assertEquals( 2, count( $row ), "ezcConsoleTableRow not correctly created." ); } public function testCtorSuccess_2() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $this->assertEquals( 0, count( $row ), "ezcConsoleTableRow not correctly created." ); } public function testCtorFailure() { $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), 'foo' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on invald constructor parameter." ); } public function testAppend() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[]->content = 'foo'; $this->assertTrue( $row[0] instanceof ezcConsoleTableCell, "ezcConsoleTableCell not correctly created on write access." ); } public function testOntheflyCreationRead_1() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $this->assertTrue( $row[0] instanceof ezcConsoleTableCell, "ezcConsoleTableCell not correctly created on write access." ); } public function testOntheflyCreationRead_2() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[0]; $row[1]; $row[2]; $this->assertTrue( count( $row ) == 3, "ezcConsoleTableCell not correctly created on write access." ); } public function testOntheflyCreationRead_3() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[0]->content = 'test'; $row[1]->format = 'test'; $row[2]->align = ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_CENTER; $this->assertTrue( count($row) == 3, "ezcConsoleTableCell not correctly created on write access." ); } public function testOntheflyCreationWrite_1() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[0] = new ezcConsoleTableCell(); $row[0]->content = 'test'; $this->assertTrue( count($row) == 1 && $row[0] instanceof ezcConsoleTableCell && $row[0]->content === 'test', "ezcConsoleTableCell not correctly created on write access." ); } public function testNoOntheflyCreationIsset() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $this->assertEquals( isset( $row[0] ), false, "ezcConsoleTableCell created on isset access." ); $this->assertEquals( count($row), 0, "ezcConsoleTableCell created on isset access." ); } public function testForeach_1() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { $row[$i]->content = 'Is '.$i; } $this->assertEquals( count( $row ), 10, "ezcConsoleTableCells not correctly created on write access." ); foreach ( $row as $id => $cell ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Is ' . $id, $cell->content, "Cell with wrong content found on iteration." ); } } public function testForeach_2() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 20; $i += 2 ) { $row[$i]->content = 'Is '.$i; } $this->assertEquals( count( $row ), 19, "ezcConsoleTableCells." ); foreach ( $row as $id => $cell ); { $this->assertEquals( 'Is ' . $id, $cell->content, "Cell with wrong content found on iteration." ); } } public function testCount_1() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[0]->content = "0"; $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $row ), "Did not count number of cells correctly" ); } public function testCount_2() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[1]->content = "0"; $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $row ), "Did not count number of cells correctly" ); } public function testCount_3() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row[10]->content = "0"; $this->assertEquals( 11, count( $row ), "Did not count number of cells correctly" ); } public function testNotSetAllCellsProperties_1() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { $row[$i]->content = (string) $i; } $row->align = ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_CENTER; foreach ( $row as $cell ) { $this->assertEquals( ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT, $cell->align, "Did not set alignment correctly for all contained cells." ); } } public function testNotSetAllCellsProperties_2() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 10; $i++ ) { $row[$i]->content = (string) $i; } $row->format = 'headline'; foreach ( $row as $cell ) { $this->assertEquals( 'default', $cell->format, "Did not set alignment correctly for all contained cells." ); } } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $this->assertEquals( "default", $row->borderFormat ); $this->assertEquals( "default", $row->format ); $this->assertEquals( ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_DEFAULT, $row->align ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); try { echo $row->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on get access of invalid property foo." ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $row->borderFormat = "foo"; $row->format = "foo"; $row->align = ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_RIGHT; $this->assertEquals( "foo", $row->borderFormat ); $this->assertEquals( "foo", $row->format ); $this->assertEquals( ezcConsoleTable::ALIGN_RIGHT, $row->align ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row->borderFormat = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property borderFormat." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row->format = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property format." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row->align = 23; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on invalid value for property align." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row->foo = 23; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on set access to invalid property foo." ); } public function testIssetAccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row->format ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row->borderFormat ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row->align ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $row->foo ) ); } public function testOffsetExistsSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row[0] ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row[1] ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $row[2] ) ); } public function testOffsetExistsFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); try { isset( $row["foo"] ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid offset to offsetExists()." ); } public function testOffsetGetSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); $this->assertType( "ezcConsoleTableCell", $row[0] ); $this->assertType( "ezcConsoleTableCell", $row[1] ); $this->assertType( "ezcConsoleTableCell", $row[2] ); } public function testOffsetGetFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); try { var_dump( $row["foo"] ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid offset to offsetGet()." ); } public function testOffsetSetSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); $newCell = new ezcConsoleTableCell(); $row[1] = $newCell; $this->assertSame( $newCell, $row[1] ); $row[] = $newCell; $this->assertSame( $newCell, $row[3] ); } public function testOffsetSetFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row["foo"] = new ezcConsoleTableCell(); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on offsetSet() with invalid offset." ); $exceptionThrown = false; try { $row[1] = true; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $exceptionThrown = true; } $this->assertTrue( $exceptionThrown, "Exception not thrown on offsetSet() with invalid value." ); } public function testOffsetUnsetSuccess() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); unset( $row[1] ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $row[1] ) ); } public function testOffsetUnsetFailure() { $row = new ezcConsoleTableRow( new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell(), new ezcConsoleTableCell() ); try { unset( $row["foo"] ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on invalid offset to offsetUnset()." ); } } ?>