mandatory = true; $componentOption->shorthelp = "The name of the component."; $params->registerOption( $componentOption ); $targetOption = new ezcConsoleOption( 't', 'target', ezcConsoleInput::TYPE_STRING ); $targetOption->mandatory = false; $targetOption->shorthelp = "The directory to where the generated autoload file should be written."; $params->registerOption( $targetOption ); $noGraphOption = new ezcConsoleOption( 'n', 'no-graph' ); $noGraphOption->shorthelp = "Do not generate a new class diagram."; $params->registerOption( $noGraphOption ); // Process console parameters try { $params->process(); } catch ( ezcConsoleOptionException $e ) { print( $e->getMessage(). "\n" ); print( "\n" ); echo $params->getHelpText( 'Autoload file generator.' ) . "\n"; echo "\n"; exit(); } $component = $params->getOption( 'component' )->value; $targetOption = $params->getOption( 'target' )->value; if ( $targetOption ) { $targetDir = $targetOption; } else { $targetDir = "trunk/{$component}"; } $noGraph = $params->getOption( 'no-graph' )->value; $files = fetchExceptionFiles( $component, true ); $depData = generateDependencyData( $files, $component ); $maxClassNameLength1 = checkMaxClassLength( $depData ); $sorted1 = sortDependencyData( $depData ); $files = fetchNormalFiles( $component, true ); $depData = generateDependencyData( $files, $component ); $maxClassNameLength2 = checkMaxClassLength( $depData ); $sorted2 = sortDependencyData( $depData ); $maxClassNameLength = max( $maxClassNameLength1, $maxClassNameLength2 ); /* Do create dot file and PNG for it */ ob_start(); dumpDotHeader( $component ); foreach ( $sorted1 as $prefix => $sorted ) { dumpSortedDotArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); } foreach ( $sorted2 as $prefix => $sorted ) { dumpSortedDotArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); } dumpDotFooter(); $data = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); file_put_contents( '/tmp/', $data ); if ( $noGraph !== true ) { `neato -Tpng -o $targetDir/design/class_diagram.png /tmp/`; } unlink( '/tmp/' ); /* Do create autoload files */ $autoloadData = $preloadData = array(); foreach ( $sorted1 as $prefix => $sorted ) { if ( !isset( $autoloadData[$prefix] ) ) $autoloadData[$prefix] = ''; if ( !isset( $preloadData[$prefix] ) ) $preloadData[$prefix] = ''; $autoloadData[$prefix] .= dumpSortedArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); $preloadData[$prefix] .= dumpSortedPreloadArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); } foreach ( $sorted2 as $prefix => $sorted ) { if ( !isset( $autoloadData[$prefix] ) ) $autoloadData[$prefix] = ''; if ( !isset( $preloadData[$prefix] ) ) $preloadData[$prefix] = ''; $autoloadData[$prefix] .= dumpSortedArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); $preloadData[$prefix] .= dumpSortedPreloadArray( $sorted, $maxClassNameLength + 2 ); } $footer = dumpFooter(); foreach( $autoloadData as $prefix => $autoloadLines ) { $f = fopen( "{$targetDir}/src/{$prefix}_autoload.php", 'w' ); fwrite( $f, dumpHeader( $component ) ); fwrite( $f, $autoloadLines ); fwrite( $f, $footer ); fclose( $f ); } /* foreach( $preloadData as $prefix => $preloadLines ) { $f = fopen( "{$targetDir}/src/{$prefix}_preload.php", 'w' ); fwrite( $f, dumpLicense( $component ) ); fwrite( $f, $preloadLines ); fclose( $f ); } */ function dumpLicense( $component ) { $year = date( "Y" ); return << END; } function dumpDotFooter() { echo << = 0; $i-- ) { usort( $sorted[$i], 'sortByClassName' ); foreach( $sorted[$i] as $node ) { $data = $node->getData(); if ( !class_exists( $data['class'], false ) && !interface_exists( $data['class'], false ) ) { // require $data['file']; } $file = preg_replace( '@.*trunk/@', '', $data['file'] ); $fileParts = explode( '/', $file ); unset($fileParts[1]); $file = implode( '/', $fileParts ); $ret .= sprintf( " %-{$length}s => '%s',\n", "'{$data['class']}'", $file ); } } return $ret; } function dumpSortedPreloadArray( $sorted, $length ) { $ret = ''; for ( $i = count( $sorted ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { usort( $sorted[$i], 'sortByClassName' ); foreach( $sorted[$i] as $node ) { $data = $node->getData(); if ( !class_exists( $data['class'], false ) && !interface_exists( $data['class'], false ) ) { // require $data['file']; } $fileParts = explode( '/', $data['file'] ); unset($fileParts[0]); $file = implode( '/', $fileParts ); $ret .= "require '{$file}';\n"; } } return $ret; } function dumpSortedDotArray( $sorted, $length ) { for ( $i = count( $sorted ) - 1; $i >= 0; $i-- ) { usort( $sorted[$i], 'sortByClassName' ); foreach( $sorted[$i] as $node ) { $data = $node->getData(); if ( !class_exists( $data['class'], false ) ) { // require $data['file']; } if ( !preg_match( '@Exception$@', $data['class'] ) ) { $bgcolor = $data['type'] == "interface" ? '#dddddd' : '#ffffff'; echo << {$data['class']} ENDL; sort( $data['functions'] ); foreach ( $data['functions'] as $func ) { echo << {$func}() ENDL; } echo <<>]; ENDL; foreach( $data['extends'] as $dep ) { echo << {$dep} [ label="extends", arrowhead="empty" ]; ENDL; } foreach( $data['implements'] as $dep ) { echo << {$dep} [ label="implements", arrowhead="empty", style="dashed" ]; ENDL; } } } } } function checkMaxClassLength( $depData ) { foreach ( $depData as $data ) { $max = 0; foreach ( $data as $classInfo ) { if ( strlen( $classInfo['class'] ) > $max ) { $max = strlen( $classInfo['class'] ); } } return $max; } } function sortByClassName( $a, $b ) { $aa = $a->getData(); $bb = $b->getData(); return strcmp( $aa['class'], $bb['class'] ); } function sortDependencyData( $depDataArray ) { $return = array(); foreach ( $depDataArray as $prefix => $depData ) { $nodes = array(); $graph = new Structures_Graph(); /* Create all nodes and add them to the graph */ foreach ( $depData as $classInfo ) { $nodes[$classInfo['class']] = new Structures_Graph_Node(); $nodes[$classInfo['class']]->setData( $classInfo ); $graph->addNode( $nodes[$classInfo['class']] ); } /* Add arcs */ foreach( $depData as $classInfo ) { if ( array_key_exists( 'deps', $classInfo ) ) { foreach( $classInfo['deps'] as $dependency ) { if ( array_key_exists( $dependency, $nodes ) ) { $nodes[$classInfo['class']]->connectTo( $nodes[$dependency] ); } } } } /* Sort */ $m = new Structures_Graph_Manipulator_TopologicalSorter(); $sorted = $m->sort( $graph ); $return[$prefix] = $sorted; } return $return; } function fetchExceptionFiles( $component ) { return ezcFile::findRecursive( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../trunk/{$component}/src", array( '@\.php$@', '@/exceptions/@' ) ); } function fetchNormalFiles( $component ) { return ezcFile::findRecursive( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/../trunk/{$component}/src", array( '@\.php$@' ), array ( '@/exceptions/@' ) ); } function generateDependencyData( $files, $component ) { $depArray = array(); foreach ( $files as $file ) { $name = ''; $depData = getClassDependencies( $file, $name, $extends, $implements, $functions, $type, $relation ); if ( $name ) { // Figure out prefix $prefix = figureOutPrefix( $name, $component ); $depArray[$prefix][$name] = array( 'file' => $file, 'class' => $name, 'deps' => $depData, 'functions' => $functions, 'type' => $type, 'extends' => $extends, 'implements' => $implements ); } } return $depArray; } function figureOutPrefix( $className, $component ) { if ( $className == 'XMLWriter' ) { return 'db_schema'; } if ( preg_match( "/^([a-z]*)([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)?/", $className, $matches ) !== false ) { if ( in_array( $component, array( 'AuthenticationDatabaseTiein', 'DatabaseSchema', 'EventLogDatabaseTiein', 'GraphDatabaseTiein', 'ImageAnalysis', 'MvcFeedTiein', 'MvcMailTiein', 'MvcTemplateTiein', 'MvcAuthenticationTiein', 'PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein', 'PhpGenerator', 'TemplateTranslationTiein', 'TranslationCacheTiein', 'TreeDatabaseTiein', 'TreePersistentObjectTiein', 'WorkflowDatabaseTiein', 'WorkflowEventLogTiein' ) ) ) { return strtolower( "{$matches[2]}_{$matches[3]}" ); } return strtolower( $matches[2] ); } return ''; } function getClassDependencies( $file, &$name, &$extends, &$implements, &$functions, &$type, &$relation ) { $extends = $implements = array(); $info = $functions = array(); $visibility = "public"; $tokens = token_get_all( file_get_contents( $file ) ); $lastKeyword = null; foreach( $tokens as $token ) { if ( $lastKeyword === null && is_array( $token ) ) { switch( $token[0] ) { case T_CLASS: case T_INTERFACE: $type = $token[1]; $lastKeyword = $token[1]; break; case T_EXTENDS: case T_IMPLEMENTS: $lastKeyword = $token[1]; $relation = $token[1]; break; case T_FUNCTION: $lastKeyword = $token[1]; break; case T_PROTECTED: $visibility = "protected"; break; case T_PRIVATE: $visibility = "private"; break; } } else if ( is_array( $token ) && $token[0] == T_WHITESPACE ) { continue; } else if ( !is_array( $token ) && $token == ',' ) { continue; } else if ( is_array( $token ) && $token[0] == T_STRING ) { if ( $lastKeyword === 'extends' ) { $extends[] = $token[1]; $info[] = $token[1]; $lastKeyword = null; } else if ( $lastKeyword === 'implements' ) { $implements[] = $token[1]; $info[] = $token[1]; } else if ( $lastKeyword === 'function' ) { switch( $visibility ) { case 'public': $char = "+"; break; case 'protected': $char = "#"; break; case 'private': $char = "-"; break; } $functions[] = $char . $token[1]; $visibility = "public"; } else { $name = $token[1]; $lastKeyword = null; } } else { $lastKeyword = null; } } return $info; }