commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 42, 13, array () ); } public function testProgress2() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 20, 32, array () ); } public function testProgress3() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 42, 13, array ( 'barChar' => '#', 'emptyChar' => '*' ) ); } public function testProgress4() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 55, 19, array ( 'progressChar' => '&' ) ); } public function testProgress5() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 42, 13, array ( 'progressChar' => '&', 'width' => 55 ) ); } public function testProgress6() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 22, 3, array ( 'barChar' => '#', 'emptyChar' => '*', 'progressChar' => '&', 'width' => 81 ) ); } public function testProgress7() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 42, 7, array ( 'barChar' => '1234', 'emptyChar' => '9876' ) ); } public function testProgress8() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 42, 7, array ( 'barChar' => '123', 'emptyChar' => '987', 'progressChar' => '---' ) ); } public function testProgress9() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $formatString = '' . $out->formatText( 'Actual progress', 'success' ) . ': <' . $out->formatText( '%bar%', 'failure' ) . '> ' . $out->formatText( '%fraction%', 'success' ); $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 1073, 123, array( 'barChar' => '123', 'emptyChar' => '987', 'progressChar' => '---', 'width' => 97, 'formatString' => $formatString, 'fractionFormat' => '%o' ) ); } public function testProgress10() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 100, 1, array ( 'redrawFrequency' => 10 ) ); } public function testProgress11() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 100, 2.5, array ( 'actFormat' => '%01.2f', 'maxFormat' => '%01.2f' ) ); } public function testProgress12() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 100, 2.5, array ( 'actFormat' => '%01.2f', 'maxFormat' => '%01.8f' ) ); } public function testProgress13() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 100, 2.5, array ( 'actFormat' => '%01.8f', 'maxFormat' => '%01.2f' ) ); } public function testProgressUtfInBar() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 10, 2, array( 'barChar' => 'ö' ) ); } public function testProgressUtfInText() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 10, 2, array( 'formatString' => '%act%ö/ä%max%ü[%bar%]ß%fraction%%' ) ); } public function testProgressUtfInBoth() { $this->commonProgressbarTest( __FUNCTION__, 10, 2, array( 'formatString' => '%act%ö/ä%max%ü[%bar%]ß%fraction%%', 'barChar' => 'ö' ) ); } public function testProgressNoPrintMinVerbosity() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->options->verbosityLevel = 0; $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i ) { $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals( '', $content, 'Progress bar printed although verbosity level to low.' ); } public function testProgressNoPrintMinVerbosityNoDefault() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->options->verbosityLevel = 10; $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $progress->options->minVerbosity = 20; ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i ) { $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals( '', $content, 'Progress bar printed although verbosity level to low.' ); } public function testProgressNoPrintMaxVerbosity() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $progress->options->maxVerbosity = 0; ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i ) { $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals( '', $content, 'Progress bar printed although verbosity level to low.' ); } public function testProgressNoPrintMaxVerbosityNoDefault() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->options->verbosityLevel = 10; $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $progress->options->maxVerbosity = 9; ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i ) { $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertEquals( '', $content, 'Progress bar printed although verbosity level to low.' ); } public function testProgressPrintMinMaxVerbosity() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $out->options->verbosityLevel = 10; $progress = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $progress->options->maxVerbosity = 10; $progress->options->minVerbosity = 10; ob_start(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i ) { $progress->advance(); } $progress->finish(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $this->assertNotEquals( '', $content, 'Progress bar printed although verbosity level to low.' ); } public function testSetOptionsSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $opArr = array(); $optArr['barChar'] = "*"; $optArr['emptyChar'] = "#"; $optArr['formatString'] = "-- %act% / %max% [%bar%] %fraction%% --"; $optArr['fractionFormat'] = "%f"; $optArr['progressChar'] = "<"; $optArr['redrawFrequency'] = 42; $optArr['step'] = 23; $optArr['width'] = 42; $optArr['actFormat'] = '%f'; $optArr['maxFormat'] = '%f'; $optObj = new ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions(); $optObj->barChar = "*"; $optObj->emptyChar = "#"; $optObj->formatString = "-- %act% / %max% [%bar%] %fraction%% --"; $optObj->fractionFormat = "%f"; $optObj->progressChar = "<"; $optObj->redrawFrequency = 42; $optObj->step = 23; $optObj->width = 42; $optObj->actFormat = '%f'; $optObj->maxFormat = '%f'; $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $bar->setOptions( $optArr ); $this->assertEquals( $optObj, $bar->options, "Options not set correctly from array." ); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $bar->setOptions( $optObj ); $this->assertEquals( $optObj, $bar->options, "Options not set correctly from object." ); } public function testSetOptionsFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); try { $bar->setOptions( 23 ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exeception not thrown on invalid parameter for setOptions()." ); } public function testGetOptions() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $opt = new ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions(); $bar->options = $opt; $this->assertSame( $opt, $bar->getOptions(), "Options not correctly returned from getOptions()." ); } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions(), $bar->options ); $this->assertEquals( 10, $bar->max ); $this->assertEquals( 1, $bar->step ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); try { echo $bar->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on get access of invalid property ezcConsoleProgressbar->foo." ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestSuccess( $bar, "options", new ezcConsoleProgressbarOptions() ); $this->genericSetAccessTestSuccess( $bar, "step", 10 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestSuccess( $bar, "max", 100 ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $bar, "options", 23 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $bar, "max", true ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $bar, "max", -23 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $bar, "step", true ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $bar, "step", -23 ); $this->genericSetAccessTestFailureNonexistent( $bar ); } public function testIssetAccess() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $bar->options ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $bar->max ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $bar->step ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $bar->foo ) ); } public function testFinish() { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, 10 ); $res = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 5; ++$i ) { ob_start(); $bar->advance(); $resTmp = ob_get_clean(); if ( trim( $resTmp ) !== '') { $res[] = $resTmp; } } ob_start(); $bar->finish(); $res[] = ob_get_clean(); $refFile = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . __FUNCTION__ . '.dat'; // Use the following line to regenerate test reference files // file_put_contents( $refFile, implode( PHP_EOL, $res ) ); $this->assertEquals( file_get_contents( $refFile ), implode( PHP_EOL, $res ), 'Progressbar not correctly generated for ' . $refFile . '.' ); } protected function genericSetAccessTestSuccess( $object, $propertyName, $value ) { $object->$propertyName = $value; if ( is_object( $value ) ) { $this->assertSame( $value, $object->$propertyName, "Property " . get_class( $object ) . "->$propertyName not set correctly on object of type " . get_class( $object ) . "." ); } else { $this->assertEquals( $value, $object->$propertyName, "Property " . get_class( $object ) . "->$propertyName not set correctly on object of type " . get_class( $object ) . "." ); } } protected function genericSetAccessTestFailureValue( $object, $propertyName, $value ) { try { $object->$propertyName = $value; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBaseValueException not thrown on value '" . ( is_object( $value ) ) ? get_class( $value ) : $value . "' for property " . get_class( $object ) . "->$propertyName." ); } protected function genericSetAccessTestFailureNonexistent( $object ) { try { $object->foo = 23; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException not thrown on access of not existent property " . get_class( $object ) . "->foo." ); } private function commonProgressbarTest( $refFile, $max, $step, $options ) { $out = new ezcConsoleOutput(); $bar = new ezcConsoleProgressbar( $out, $max, $options ); if ( $step != 1 ) { $bar->options->step = $step; } $res = array(); for ( $i = 0; $i < $max; $i+= $step) { ob_start(); $bar->advance(); // sleep( 1 ); $resTmp = ob_get_clean(); if ( trim( $resTmp ) !== '' ) { $res[] = $resTmp; } } $refFile = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/' . ( ezcBaseFeatures::os() === "Windows" ? "windows/" : "posix/" ) . $refFile . '.dat'; // Use the following line to regenerate test reference files // file_put_contents( $refFile, implode( PHP_EOL, $res ) ); $expected = ( file_exists( $refFile ) ? file_get_contents( $refFile ) : '' ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, implode( PHP_EOL, $res ), 'Progressbar not correctly generated for ' . $refFile . '.' ); } } ?>