removeTempDir(); } /** * @dataProvider workflowNameProvider */ public function testLoadWorkflow( $workflowName, $numNodes ) { $this->workflow = $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( $workflowName ); $this->workflow->reset(); $this->xmlStorage->save( $this->workflow ); $this->assertEquals( $this->readExpected( $workflowName ), $this->readActual( $workflowName ) ); $this->assertEquals( $numNodes, count( $this->workflow ) ); } public function testLoadServiceObjectWithArguments2() { $this->workflow = $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'ServiceObjectWithArguments2' ); } public function testLoadServiceObjectWithArguments3() { $this->workflow = $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'ServiceObjectWithArguments3' ); } /** * @dataProvider workflowNameProvider */ public function testSaveWorkflow( $workflowName ) { static $schema = null; if ( $schema === null ) { $schema = dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'design' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schema.rng'; } $setupMethod = 'setUp' . $workflowName; $this->$setupMethod(); $this->workflow->reset(); $this->xmlStorage->save( $this->workflow ); $expected = $this->readExpected( $workflowName ); $actual = $this->readActual( $workflowName ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); $document = new DOMDocument; $document->loadXML( $actual ); $this->assertTrue( $document->relaxngValidate( $schema ) ); } /** * @ticket 14437 */ public function testEditWorkflow() { $tmpDirectory = $this->createTempDir( 'workflow' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ); $this->xmlStorage = new ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml( $tmpDirectory ); $this->workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Edit' ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $this->workflow ) ); $this->workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $this->workflow->endNode ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $this->workflow ) ); $this->xmlStorage->save( $this->workflow ); $this->assertFileEquals( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Edit_1.xml', $tmpDirectory . 'Edit_1.xml' ); $this->workflow = $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'Edit' ); $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $this->workflow ) ); $this->workflow->endNode->removeInNode( $this->workflow->startNode ); $this->assertEquals( 1, count( $this->workflow ) ); $inputNode = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput( array( 'variable' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsString ) ); $this->workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $inputNode ); $this->workflow->endNode->addInNode( $inputNode ); $this->assertEquals( 3, count( $this->workflow ) ); $this->xmlStorage->save( $this->workflow ); $this->assertFileEquals( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Edit_2.xml', $tmpDirectory . 'Edit_2.xml' ); } public function testExceptionWhenLoadingNotExistingWorkflow() { try { $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'NotExisting' ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testExceptionWhenLoadingNotExistingWorkflowVersion() { try { $workflow = $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'StartEnd', 2 ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testExceptionWhenLoadingNotValidWorkflow() { try { $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'NotValid' ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Could not load workflow definition.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testExceptionWhenLoadingNotWellFormedWorkflow() { try { $this->xmlStorage->loadByName( 'NotWellFormed' ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } /** * @ticket 14754 */ public function testIssue14754() { $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Issue14754' ); $set = new ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet( array( 'x' => 1 ) ); $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $set ); $workflow->endNode->addInNode( $set ); $expected = $this->xmlStorage->saveToDocument( $workflow, 0 ); $actual = $this->xmlStorage->saveToDocument( $this->xmlStorage->loadFromDocument( $expected ), 0 ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $actual ); } protected function readActual( $name ) { $actual = str_replace( 'version="2"', 'version="1"', file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '_2.xml' ) ); @unlink( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '_2.xml' ); return $actual; } protected function readExpected( $name ) { return file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'data' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . '_1.xml' ); } } ?>