assertEquals( $fake, new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(), 'Default values incorrect for ezcConsoleOutputFormat.' ); } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat( 'blue', array( 'bold' ), 'red' ); $this->assertEquals( "blue", $format->color ); $this->assertEquals( array( "bold" ), $format->style ); $this->assertEquals( "red", $format->bgcolor ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $foo = $format->nonExsitent; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on access of not existing property on ezcConsoleFormat." ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); $format->color = "blue"; $format->style = array( "bold" ); $format->bgcolor = "red"; $this->assertEquals( "blue", $format->color ); $this->assertEquals( array( "bold" ), $format->style ); $this->assertEquals( "red", $format->bgcolor ); // Style can also be scalar $format->style = "bold"; $this->assertEquals( array( "bold" ), $format->style ); } public function testSetAccessFailureColor() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $format->color = "nonExistent"; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set of not existing color on ezcConsoleFormat->color." ); } public function testSetAccessFailureStyleArray() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $format->style = array( "nonExistent" ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set of not existing format code as array on ezcConsoleFormat->style." ); } public function testSetAccessFailureStyleScalar() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $format->style = "nonExistent"; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set of not existing format code as scalar on ezcConsoleFormat->style." ); } public function testSetAccessFailureBgcolor() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $format->bgcolor = "nonExistent"; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set of not existing color on ezcConsoleFormat->bgcolor." ); } public function testSetAccessFailureNonexistent() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); try { $format->nonExsitent = "nonExistent"; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return true; } $this->fail( "Exception not thrown on set of not existing color on ezcConsoleFormat->bgcolor." ); } public function testIssetAccessSuccess() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $format->color ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $format->style ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $format->bgcolor ) ); } public function testIssetAccessFailure() { $format = new ezcConsoleOutputFormat(); $this->assertFalse( isset( $format->nonExistent ) ); } } ?>