setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertEquals( 'StartEnd', $this->workflow->name ); } public function testGetSetId() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertFalse( $this->workflow->id ); $this->workflow->id = 1; $this->assertEquals( 1, $this->workflow->id ); } public function testGetSetDefinition() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertNull( $this->workflow->definitionStorage ); $this->workflow->definitionStorage = $this->xmlStorage; $this->assertNotNull( $this->workflow->definitionStorage ); } public function testGetSetName() { $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Test', $workflow->name ); $workflow->name = 'Test2'; $this->assertEquals( 'Test2', $workflow->name ); try { $workflow->name = array(); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The value \'a:0:{}\' that you were trying to assign to setting \'name\' is invalid. Allowed values are: string.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBaseValueException to be thrown.' ); } public function testGetNodes() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $nodes = $this->workflow->nodes; $this->assertSame( $this->workflow->startNode, $nodes[1] ); $this->assertSame( $this->workflow->endNode, $nodes[2] ); } public function testHasSubWorkflows() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertFalse( $this->workflow->hasSubWorkflows() ); $this->setUpWorkflowWithSubWorkflow( 'StartEnd' ); $this->assertTrue( $this->workflow->hasSubWorkflows() ); } public function testIsInteractive() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertFalse( $this->workflow->isInteractive() ); } public function testVerify() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->workflow->verify(); } public function testVerify2() { $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' ); try { $workflow->verify(); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Node of type "Start" has less outgoing nodes than required.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testVerify3() { $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' ); $workflow->startNode->addOutNode( new ezcWorkflowNodeStart ); try { $workflow->verify(); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'A workflow may have only one start node.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testVerify4() { $workflow = new ezcWorkflow( 'Test' ); $workflow->finallyNode->addOutNode( new ezcWorkflowNodeFinally ); try { $workflow->verify(); } catch ( ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'A workflow may have only one finally node.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorageException to be thrown.' ); } public function testVariableHandler() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertFalse( $this->workflow->removeVariableHandler( 'foo' ) ); $this->workflow->setVariableHandlers( array( 'foo' => 'ezcWorkflowTestVariableHandler' ) ); $this->assertTrue( $this->workflow->removeVariableHandler( 'foo' ) ); } public function testVariableHandler2() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->addVariableHandler( 'foo', 'StdClass' ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Class "StdClass" does not implement the ezcWorkflowVariableHandler interface.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException to be thrown.' ); } public function testVariableHandler3() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->addVariableHandler( 'foo', 'NotExisting' ); } catch ( ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Class "NotExisting" not found.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcWorkflowInvalidWorkflowException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $this->workflow->definitionStorage ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $this->workflow->id ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $this->workflow->name ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $this->workflow->nodes ) ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $this->workflow->version ) ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $this->workflow->foo ) ); } public function testProperties2() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $foo = $this->workflow->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'No such property name \'foo\'.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties3() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->foo = null; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'No such property name \'foo\'.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties4() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->definitionStorage = null; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The value \'\' that you were trying to assign to setting \'definitionStorage\' is invalid. Allowed values are: ezcWorkflowDefinitionStorage.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBaseValueException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties5() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->id = null; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The value \'\' that you were trying to assign to setting \'id\' is invalid. Allowed values are: integer.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBaseValueException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties6() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->name = null; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The value \'\' that you were trying to assign to setting \'name\' is invalid. Allowed values are: string.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBaseValueException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties7() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->nodes = null; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The property \'nodes\' is read-only.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBasePropertyPermissionException to be thrown.' ); } public function testProperties8() { $this->setUpStartEnd(); try { $this->workflow->version = null; } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The value \'\' that you were trying to assign to setting \'version\' is invalid. Allowed values are: integer.', $e->getMessage() ); return; } $this->fail( 'Expected an ezcBaseValueException to be thrown.' ); } } ?>