: \'test\' "test".', 'CHANGED: Test quotes: \'test\' "test"', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test quotes: "test" \'test\'.', 'CHANGED: Test quotes: "test" \'test\'', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ) ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/quotes.test.xml" ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testNonInitWriter1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); try { $backend->storeContext( 'number_two', $context ); self::assertEquals( "Expected exception not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcTranslationWriterNotInitializedException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The writer is not initialized with the initWriter() method.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testNonInitWriter2() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); // cp for test copy( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.xml", "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $context = array(); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); try { $backend->deinitWriter(); self::assertEquals( "Expected exception not thrown." ); } catch ( ezcTranslationWriterNotInitializedException $e ) { self::assertEquals( "The writer is not initialized with the initWriter() method.", $e->getMessage() ); } } public function testChangeTranslation1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testChangeAndAddTranslation1() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 6 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml' ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 5 ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::TRANSLATED, 'test.ezt', 6 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public function testAddTranslation4() { $currentDir = dirname( __FILE__ ); $backend = new ezcTranslationTsBackend( "{$currentDir}/files/translations" ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].xml' ) ); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE, 'test.ezt', 5 ); $context[] = new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED, 'test.ezt', 6 ); $backend->setOptions( array ( 'format' => '[LOCALE].test.xml', 'keepObsolete' => true ) ); $backend->initWriter( 'nb-no' ); $backend->storeContext( 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure', $context ); $backend->deinitWriter(); $context = $backend->getContext( 'nb-no', 'contentstructuremenu/show_content_structure' ); unlink( "{$currentDir}/files/translations/nb-no.test.xml" ); $expected = array( new ezcTranslationData( 'Node ID: %node_id Visibility: %visibility', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::OBSOLETE, 'test.ezt', 5 ), new ezcTranslationData( 'Test string to be added', 'Test string die wordt toegevoegd', 'comment', ezcTranslationData::UNFINISHED, 'test.ezt', 6 ), ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $context ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcTranslationTsBackendTest" ); } } ?>