eZ Components - Workflow ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contents:: Table of Contents Introduction ============ Business enterprises need to reduce the cost of doing business and continually develop new services and products. Enterprise Content Management helps with storing business-critical content (customer data, documents, etc.) in a central repository and in a unified way. Workflow Management provides the methodologies and software that help with organizing the processes that operate on this content inside an organization. The relationship between Enterprise Content Management and Workflow Management is analogous to that of attributes (data) and methods (operations on the data) that are encapsulated in a class in object-oriented programming. The Workflow component provides the means to structure software around graphs and makes up an pragmatic approach to describe workflows through objects that encapsulate the workflow patterns. A workflow definition is an object graph than can be programmatically created using the Workflow Definition API or loaded from an XML file before it is executed via the Workflow Execution API. Class Overview ============== This section gives you an overview of the main classes of the Workflow component. ezcWorkflow An object of the ezcWorkflow class represents a workflow. Workflow Execution ------------------ ezcWorkflowExecutionNonInteractive An object of the ezcWorkflowExecutionNonInteractive class can execute non-interactive workflows, in other words workflows that contains no input nodes and no sub-workflows. ezcWorkflowDatabaseExecution An object of the ezcWorkflowDatabaseExecution class can execute interactive workflows. The persistence data is stored using a relational database. Workflow Definition ------------------- ezcWorkflowDefinitionXml The ezcWorkflowDefinitionXml class provides the functionality to save workflow definitions to and load workflow definitions from XML files. ezcWorkflowDatabaseDefinition The ezcWorkflowDatabaseDefinition class provides the functionality to save workflow definitions to and load workflow definitions from a relational database. Graph Node Classes ------------------ Objects of the ezcWorkflowNode classes represent the nodes of a workflow. ezcWorkflowNode ezcWorkflowNode is the abstract base class for all graph node classes. ezcWorkflowNodeStart An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeStart class represents the one and only start node of a workflow. The execution of the workflow starts here. Creating an object of the \texttt{ezcWorkflow} automatically creates the start node for this new workflow. It can be accessed through the getStartNode() method. ezcWorkflowNodeEnd An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeEnd class represents an end node of a workflow. A workflow must have at least one end node. The execution of the workflow ends when an end node is reached. Creating an object of the ezcWorkflow automatically creates a default end node for this new workflow. It can be accessed through the getEndNode() method. ezcWorkflowNodeAction An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeAction class represents an activity node. When the node is reached, the business logic that is implemented by the associated service object is executed. ezcWorkflowNodeSubWorkflow An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeSubWorkflow class represents a sub-workflow. When the node is reached, the specified sub-workflow is started. The workflow is suspended until the sub-workflow has finished executing. ezcWorkflowNodeInput An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeInput class represents an input node. When the node is reached, the workflow engine will suspend the workflow execution if the specified input data is not available (first activation). While the workflow is suspended, the application that embeds the workflow engine may supply the input data and resume the workflow execution (second activation of the input node). Input data is stored in a workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet class sets a specified workflow variable to a given value. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableUnset An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableUnset class unsets a specified workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableAdd An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableAdd class adds a given value, either a constant or the value of another workflow variable, to a specified workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSub An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSub class subtracts a given value, either a constant or the value of another workflow variable, from a specified workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableMul An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableMul class multiplies a specified workflow variable with a given value, either a constant or the value of another workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableDiv An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableDiv class divides a specified workflow variable by a given value, either a constant or the value of another workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableIncrement An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableIncrement class increments the value of a specified workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeVariableDecrement An object of the ezcWorkflowNodeVariableDecrement class decrements the value of a specified workflow variable. ezcWorkflowNodeParallelSplit The ezcWorkflowNodeParallelSplit class implements the Parallel Split workflow pattern. The Parallel Split workflow pattern divides one thread of execution unconditionally into multiple parallel threads of execution. Use Case Example: After the credit card specified by the customer has been successfully charged, the activities of sending a confirmation email and starting the shipping process can be executed in parallel. ezcWorkflowNodeSynchronization The ezcWorkflowNodeSynchronization class implements the Synchronization workflow pattern. The Synchronization workflow pattern synchronizes multiple parallel threads of execution into a single thread of execution. Workflow execution continues once all threads of execution that are to be synchronized have finished executing (exactly once). Use Case Example: After the confirmation email has been sent and the shipping process has been completed, the order can be archived. ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice The ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice class implements the Exclusive Choice workflow pattern. The Exclusive Choice workflow pattern defines multiple possible paths for the workflow of which exactly one is chosen. Use Case Example: After an order has been received, the payment can be performed by credit card or bank transfer. ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge The ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge class implements the Simple Merge workflow pattern. The Simple Merge workflow pattern is to be used to merge the possible paths that are defined by a preceding Exclusive Choice. It is assumed that of these possible paths exactly one is taken and no synchronization takes place. Use Case Example: After the payment has been performed by either credit card or bank transfer, the order can be processed further. ezcWorkflowNodeMultiChoice The ezcWorkflowNodeMultiChoice class implements the Multi Choice workflow pattern. The Multi-Choice workflow pattern defines multiple possible paths for the workflow of which one or more are chosen. It is a generalization of the Parallel Split and Exclusive Choice workflow patterns. ezcWorkflowNodeSynchronizingMerge The ezcWorkflowNodeSynchronizingMerge class implements the Synchronizing Merge workflow pattern. The Synchronizing Merge workflow pattern is to be used to synchronize multiple parallel threads of execution that are activated by a preceding Multi-Choice. ezcWorkflowNodeDiscriminator The ezcWorkflowNodeDiscriminator class implements the Discriminator workflow pattern. The Discriminator workflow pattern can be applied when the assumption we made for the Simple Merge workflow pattern does not hold. It can deal with merge situations where multiple incoming branches may run in parallel. It activates its outgoing node after being activated by the first incoming branch and then waits for all remaining branches to complete before it resets itself. After the reset the Discriminator can be triggered again. Use Case Example: To improve response time, an action is delegated to several distributed servers. The first response proceeds the flow, the other responses are ignored. Condition Classes ----------------- The ezcWorkflowCondition classes can be used to express branch conditions and input validation. ezcWorkflowConditionVariable An object of the ezcWorkflowConditionVariable loads a workflow variable and evaluates another ezcWorkflowCondition object for it. ezcWorkflowConditionNot An object of the ezcWorkflowConditionNot decorates an ezcWorkflowCondition object and negates its expression. ezcWorkflowConditionAnd An object of the ezcWorkflowConditionAnd class represents a boolean AND expression. It can hold an arbitrary number of ezcWorkflowCondition objects. ezcWorkflowConditionOr An object of the ezcWorkflowConditionOr class represents a boolean OR expression. It can hold an arbitrary number of ezcWorkflowCondition objects. ezcWorkflowConditionXor An object of the ezcWorkflowConditionXor class represents a boolean XOR expression. It can hold an arbitrary number of ezcWorkflowCondition objects. ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable has the value true. ezcWorkflowConditionIsFalse The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsFalse object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable has the value false. ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqual The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqual object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is equal to the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsNotEqual The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsNotEqual object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is not equal to the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsGreaterThan The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsGreaterThan object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is greater than the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqualToOrGreaterThan The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqualToOrGreaterThan object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is equal to or greater than the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsLessThan The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsLessThan object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is less than the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqualToOrLessThan The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqualToOrLessThan object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is equal to or less than the comparison value. ezcWorkflowConditionIsAnything The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsAnything object always evaluates to true. ezcWorkflowConditionIsArray The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsArray object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is an array. ezcWorkflowConditionIsBool The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsBool object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is a boolean. ezcWorkflowConditionIsFloat The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsFloat object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is a float. ezcWorkflowConditionIsInteger The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsInteger object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is an integer. ezcWorkflowConditionIsObject The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsObject object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is an object. ezcWorkflowConditionIsString The condition represented by an ezcWorkflowConditionIsString object evaluates to true when the associated workflow variable is a string. Workflow Definition Usage ========================= Creating a workflow programmatically ------------------------------------ .. include:: tutorial_example_01.php :literal: Saving a workflow to an XML file -------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_02.php :literal: Loading a workflow from an XML file ----------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_03.php :literal: Saving a workflow to a database ------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_04.php :literal: Loading a workflow from a database ---------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_05.php :literal: Visualizing a workflow using GraphViz ------------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_06.php :literal: .. include:: tutorial_example_06.dot :literal: Workflow Execution Usage ======================== Start a new workflow instance ----------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_07.php :literal: Resume a workflow instance -------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_example_08.php :literal: .. 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