* $generator = new ezcPhpGenerator( "~/file.php" ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( 'function fibonacci( $number )' ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( "{" ); * * $generator->appendValueAssignment( "lo", 0 ); * $generator->appendValueAssignment( "hi", 1 ); * $generator->appendValueAssignment( "i", 2 ); * * $generator->appendWhile( '$i < $number' ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( '$hi = $lo + $hi;' ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( '$lo = $hi - $lo;' ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( '$i++;' ); * $generator->appendEndWhile(); * $generator->appendCustomCode( 'return $hi;' ); * $generator->appendCustomCode( "}" ); * $generator->finish(); * * * The above code will fill the file "~/file.php" with the following contents: * * * * * @property int $indentLevel * Contains the level of indentation. Increase or decrease by one if * you want the indentation level to change. * @property string $lineBreak * Contains the characters to use for linebreaks. The default is * "\r\n". * @property bool $niceIndentation * Controls whether to output the PHP nicely indented or not. The * default is false. * @property string $indentString * Contains the characters that are indented per indentation level. * The default is ' ' (two spaces). * * @package PhpGenerator * @version //autogentag// * @mainclass */ class ezcPhpGenerator { /** * Normal assignment '='. */ const ASSIGN_NORMAL = 1; /** * Text append assignment '.='. */ const ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT = 2; /** * Assignment with add '+='. */ const ASSIGN_ADD = 3; /** * Assignment with subtraction '-='. */ const ASSIGN_SUBTRACT = 4; /** * Assignment with array append $var[] ='. */ const ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND = 5; // method control structures /** * 'if' program flow structure. */ const FLOW_IF = 'if'; /** * 'foreach' program flow structure. */ const FLOW_FOREACH = 'foreach'; /** * 'for' program flow structure. */ const FLOW_FOR = 'for'; /** * 'do' program flow structure. */ const FLOW_DO = 'do'; /** * 'while' program flow structure. */ const FLOW_WHILE = 'while'; /** * File resource pointing to the file specified by of tmpFilename. * This is used to write to during execution. * @var resource */ private $fileResource = null; /** * ezcPhpGenerator writes to the file with this name during execution. * When {@link finish()} is called this file is moved to $resultFileName. * @var string */ private $tmpFilename = null; /** * The name of the final result file set in the constructor. * @var string */ private $resultFilename = null; /** * Whether to include < ?php and ? > to the file. * @var bool */ private $includeStartEndTags; /** * Stack of FLOW_ constants used to check if control structures are properly nested. * * Each time a control structure (e.g appendWhile) is started the corresponding * FLOW_ constant is pushed on the stack. When a control structure is finalized * (e.g appendEndWhile) a value is popped from the stack and checked if it is of the * correct type. * * @var array */ private $flowStack = array(); /** * Holds the properties of this class. * @var array */ private $properties = array(); /** * Constructs a new ezcPhpGenerator. * * Constructs a new ezcPhpGenerator that writes to the file $fileName. If $includeStartEndTags * is set the start and end PHP tags will be included. It is useful to omit these if you * want to run the generated code using eval() later. $niceIndentation controls if the PHP output * should be indented correctly. This option is useful if you want to debug the generated code. * * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException if $filename does not contain a valid path. * @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException if the path specified by $filename is not writeable. * @param string $filename * @param bool $includeStartEndTags * @param bool $niceIndentation */ public function __construct( $filename, $includeStartEndTags = true, $niceIndentation = false ) { // properties defaults $this->indentLevel = 0; $this->lineBreak = "\r\n"; $this->niceIndentation = $niceIndentation; $this->indentString = ' '; // other initialization $this->resultFilename = $filename; $this->includeStartEndTags = $includeStartEndTags; // setup file write resource $dir = dirname( $filename ); if ( !file_exists( $dir ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $dir ); } else if ( !is_writable( $dir ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException( $dir, ezcBaseFileException::WRITE ); } $file = basename( $filename ); // generate a temporary name $id = md5( uniqid( "ezp". getmypid(), true ) ); $this->tmpFilename = $filename . $id; // open the file, and make it ready for writing $this->fileResource = fopen( $this->tmpFilename, 'w' ); if ( $this->fileResource == false ) { $this->tmpFilename = null; $this->fileResource = null; $this->resultFilename = null; throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException( $file, ezcBaseFileException::WRITE, "Failed to open temporary file even though the directory was writable." ); } if ( $this->includeStartEndTags ) { $this->write( 'lineBreak ); } } /** * Sets the property $name to $value. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist. * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @ignore */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'lineBreak': $this->properties['lineBreak'] = $value; break; case 'indentLevel': $this->properties['indentLevel'] = $value; break; case 'indentString': $this->properties['indentString'] = $value; break; case 'niceIndentation': $this->properties['niceIndentation'] = $value; break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); break; } } /** * Returns the value of property $name. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist. * @param string $name * @return mixed * @ignore */ public function __get( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'lineBreak': case 'indentLevel': case 'indentString': case 'niceIndentation': return $this->properties[$name]; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } } /** * Destructs the object. * * Removes all temporary files that are in use. * * @return void */ public function __destruct() { $this->abort(); } /** * Completes the code generation * * This method must be called when you have finished generating a file. It * moves the temporary file that was used for writing to the end result * file and releases used resources. * Subsequent calls to any methods generating code will fail. * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the * output file or if there are any control structures (if/foreach * etc.) still open. * @return void */ public function finish() { $count = count( $this->flowStack ); if ( $count != 0 ) { throw new ezcPhpGeneratorFlowException( $this->flowStack[$count-1], 'finish' ); } if ( $this->fileResource ) { if ( $this->includeStartEndTags ) { $this->write( '?'.'>' ); } fclose( $this->fileResource ); $this->fileResource = null; // Sigh, rename is also noisy if it can't rename if ( @rename( $this->tmpFilename, $this->resultFilename ) === false ) { throw new ezcPhpGeneratorException( "ezcPhpGenerator could not open the file '{$this->resultFilename}' for writing." ); } } } /** * Aborts the PHP generating. Cleans up the file handler and the temporary file. * * Subsequent calls to any methods that generate code will fail. * * @return void */ public function abort() { if ( file_exists( $this->tmpFilename ) ) { $this->fileResource = null; unlink( $this->tmpFilename ); $this->tmpFilename = null; } } /** * Defines the variable $name with the value $value in the generated code. * * The parameter $caseSensitive determines if the defined variable is case * sensitive or not. Note that $name must start with a letter or * underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. * {@link http://php.net/manual/en/language.constants.php} for more information. * {@link http://php.net/manual/en/function.define.php} * * Example: * * $php->addDefine( 'MY_CONSTANT', 5 ); * * * Produces: * * * define( 'MY_CONSTANT', 5 ); * * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the define to the output file. * @param string $name * @param string $value * @param bool $caseInsensitive * @return void */ public function appendDefine( $name, $value, $caseInsensitive = false ) { $valueData = var_export( $value, true ); $case = ''; if ( $caseInsensitive == true ) { $case = ', true'; } $this->write( $this->indentCode( "define( '$name', $valueData". $case . ' );' . $this->lineBreak ) ); } /** * Assigns $value to the variable $name in the generated code. * * $value is exported using var_export(). This allows you to use complex * structures for $value. If you want to append an assignment to a variable * in the generated code use appendVariableAssignment. * * You can control the assignment type with the $assignmentType parameter. * * Example: * * $array = array( 1, 2, 3 ); * $php->appendValueAssignment( 'ProducedArray', $array ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * $ProducedArray = array( 1, 2, 3 ); * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the assignment to the output file. * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @param int $assignmentType ezcPhpGenerator:: ASSIGN_NORMAL, ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT, ASSIGN_ADD, * ASSIGN_SUBTRACT or ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND. * @return void */ public function appendValueAssignment( $name, $value, $assignmentType = ezcPhpGenerator::ASSIGN_NORMAL ) { switch ( $assignmentType ) { case self::ASSIGN_NORMAL: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} = ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} .= ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_ADD: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} += ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_SUBTRACT: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} -= ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name}[] = ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; default: // default to ASSIGN_NORMAL $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} = ". var_export( $value, true). ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; } } /** * Assigns the variable named $variable to the variable $name in the * generated code. * * You can control the assignment type with the $assignmentType parameter. * * Example: * * $php->addVariableAssignment( 'ProducedArray', 'otherVar' ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * $ProducedArray = $otherVar; * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the assignment to the output file. * @param string $name * @param mixed $variable * @param int $assignmentType ezcPhpGenerator:: ASSIGN_NORMAL, ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT, ASSIGN_ADD, * ASSIGN_SUBTRACT or ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND. * @return void */ public function appendVariableAssignment( $name, $variable, $assignmentType = ezcPhpGenerator::ASSIGN_NORMAL ) { switch ( $assignmentType ) { case self::ASSIGN_NORMAL: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} = ". '$' . $variable. ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} .= ". '$' .$variable . ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_ADD: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} += ". '$' .$variable . ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_SUBTRACT: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} -= ". '$' .$variable . ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; case self::ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND: $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name}[] = ". '$' .$variable . ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; default: // default to ASSIGN_NORMAL $this->write( $this->indentCode( "\${$name} = ". '$' .$variable . ";{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); break; } } /** * Unsets the variable $name in the generated code. * * Example: * * $php->addVariableUnset( 'offset' ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * unset( $offset ); * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the unset to the output file. * @param string $name * @return void */ public function appendUnset( $name ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( "unset( \${$name} );{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); } /** * Unsets the variable names in $list in the generated code. * * Example: * * $php->addVariableUnsetList( array ( 'var1', 'var2' ) ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * unset( $var1, $var2 ); * * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.unset.php * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the unset to the output file. * @param array $list Array of variable names. * @return void */ public function appendUnsetList( array $list ) { $first = true; $variables = ''; foreach ( $list as $item ) { if ( !$first ) { $variables .= ', '; } else { $first = false; } $variables .= "\${$item}"; } $this->write( $this->indentCode( "unset( $variables );{$this->lineBreak}" ) ); } /** * Inserts $lines number of empty lines in the generated code. * * Example: * * $php->addSpace( 1 ); * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the empty lines to the output file. * @param int $lines * @return void */ public function appendEmptyLines( $lines = 1 ) { $this->write( str_repeat( $this->lineBreak, $lines ) ); } /** * Inserts a function call in the generated code. * * Inserts a call to $functionName with the parameters $parameters. * Set the $returnData parameter if you want to catch the return value. * * Example: * * $php->appendFunctionCall( 'str_repeat', array( new ezcPhpGeneratorParameter( 'repeat' ), * new ezcPhpGeneratorParameter( 4, ezcPhpGenerator::VALUE ) ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * $var = str_repeat( $repeat, 4 ); * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the method call to the output file. * @param string $functionName * @param array(ezcPhpGeneratorParameter) $parameters * @param ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData $returnData * @return void */ public function appendFunctionCall( $functionName, array $parameters, ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData $returnData = null ) { $this->appendMethodOrFunctionCall( $functionName, $parameters, $returnData ); } /** * Inserts a method call on an object in the generated code. * * Inserts a call to the method $methodName on the object $objectName with * parameters $parameters. * Set the $returnData parameter if you want to catch the return value. * * Example: * * $php->appendMethodCall( 'node', 'name', array(), new ezcPhpGeneratorReturnType( 'result' ) ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * * $result = $node->name(); * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the method call to the output file. * @param string $objectName * @param string $methodName * @param array(ezcPhpGeneratorParameter) $parameters * @param ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData $returnData * @return void */ public function appendMethodCall( $objectName, $methodName, array $parameters = array(), ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData $returnData = null ) { $this->appendMethodOrFunctionCall( $methodName, $parameters, $returnData, $objectName ); } /** * Inserts a method or function call in the generated code. * * A method call is inserted if $objectName is provided. If not a function call is inserted. This * method is a helper method for appendFunctionCall and appendMethodCall. See their description for * further description of the parameters and examples. * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the method call to the output file. * @param string $functionName * @param array(ezcPhpGeneratorParameter) $parameters * @param ezcPhpGeneratorReturnData $returnData * @param string $objectVariable The variable name containing the object. * @return void */ protected function appendMethodOrFunctionCall( $functionName, array $parameters, $returnData = null, $objectVariable = null ) { // prepare the return part $returnString = ''; if ( $returnData != null ) { switch ( $returnData->type ) { case self::ASSIGN_NORMAL: $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable} ="; break; case self::ASSIGN_APPEND_TEXT: $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable} .="; break; case self::ASSIGN_ADD: $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable} +="; break; case self::ASSIGN_SUBTRACT: $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable} -="; break; case self::ASSIGN_ARRAY_APPEND: $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable}[] ="; break; default: // default to ASSIGN_NORMAL $returnString = "\${$returnData->variable} ="; break; } $returnString .= ' '; // append trailing space } // prepare the object string if this is a call to an object $objectString = ''; if ( $objectVariable !== null ) { $objectString = "\${$objectVariable}->"; } // prepare the parameters $parameterString = ''; if ( is_array( $parameters ) && count( $parameters ) > 0 ) { $firstParam = true; foreach ( $parameters as $parameter ) { if ( $parameter->type == ezcPhpGeneratorParameter::VALUE ) { $parameterString .= $firstParam ? '' : ', '; $parameterString .= var_export( $parameter->variable, true ); } else if ( $parameter->type == ezcPhpGeneratorParameter::VARIABLE ) { $parameterString .= $firstParam ? '' : ', '; $parameterString .= "\${$parameter->variable}"; } // else <-- we could have thrown an exception, but we simply ignore this $firstParam = false; } } $this->write( $this->indentCode( "$returnString$objectString$functionName( $parameterString );" . $this->lineBreak ) ); } /** * Inserts custom code into the generated code. * * Inserts the $code directly into the generated code. Correct indenting * and a linebreak at the end of your code will be inserted automatically. * * Example: * * $php->addCodePiece( "if ( \$value > 2 )" . $php->lineBreak() * . '{' . $php->lineBreak() . "\$value = 2;" ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * if ( $value > 2 ) * { * $value = 2; * } * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the custom code to the output file. * @param string $code * @return void */ public function appendCustomCode( $code ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( $code . $this->lineBreak ) ); } /** * Inserts a comment into the generated code. * * The comment will be displayed using an end-of-line comment (//). * * Example: * * $php->addComment( "This file is auto generated. Do not edit!" ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * // This file is auto generated. Do not edit! * * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the comment to the output file. * @param string $comment * @return void */ public function appendComment( $comment ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( '// ' . $comment . $this->lineBreak ) ); } /** * Inserts an if statement into the generated code. * * The complete condition of the if statement is provided through $condition. * The if statement must be closed properly with a call to appendEndIf(). * * Example: * * $php->appendIf( '$myVar === 0 ' ); * $php->appendEndIf(); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * * if ( $myVar === 0 ) * { * } * * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendElse() * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndIf() * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the if statement to the output file. * @param string $condition * @return void */ public function appendIf( $condition ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( "if ( $condition )" . $this->lineBreak . '{' . $this->lineBreak ) ); $this->indentLevel++; $this->flowStack[] = self::FLOW_IF; } /** * Ends an if statement in the generated code. * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendIf() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the output file * or if the method was not properly nested with an appendIf. * @return void */ public function appendEndIf() { $this->appendEnd( self::FLOW_IF ); } /** * Inserts an else or an else if statement into the generated code. * * If a $condition is provided an else if statement is generated. * If not, an else statement is generated. You can only call this method * after calling appendIf first. * * Example: * * $php->appendIf( '$myVar === 0 ' ); * $php->appendElse( '$myVar2 === 0 ' ); * $php->appendElse(); * $php->appendEndIf(); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * if ( $myVar === 0 ) * { * } * else if ( $myVar ) * { * } * else * { * } * * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendIf() * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndIf() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the if statement to the output file. * @param string $condition * @return void */ public function appendElse( $condition = '' ) { // check that we are in the correct flow type $pop = array_pop( $this->flowStack ); if ( $pop == self::FLOW_IF ) { $this->flowStack[] = self::FLOW_IF; // push it back $this->indentLevel--; if ( $condition != '' ) { $condition = 'if ( ' . $condition . ' )'; } $this->write( $this->indentCode( '}' . $this->lineBreak ) . "else $condition" . $this->lineBreak . '{' . $this->lineBreak ); $this->indentLevel++; } else { $this->abort(); $current = $pop ? $pop : 'no control structure'; throw new ezcPhpGeneratorFlowException( $current, 'else' ); } } /** * Inserts a foreach statement into the generated code. * * The complete condition of the foreach statement is provided through $condition. * The foreach statement must be closed properly with a call to appendEndForeach(). * * Example: * * $php->appendForeach( '$myArray as $item ' ); * $php->appendEndForeach(); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * foreach ( $myArray as $item ) * { * } * * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndForeach() * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the foreach statement to the output file. * @param string $condition * @return void */ public function appendForeach( $condition ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( "foreach ( $condition )" . $this->lineBreak . '{' . $this->lineBreak ) ); $this->indentLevel++; $this->flowStack[] = self::FLOW_FOREACH; } /** * Ends a foreach statement in the generated code. * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendForeach() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the output file * or if the method was not properly nested with an appendForeach. * @return void */ public function appendEndForeach() { $this->appendEnd( self::FLOW_FOREACH ); } /** * Inserts a while statement in the generated code. * * The complete condition of the while statement is provided through $condition. * The while statement must be closed properly with a call to appendEndWhile(). * * Example: * * $php->appendWhile( '$myVar > 0' ); * $php->appendEndWhile(); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * while ( $myVar > 0 ) * { * } * * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndWhile() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the while statement to the output file. * @param string $condition * @return void */ public function appendWhile( $condition ) { $this->write( $this->indentCode( "while ( $condition )" . $this->lineBreak . '{' . $this->lineBreak ) ); $this->indentLevel++; $this->flowStack[] = self::FLOW_WHILE; } /** * Ends a while statement in the generated code. * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendWhile() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the output file * or if the method was not properly nested with an appendWhile. * @return void */ public function appendEndWhile() { $this->appendEnd( self::FLOW_WHILE ); } /** * Inserts a do statement in the generated code. * * The do statement must be closed properly with a call to appendEndDo(). * * Example: * * $php->appendDo(); * $php->appendEndDo( '$myVar > 0' ); * * * Produces the PHP code: * * do * { * } while ( $myVar > 0 ); * * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendEndDo() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the output file. * @return void */ public function appendDo() { $this->write( $this->indentCode( 'do' . $this->lineBreak . '{' . $this->lineBreak ) ); $this->indentLevel++; $this->flowStack[] = self::FLOW_DO; } /** * Ends a do statement in the generated code. * * The complete condition of the do statement is provided through $condition. * * @see $ezcPhpGenerator::appendDo() * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write the do statement to the output file * or if the method was not properly nested with an appendDo. * @param string $condition * @return void */ public function appendEndDo( $condition ) { $pop = array_pop( $this->flowStack ); if ( $pop == self::FLOW_DO ) { $this->indentLevel--; $this->write( $this->indentCode( '} while ( ' . $condition . ' );'. $this->lineBreak ) ); } else { $this->abort(); throw new ezcPhpGeneratorFlowException( $pop, 'do' ); } } /** * Checks that the end call is properly nested using $type and the flow stack. * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the output file or if a nesting * error was detected. * @param int $type One of the flow types FLOW_IF, FLOW_FOREACH, FLOW_WHILE or FLOW_DO. * @return void */ private function appendEnd( $type ) { $pop = array_pop( $this->flowStack ); if ( $pop == $type ) { $this->indentLevel--; $this->write( $this->indentCode( '}' . $this->lineBreak ) ); } else { $this->abort(); $current = $pop ? $pop : 'no control structure'; throw new ezcPhpGeneratorFlowException( $current, $type ); } } /** * Writes $data to $this->fileResource * * @throws ezcPhpGeneratorException if it was not possible to write to the file. * @param string $data * @return void */ protected function write( $data ) { if ( !$this->fileResource ) { throw new ezcBaseFileIoException( $this->tmpFilename, ezcBaseFileException::WRITE, 'ezcPhpGenerator could not write to the temporary file. It has already been closed.' ); } if ( fwrite( $this->fileResource, $data ) === false ) { throw new ezcBaseFileIoException( $this->tmpFilename, ezcBaseFileException::WRITE, 'ezcPhpGenerator could not write to the temporary file.' ); } } /** * Returns each line in $text indented correctly if indenting is turned on. * * If indenting is turned off it will return $text unmodified. * * @param string $text * @return string */ protected function indentCode( $text ) { if ( $this->niceIndentation == false || $this->indentLevel == 0 ) return $text; $textArray = explode( $this->lineBreak, $text ); $newTextArray = array(); foreach ( $textArray as $text ) { if ( trim( $text ) != '' ) { $textLine = str_repeat( $this->indentString, $this->indentLevel ) . $text; } else { $textLine = $text; } $newTextArray[] = $textLine; } return implode( $this->lineBreak, $newTextArray ); } } ?>