* $schema = ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'array', 'file.php' ); * $schema->writeToFile( 'xml', 'file.xml' ); * * * The following example shows how you can load a database schema * from the XML format and store it into a database. * * $db = ezcDbFactory::create( 'mysql://user:password@host/database' ); * $schema = ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'xml', 'file.php' ); * $schema->writeToDb( $db ); * * * Example that shows how to make a comparison between a file on disk and a * database, and how to apply the changes. * * $xmlSchema = ezcDbSchema::createFromFile( 'xml', 'wanted-schema.xml' ); * $dbSchema = ezcDbSchema::createFromDb( $db ); * $diff = ezcDbSchemaComparator::compareSchemas( $xmlSchema, $dbSchema ); * $diff->applyToDb( $db ); * * * @see ezcDbSchemaTable * @see ezcDbSchemaField * @see ezcDbSchemaIndex * @see ezcDbSchemaIndexField * * @package DatabaseSchema * @version //autogentag// * @mainclass */ class ezcDbSchema { /** * Used by reader and writer classes to inform that it implements a file * based handler. */ const FILE = 1; /** * Used by reader and writer classes to inform that it implements a * database based handler. */ const DATABASE = 2; /** * Stores the schema information. * * @var array(string=>ezcDbSchemaTable) */ private $schema; /** * Meant to store data - not currently in use * * @var array */ private $data; /** * A list of all the supported database filed types * * @var array(string) */ static public $supportedTypes = array( 'integer', 'boolean', 'float', 'decimal', 'timestamp', 'time', 'date', 'text', 'blob', 'clob' ); /** * Contains the options that are used by creating new schemas. * * @var ezcDbSchemaOptions */ static public $options; /** * Constructs a new ezcDbSchema object with schema definition $schema. * * @param array(ezcDbSchemaTable) $schema * @param array $data */ public function __construct( array $schema, $data = array() ) { self::initOptions(); $this->schema = $schema; $this->data = $data; } /** * Checks whether the object in $obj implements the correct $type of reader handler. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidReaderClassException if the object in $obj is * not a schema reader of the correct type. * * @param ezcDbSchemaReader $obj * @param int $type */ static private function checkSchemaReader( ezcDbSchemaReader $obj, $type ) { if ( !( ( $obj->getReaderType() & $type ) == $type ) ) { throw new ezcDbSchemaInvalidReaderClassException( get_class( $obj ), $type ); } } /** * Factory method to create a ezcDbSchema object from the file $file with the format $format. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidReaderClassException if the handler associated * with the $format is not a file schema reader. * * @param string $format * @param string $file */ static public function createFromFile( $format, $file ) { $className = ezcDbSchemaHandlerManager::getReaderByFormat( $format ); $reader = new $className(); self::checkSchemaReader( $reader, self::FILE ); return $reader->loadFromFile( $file ); } /** * Factory method to create a ezcDbSchema object from the database $db. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidReaderClassException if the handler associated * with the $format is not a database schema reader. * * @param ezcDbHandler $db */ static public function createFromDb( ezcDbHandler $db ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchemaHandlerManager::getReaderByFormat( $db->getName() ); $reader = new $className(); self::checkSchemaReader( $reader, self::DATABASE ); return $reader->loadFromDb( $db ); } /** * Checks whether the object in $obj implements the correct $type of writer handler. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidWriterClassException if the object in $obj is * not a schema writer of the correct type. * * @param ezcDbSchemaWriter $obj * @param int $type */ static private function checkSchemaWriter( $obj, $type ) { if ( !( ( $obj->getWriterType() & $type ) == $type ) ) { throw new ezcDbSchemaInvalidWriterClassException( get_class( $obj ), $type ); } } /** * Writes the schema to the file $file in format $format. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidWriterClassException if the handler associated * with the $format is not a file schema writer. * * @param string $format Available formats are at least: 'array' and 'xml'. * @param string $file */ public function writeToFile( $format, $file ) { $className = ezcDbSchemaHandlerManager::getWriterByFormat( $format ); $reader = new $className(); self::checkSchemaWriter( $reader, self::FILE ); $reader->saveToFile( $file, $this ); } /** * Creates the tables defined in the schema into the database specified through $db. * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidWriterClassException if the handler associated * with the $format is not a database schema writer. * * @param ezcDbHandler $db */ public function writeToDb( ezcDbHandler $db ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchemaHandlerManager::getWriterByFormat( $db->getName() ); $writer = new $className(); self::checkSchemaWriter( $writer, self::DATABASE ); $writer->saveToDb( $db, $this ); } /** * Returns the $db specific SQL queries that would create the tables * defined in the schema. * * The database type can be given as both a database handler (instanceof * ezcDbHandler) or the name of the database as string as retrieved through * calling getName() on the database handler object. * * @see ezcDbHandler::getName() * * @throws ezcDbSchemaInvalidWriterClassException if the handler associated * with the $format is not a database schema writer. * * @param string|ezcDbHandler $db * @return array(string) */ public function convertToDDL( $db ) { self::initOptions(); if ( $db instanceof ezcDbHandler ) { $db = $db->getName(); } $className = ezcDbSchemaHandlerManager::getDiffWriterByFormat( $db ); $writer = new $className(); self::checkSchemaWriter( $writer, self::DATABASE ); return $writer->convertToDDL( $this ); } /** * Returns the internal schema by reference. * * The method returns an array where the key is the table name, and the * value the table definition stored in a ezcDbSchemaTable struct. * * @return array(string=>ezcDbSchemaTable) */ public function &getSchema() { return $this->schema; } /** * Returns the internal data. * * This data is not used anywhere though. * * @return array */ public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * Associates an option object with this static class. * * @param ezcDbSchemaOptions $options */ static public function setOptions( ezcDbSchemaOptions $options ) { self::$options = $options; } /** * Checks whether the static options have been initialized, and if not it * creates a new options class and assigns it to the options statick * property. * * Usually the option object is initialized in the constructor, but that of * course does not work for static classes. */ static private function initOptions() { if ( !ezcDbSchema::$options ) { ezcDbSchema::$options = new ezcDbSchemaOptions(); } } /** * Returns an object to represent a table in the schema. * * @param array(string=>ezcDbSchemaField) $fields * @param array(string=>ezcDbSchemaIndex) $indexes * @return ezcDbSchemaTable or an inherited class */ static public function createNewTable( $fields, $indexes ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchema::$options->tableClassName; return new $className( $fields, $indexes ); } /** * Returns an object to represent a table's field in the schema. * * @param string $fieldType * @param integer $fieldLength * @param bool $fieldNotNull * @param mixed $fieldDefault * @param bool $fieldAutoIncrement * @param bool $fieldUnsigned * @return ezcDbSchemaField or an inherited class */ static public function createNewField( $fieldType, $fieldLength, $fieldNotNull, $fieldDefault, $fieldAutoIncrement, $fieldUnsigned ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchema::$options->fieldClassName; return new $className( $fieldType, $fieldLength, $fieldNotNull, $fieldDefault, $fieldAutoIncrement, $fieldUnsigned ); } /** * Returns an object to represent a table's field in the schema. * * @param array(string=>ezcDbSchemaIndexField) $fields * @param bool $primary * @param bool $unique * @return ezcDbSchemaIndex or an inherited class */ static public function createNewIndex( $fields, $primary, $unique ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchema::$options->indexClassName; return new $className( $fields, $primary, $unique ); } /** * Returns an object to represent a table's field in the schema. * * @param int $sorting * @return ezcDbSchemaIndexField or an inherited class */ static public function createNewIndexField( $sorting = null ) { self::initOptions(); $className = ezcDbSchema::$options->indexFieldClassName; return new $className( $sorting ); } } ?>