* whatToSay = $whatToSay;
* }
* public function execute( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution )
* {
* print $this->whatToSay;
* return true; // we're finished, activate next node
* }
* public function __toString()
* {
* return 'action description';
* }
* }
* $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' );
* $action = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction( array( "class" => "MyPrintAction",
* "arguments" => "No. 1 The larch!" ) );
* $action->addOutNode( $workflow->endNode );
* $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( $action );
* ?>
* @package Workflow
* @version 1.4
class ezcWorkflowNodeAction extends ezcWorkflowNode
* Constructs a new action node with the configuration $configuration.
* Configuration format
* -
* String:
* The class name of the service object. Must implement ezcWorkflowServiceObject. No
* arguments are passed to the constructor.
* -
* Array:
* - class: The class name of the service object. Must implement ezcWorkflowServiceObject.
* - arguments: Array of values that are passed to the constructor of the service object.
* -
* @param mixed $configuration
* @throws ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException
public function __construct( $configuration )
if ( is_string( $configuration ) )
$configuration = array( 'class' => $configuration );
if ( !isset( $configuration['arguments'] ) )
$configuration['arguments'] = array();
parent::__construct( $configuration );
* Executes this node by creating the service object and calling its execute() method.
* If the service object returns true, the output node will be activated.
* If the service node returns false the workflow will be suspended
* unless there are other activated nodes. An action node suspended this way
* will be executed again the next time the workflow is resumed.
* @param ezcWorkflowExecution $execution
* @return boolean true when the node finished execution,
* and false otherwise
* @ignore
public function execute( ezcWorkflowExecution $execution )
$object = $this->createObject();
$finished = $object->execute( $execution );
// Execution of the Service Object has finished.
if ( $finished !== false )
$this->activateNode( $execution, $this->outNodes[0] );
return parent::execute( $execution );
// Execution of the Service Object has not finished.
return false;
* Generate node configuration from XML representation.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @return array
* @ignore
public static function configurationFromXML( DOMElement $element )
$configuration = array(
'class' => $element->getAttribute( 'serviceObjectClass' ),
'arguments' => array()
$childNode = ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNode( $element );
if ( $childNode->tagName == 'arguments' )
foreach ( ezcWorkflowUtil::getChildNodes( $childNode ) as $argument )
$configuration['arguments'][] = ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageXml::xmlToVariable( $argument );
return $configuration;
* Generate XML representation of this node's configuration.
* @param DOMElement $element
* @ignore
public function configurationToXML( DOMElement $element )
$element->setAttribute( 'serviceObjectClass', $this->configuration['class'] );
if ( !empty( $this->configuration['arguments'] ) )
$xmlArguments = $element->appendChild(
$element->ownerDocument->createElement( 'arguments' )
foreach ( $this->configuration['arguments'] as $argument )
$argument, $element->ownerDocument
* Returns a textual representation of this node.
* @return string
* @ignore
public function __toString()
$buffer = (string)$this->createObject();
catch ( ezcBaseAutoloadException $e )
return 'Class not found.';
catch ( ezcWorkflowExecutionException $e )
return $e->getMessage();
return $buffer;
* Returns the service object as specified by the configuration.
* @return ezcWorkflowServiceObject
protected function createObject()
if ( !class_exists( $this->configuration['class'] ) )
throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException(
'Class "%s" not found.',
$class = new ReflectionClass( $this->configuration['class'] );
if ( !$class->implementsInterface( 'ezcWorkflowServiceObject' ) )
throw new ezcWorkflowExecutionException(
'Class "%s" does not implement the ezcWorkflowServiceObject interface.',
if ( !empty( $this->configuration['arguments'] ) )
return $class->newInstanceArgs( $this->configuration['arguments'] );
return $class->newInstance();