tempDir = $this->createTempDir( __CLASS__ . sprintf( '_%03d', ++$i ) ) . '/'; self::copyRecursive( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/backend_file', $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Remove SVN directories from temporary backend $svnDirs = ezcFile::findRecursive( $this->tempDir . 'backend/', array( '(/\.svn/entries$)' ) ); foreach ( $svnDirs as $dir ) { ezcFile::removeRecursive( dirname( $dir ) ); } // Explicitely set mtime and ctime $this->recursiveTouch( $this->tempDir . 'backend/', // Change this once 64bit systems are common, or we reached year 2038 2147483647 ); // Store current timezone and switch to UTC for test $this->oldTimezone = date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' ); } public function tearDown() { // Reset old timezone date_default_timezone_set( $this->oldTimezone ); if ( !$this->hasFailed() ) { $this->removeTempDir(); } } // ****************************** // Tool methods // ****************************** protected function recursiveTouch( $source, $time ) { $dh = opendir( $source ); while( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) { if ( ( $file === '.' ) || ( $file === '..' ) ) { continue; } if ( is_dir( $path = $source . '/' . $file ) ) { touch( $path, $time, $time ); $this->recursiveTouch( $path, $time ); } else { touch( $path, $time, $time ); } } } /** * Recursively copy a file or directory. * * Recursively copy a file or directory in $source to the given * destination. If a depth is given, the operation will stop, if the given * recursion depth is reached. A depth of -1 means no limit, while a depth * of 0 means, that only the current file or directory will be copied, * without any recursion. * * You may optionally define modes used to create files and directories. * * @throws ezcBaseFileNotFoundException * If the $sourceDir directory is not a directory or does not exist. * @throws ezcBaseFilePermissionException * If the $sourceDir directory could not be opened for reading, or the * destination is not writeable. * * @param string $source * @param string $destination * @param int $depth * @param int $dirMode * @param int $fileMode * @return void */ static protected function copyRecursive( $source, $destination, $depth = -1, $dirMode = 0775, $fileMode = 0664 ) { // Check if source file exists at all. if ( !is_file( $source ) && !is_dir( $source ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFileNotFoundException( $source ); } // Destination file should NOT exist if ( is_file( $destination ) || is_dir( $destination ) ) { throw new ezcBaseFilePermissionException( $destination, ezcBaseFileException::WRITE ); } // Skip non readable files in source directory if ( !is_readable( $source ) ) { return; } // Copy if ( is_dir( $source ) ) { mkdir( $destination ); // To ignore umask, umask() should not be changed with // multithreaded servers... chmod( $destination, $dirMode ); } elseif ( is_file( $source ) ) { copy( $source, $destination ); chmod( $destination, $fileMode ); } if ( ( $depth === 0 ) || ( !is_dir( $source ) ) ) { // Do not recurse (any more) return; } // Recurse // // Read directory using glob(), to get a pre-sorted result. $files = glob( $source . '/*' ); foreach ( $files as $fullName ) { $file = basename( $fullName ); if ( empty( $file ) ) { continue; } self::copyRecursive( $source . '/' . $file, $destination . '/' . $file, $depth - 1, $dirMode, $fileMode ); } } protected function compareResponse( $test, ezcWebdavResponse $response ) { $dataDir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/data/responses/file'; if ( !is_file( $file = $dataDir . '/' . $test . '.ser' ) ) { file_put_contents( $file, serialize( $response ) ); return $this->markTestSkipped( 'Reponse serialized. Please check generated response.' ); } $this->assertEquals( $response, unserialize( file_get_contents( $file ) ), 'Response does not equal serialzed response.', 20 ); } // ****************************** // HEAD request tests // ****************************** public function testHeadResourceETagHeader() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavHeadRequest( $testPath ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->head( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavHeadResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ) ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testHeadCollectionETagHeader() { $testPath = '/collection/'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavHeadRequest( $testPath ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->head( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavHeadResponse( new ezcWebdavCollection( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ) ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // GET request tests // ****************************** public function testGetResourceWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( $etag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavGetResourceResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ), "Some other contents...\n" ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceWithMultipleAndValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavGetResourceResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ), "Some other contents...\n" ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceIfNoneMatchMultipleInvalidETags() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'sometag', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavGetResourceResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ), "Some other contents...\n" ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'someinvalidetag' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceWithMultipleInvalidETags() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag', 'some other tag', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceIfNoneMatchFailure() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'sometag', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceIfNoneMatchFailureStar() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', true ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetResourceFailureBeforeInvalidETagsMatch() { $testPath = '/collection/notexistent.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag', 'some other tag', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_404, $testPath ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetCollectionWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( $etag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavGetCollectionResponse( new ezcWebdavCollection( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ), array( new ezcWebdavCollection( '/collection/deep_collection' ), new ezcWebdavResource( '/collection/test.txt' ), ) ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetCollectionWithMultipleAndValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavGetCollectionResponse( new ezcWebdavCollection( $testPath, $backend->getAllProperties( $testPath ), array( new ezcWebdavCollection( '/collection/deep_collection' ), new ezcWebdavResource( '/collection/test.txt' ), ) ) ); $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $etag ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetCollectionWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'someinvalidetag' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); // Collection ETags are ignored on purpose! $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, '/collection', 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testGetCollectionWithMultipleInvalidETags() { $testPath = '/collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavGetRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag', 'some other tag', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->get( $req ); // Collection ETags are ignored on purpose! $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, '/collection', 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // PROPFIND request tests // ****************************** public function testPropfindResourceWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testPath ); $req->allProp = true; $req->validateHeaders(); // Create fake response without If-Match $fakeRes = $backend->propFind( $req ); // Ensure no error occurred $this->assertType( 'ezcWebdavMultistatusResponse', $fakeRes, 'Generation of expected response failed.' ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( $etag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propFind( $req ); $this->assertEquals( $fakeRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testPropfindResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testPath ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'sometag' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propFind( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // PROPPATCH request tests // ****************************** public function testProppatchResourceWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; // Properties to patch $newProperties = new ezcWebdavFlaggedPropertyStorage(); $newProperties->attach( $p1 = new ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty( 'text/xml' ), ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest::SET ); $newProperties->attach( $p2 = new ezcWebdavDeadProperty( 'foo:', 'bar', "\nsome content\n" ), ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest::SET ); $req = new ezcWebdavProppatchRequest( $testPath ); $req->updates = $newProperties; $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propPatch( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavPropPatchResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath ) ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testProppatchResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; // Properties to patch $newProperties = new ezcWebdavFlaggedPropertyStorage(); $newProperties->attach( $p1 = new ezcWebdavGetContentTypeProperty( 'text/xml' ), ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest::SET ); $newProperties->attach( $p2 = new ezcWebdavDeadProperty( 'foo:', 'bar', "\nsome content\n" ), ezcWebdavPropPatchRequest::SET ); $req = new ezcWebdavProppatchRequest( $testPath ); $req->updates = $newProperties; $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propPatch( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // PUT request tests // ****************************** public function testPutResourceWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavPutRequest( $testPath, "Some new text to PUT into test.txt.\n" ); $req->setHeader( 'Content-Length', strlen( $req->body ) ); $req->setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf8' ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->put( $req ); $expectedRes = new ezcWebdavPutResponse( new ezcWebdavResource( $testPath ) ); // Assert ETag header was set (new resource, not sure what ETag will look like) $this->assertNotNull( $res->getHeader( 'ETag' ), 'ETag header not set.' ); // Add ETag header to expected response to allow following assertion. $expectedRes->setHeader( 'ETag', $res->getHeader( 'ETag' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedRes, $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testPutResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $req = new ezcWebdavPutRequest( $testPath, "Some new text to PUT into test.txt.\n" ); $req->setHeader( 'Content-Length', strlen( $req->body ) ); $req->setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf8' ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->put( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // DELETE request tests // ****************************** public function testDeleteResourceWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavDeleteRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->delete( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavDeleteResponse(), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testDeleteResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/test.txt'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $etag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavDeleteRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', $etag, 'foobar' ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->delete( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testPath, 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testDeleteCollectionWithValidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/deep_collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); clearstatcache(); // Needs to determine resource tag first, since .ezc property dir is created. $resourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath . '/deep_test.txt', 'getetag' )->etag; $collectionEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavDeleteRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $collectionEtag, $resourceEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->delete( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavDeleteResponse(), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testDeleteCollectionWithInvalidETag() { $testPath = '/collection/deep_collection'; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $collectionEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $resourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testPath . '/deep_test.txt', 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavDeleteRequest( $testPath ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', $resourceEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->delete( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, "$testPath/deep_test.txt", 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // COPY request tests // ****************************** public function testCopyResourceWithValidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection/'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/test.txt"; $testDestPath = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDest = "$testDestPath/test.txt"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $sourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testSource, 'getetag' )->etag; $destEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavCopyRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $sourceEtag, $destEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->copy( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavCopyResponse( false ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testCopyResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/test.txt"; $testDestPath = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDest = "$testDestPath/test.txt"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $sourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testSource, 'getetag' )->etag; $destEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavCopyRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $sourceEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->copy( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testDestPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testCopyCollectionWithValidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDestPath = $testSourcePath; $testDest = "$testDestPath/copied_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTags = array(); // Retrieve source etags $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->prop = new ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage(); $req->prop->attach( new ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty() ); $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propFind( $req ); foreach ( $res->responses as $propFind ) { $eTags[] = $propFind->responses[0]->storage->get( 'getetag' )->etag; } $eTags[] = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavCopyRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', $eTags ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->copy( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavCopyResponse( false ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testCopyCollectionWithInvalidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDestPath = $testSourcePath; $testDest = "$testDestPath/copied_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavCopyRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', $eTag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->copy( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, '/collection', 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // MOVE request tests // ****************************** public function testMoveResourceWithValidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection/'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/test.txt"; $testDestPath = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDest = "$testDestPath/test.txt"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $sourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testSource, 'getetag' )->etag; $destEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMoveRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $sourceEtag, $destEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->move( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavMoveResponse( false ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testMoveResourceWithInvalidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/test.txt"; $testDestPath = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDest = "$testDestPath/test.txt"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); $sourceEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testSource, 'getetag' )->etag; $destEtag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMoveRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( 'abc23', $sourceEtag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->move( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, $testDestPath, 'If-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testMoveCollectionWithValidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDestPath = $testSourcePath; $testDest = "$testDestPath/copied_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTags = array(); // Retrieve source etags $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->prop = new ezcWebdavBasicPropertyStorage(); $req->prop->attach( new ezcWebdavGetEtagProperty() ); $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->propFind( $req ); foreach ( $res->responses as $propFind ) { $eTags[] = $propFind->responses[0]->storage->get( 'getetag' )->etag; } $eTags[] = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMoveRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', $eTags ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->move( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavMoveResponse( false ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testMoveCollectionWithInvalidETag() { $testSourcePath = '/collection'; $testSource = "$testSourcePath/deep_collection"; $testDestPath = $testSourcePath; $testDest = "$testDestPath/copied_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( $testSource ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTag = $backend->getProperty( $testDestPath, 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMoveRequest( $testSource, $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( 'abc23', $eTag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->move( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, '/collection', 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } // ****************************** // MKCOL request tests // ****************************** public function testMakeCollectionWithValidETag() { $testDest = "/collection/new_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( '' ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTag = $backend->getProperty( '/collection', 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMakeCollectionRequest( $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-Match', array( $eTag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->makeCollection( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavMakeCollectionResponse(), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } public function testMakeCollectionWithInvalidETag() { $testDest = "/collection/new_collection"; $backend = new ezcWebdavFileBackend( $this->tempDir . 'backend/' ); // Initialize all property directories $req = new ezcWebdavPropFindRequest( '' ); $req->allProp = true; $req->setHeader( 'Depth', ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY ); $req->validateHeaders(); $backend->propFind( $req ); $eTag = $backend->getProperty( '/collection', 'getetag' )->etag; $req = new ezcWebdavMakeCollectionRequest( $testDest ); $req->setHeader( 'If-None-Match', array( $eTag ) ); $req->validateHeaders(); $res = $backend->makeCollection( $req ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcWebdavErrorResponse( ezcWebdavResponse::STATUS_412, '/collection', 'If-None-Match header check failed.' ), $res, 'Expected response does not match real response.', 0, 20 ); } } ?>