assertSame( $db, $session->database ); try { $session->database = $db; $this->fail( "Did not get exception when expected" ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { } } public function testDefinitionManagerProperty() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $manager = new ezcPersistentCodeManager( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/PersistentObject/tests/data/" ); $session = new ezcPersistentSession( $db, $manager ); $this->assertSame( $manager, $session->definitionManager ); try { $session->definitionManager = $manager; $this->fail( "Did not get exception when expected" ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { } } // Overloading public function testGetAccessFailure() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $manager = new ezcPersistentCodeManager( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/PersistentObject/tests/data/" ); $session = new ezcPersistentSession( $db, $manager ); try { $foo = $session->non_existent; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on get access to non existent property." ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $db = ezcDbInstance::get(); $manager = new ezcPersistentCodeManager( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/PersistentObject/tests/data/" ); $session = new ezcPersistentSession( $db, $manager ); try { $session->database = null; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set access to ezcPersistentSession->database." ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { return; } try { $session->definitionManager = null; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set access to ezcPersistentSession->definitionManager." ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { return; } try { $session->non_existent = null; $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set access to non existent property." ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { return; } } public function testExportImportDefinitions() { $classes = array( 'PersistentTestObject', 'RelationTestAddress', 'RelationTestEmployer', 'RelationTestBirthday', 'RelationTestPerson', ); $dir = $this->createTempDir( 'export' ); foreach( $classes as $class ) { $def = $this->session->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $file = $dir . "/$class.php"; file_put_contents( $file, "" ); $deserialized = require $file; $this->assertEquals( $def, $deserialized, "Objects of class $class not exported/imported correctly." ); } $this->removeTempDir(); } public function testInvalidStateException() { $obj = new PersistentTestObjectInvalidState(); $obj->state = null; try { $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown with state null.' ); } catch( ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException $e ) {} $obj->state = 23; try { $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown with state integer.' ); } catch( ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException $e ) {} $obj->state = new stdClass(); try { $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown with state object.' ); } catch( ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException $e ) {} $obj->state = 'foo'; try { $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown with state string.' ); } catch( ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException $e ) {} $obj->state = true; try { $this->session->save( $obj ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown with state bool.' ); } catch( ezcPersistentInvalidObjectStateException $e ) {} } public function testObjectDefinitionSerialization() { $persistentClasses = array( 'PersistentTestObject', 'PersistentTestObjectConverter', 'RelationTestAddress', 'RelationTestBirthday', 'RelationTestEmployer', 'RelationTestPerson', 'RelationTestSecondPerson', ); foreach( $persistentClasses as $persistentClass ) { $original = $this->session->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( 'RelationTestPerson' ); $export = 'return ' . var_export( $original, true ) . ';'; $import = eval( $export ); $this->assertEquals( $original, $import, "Persistent object definition not correctly deserialized for class $persistentClass." ); } } } ?>