* accept( $visitor ); * print $visitor; * ?> * * * @property ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions $options * * @package Workflow * @version 1.2rc1 */ class ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization implements ezcWorkflowVisitor { /** * Holds the displayed strings for each of the nodes. * * @var array(string => string) */ protected $nodes = array(); /** * Holds all the edges of the graph. * * @var array( id => array( ezcWorkflowNode ) ) */ protected $edges = array(); /** * Holds the id of each node that has been visited already. * * @var array */ protected $visited = array(); /** * Holds the name of the workflow. * * @var string */ protected $workflowName = 'Workflow'; /** * Properties. * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ protected $properties = array(); /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->options = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions; } /** * Property get access. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * If the given property could not be found. * @param string $propertyName * @ignore */ public function __get( $propertyName ) { if ( $this->__isset( $propertyName ) ) { return $this->properties[$propertyName]; } throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName ); } /** * Property set access. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * @param string $propertyName * @param string $propertyValue * @ignore */ public function __set( $propertyName, $propertyValue ) { switch ( $propertyName ) { case 'options': if ( !( $propertyValue instanceof ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( $propertyName, $propertyValue, 'ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualizationOptions' ); } break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $propertyName ); } $this->properties[$propertyName] = $propertyValue; } /** * Property isset access. * * @param string $propertyName * @return bool * @ignore */ public function __isset( $propertyName ) { return array_key_exists( $propertyName, $this->properties ); } /** * Visits the node and sets the the member variables according to the node * type and contents. * * @param ezcWorkflowVisitable $visitable * @return boolean */ public function visit( ezcWorkflowVisitable $visitable ) { if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflow ) { $this->workflowName = $visitable->name; // The following line of code is not a no-op. It triggers the // ezcWorkflow::__get() method, thus initializing the respective // ezcWorkflowVisitorNodeCollector object. $visitable->nodes; } if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflowNode ) { $id = $visitable->getId(); if ( isset( $this->visited[$id] ) ) { return false; } $this->visited[$id] = true; if ( in_array( $id, $this->options['highlightedNodes'] ) ) { $color = $this->options['colorHighlighted']; } else { $color = $this->options['colorNormal']; } if ( !isset( $this->nodes[$id] ) ) { $this->nodes[$id] = array( 'label' => $visitable->__toString(), 'color' => $color ); } $outNodes = array(); foreach ( $visitable->getOutNodes() as $outNode ) { $label = ''; if ( $visitable instanceof ezcWorkflowNodeConditionalBranch ) { $condition = $visitable->getCondition( $outNode ); if ( $condition !== false ) { $label = ' [label="' . $condition->__toString() . '"]'; } } $outNodes[] = array( $outNode->getId(), $label ); } $this->edges[$id] = $outNodes; } return true; } /** * Returns a the contents of a graphviz .dot file. * * @return boolean * @ignore */ public function __toString() { $dot = 'digraph ' . $this->workflowName . " {\n"; foreach ( $this->nodes as $key => $data ) { $dot .= sprintf( "node%s [label=\"%s\", color=\"%s\"]\n", $key, $data['label'], $data['color'] ); } $dot .= "\n"; foreach ( $this->edges as $fromNode => $toNodes ) { foreach ( $toNodes as $toNode ) { $dot .= sprintf( "node%s -> node%s%s\n", $fromNode, $toNode[0], $toNode[1] ); } } if ( !empty( $this->options['workflowVariables'] ) ) { $dot .= 'variables [shape=none, label=<'; foreach ( $this->options['workflowVariables'] as $name => $value ) { $dot .= sprintf( '', $name, ezcWorkflowUtil::variableToString( $value ) ); } $dot .= "
>]\n"; } return $dot . "}\n"; } } ?>