* require_once 'Base/src/base.php'; * * function __autoload( $className ) * { * ezcBase::autoload( $className ); * } * * require_once 'Webdav/tests/scripts/test_generator.php'; * * // Depends on mod_rewrite! Needed! * $generator = new ezcWebdavClientTestGenerator( '/my/webdav/root' ); * $generator->run(); * $generator->store(); * * * The generator will automaticall instaniate a server for you and mock all * transports contained in that server so that the request and response data is * captured. If you need to add custom transport configurations, do so right * before you instanciate the generator. * * The generator will store the collected data in a directory structure * suitable for a client test suite, although it might also be used for * debugging purposes. You need to have directories named log/ and tmp/ in * place in your webdav root, which must be writeable by the webserver. * * The tmp/ dir will be used by the generator to store information between * requests, like the state of the backend and the running test number. If you * want to cancel the current test run, you should delete the contents of tmp/ * and log/. After that, you will test with fresh data. * * The log/ directory stores the captured information. It contains the client * test typical request/ and response/ directories for each request a client * performed to the generator. Optionally, a file error.php will be generated, * if any exceptions occur during the request. This file is not significant for * client test cases and only meant for debugging purposes. Each request will * be stored in a new test case directory, starting with a running number. * * To create a client test suite to be integrated into the eZ Components test * suite, please consult the {@link Webdav/docs/client_tests.txt} document and * follow the steps described there. * * @package Webdav * @subpackage Tests * @version 1.0.1 */ class ezcWebdavClientTestGenerator { /** * Directory to store captured data in. * * @var string */ protected $logDir; /** * Backend used. * * @var ezcWebdavBackend */ protected $backend; /** * File to restore/store the backend. * * @var string */ protected $backendFile; /** * Server with mocked transports. * * @var ezcWebdavServer */ protected $server; /** * Carries an array of exceptions of such occur. * * @var array(Exception) */ protected $exceptions = array(); /** * $_SERVER keys to unset. * * @var array */ protected $serverBlacklist = array( '_', 'ANT_HOME', 'argc', 'argv', 'BOOTLEVEL', 'CLASSPATH', 'COLORTERM', 'CONFIG_PROTECT', 'CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK', 'CONSOLETYPE', 'CVS_RSH', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS', 'DEFAULTLEVEL', 'DESKTOP_SESSION', 'DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID', 'DISPLAY', 'EDITOR', 'EINFO_LOG', 'EINFO_QUIET', 'FCGI_ROLE', 'FLTK_DOCDIR', 'GCC_SPECS', 'GDK_USE_XFT', 'GDM_LANG', 'GDMSESSION', 'GDM_XSERVER_LOCATION', 'GENERATION', 'GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID', 'GNOME_KEYRING_PID', 'GNOME_KEYRING_SOCKET', 'GPG_AGENT_INFO', 'GTK_MODULES', 'GTK_RC_FILES', 'GUILE_LOAD_PATH', 'HOME', 'INFOPATH', 'JAVAC', 'JAVA_HOME', 'JDK_HOME', 'KDEDIRS', 'LADSPA_PATH', 'LC_ALL', 'LESS', 'LESSOPEN', 'LOGNAME', 'LS_COLORS', 'MANPATH', 'OPENGL_PROFILE', 'PAGER', 'PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN', 'PKG_CONFIG_PATH', 'PRELINK_PATH_MASK', 'QMAKESPEC', 'QTDIR', 'RC_SERVICE', 'RC_SVCNAME', 'SANE_CONFIG_DIR', 'SESSION_MANAGER', 'SHELL', 'SHLVL', 'SOFTLEVEL', 'SSH_AGENT_PID', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK', 'SUDO_COMMAND', 'SUDO_GID', 'SUDO_UID', 'SUDO_USER', 'SVCNAME', 'TERM', 'USB_DEVFS_PATH', 'USER', 'USERNAME', 'VMHANDLE', 'WINDOWID', 'WINDOWPATH', 'XAUTHORITY', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS', ); /** * Template to mock transport classes. * * @var string */ protected $mockClassSource = ' class %s extends %s { /** * Retreives the body from a global variable. * * @return void */ protected function retrieveBody() { $GLOBALS["EZC_WEBDAV_REQUEST_BODY"] = parent::retrieveBody(); return $GLOBALS["EZC_WEBDAV_REQUEST_BODY"]; } /** * Captures the response data in global variables. * * @param ezcWebdavOutputResult $output * @return void */ protected function sendResponse( ezcWebdavOutputResult $output ) { $GLOBALS["EZC_WEBDAV_RESPONSE_STATUS"] = $output->status; $GLOBALS["EZC_WEBDAV_RESPONSE_HEADERS"] = $output->headers; $GLOBALS["EZC_WEBDAV_RESPONSE_BODY"] = $output->body; parent::sendResponse( $output ); } } '; /** * Creates a new test generator. * * This method checks if a backend has been stored from a previous request, * restores this one or retrieves the default on. It then initializes a * server using {@link initServer()} and retrieves and stores the current * and next test number to set the {$logDir}. * * @param string $baseUri Base URI, if server is not in doc root. * @return void */ public function __construct( $baseUri = '' ) { $this->filterServerVars(); // Restore backend from previous request or setup new $this->backend = ( file_exists( ( $this->backendFile = TMP_DIR . '/backend.ser' ) ) ? unserialize( file_get_contents( $this->backendFile ) ) : $this->getBackend() ); // Basic path factory, use mod_rewrite! try { $pathFactory = new ezcWebdavBasicPathFactory( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $baseUri ); $this->initServer( $pathFactory ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->exceptions[] = $e; } // Get current test number and store it for next request $testNo = ( file_exists( ( $testNoFile = TMP_DIR . '/testno.txt' ) ) ? (int) file_get_contents( $testNoFile ) : 1 ); // The captured data will be stored here. $this->logDir = sprintf( '%s/%03s_%s', LOG_DIR, $testNo, strtr( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], array( ' ' => '_', ':' => '_', '(' => '', ')' => '', ) ) ); file_put_contents( $testNoFile, ++$testNo ); } /** * Runs the server. * * @return void */ public function run() { try { $this->server->handle( $this->backend ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->exceptions[] = $e; } } /** * Stores captured data. * * Stores all captured data to the $logDir. * * @return void */ public function store() { if ( !file_exists( $this->logDir ) ) { mkdir( $this->logDir ); } if ( !file_exists( ( $requestLogDir = "{$this->logDir}/request" ) ) ) { mkdir( $requestLogDir ); } if ( !file_exists( ( $responseLogDir = "{$this->logDir}/response" ) ) ) { mkdir( $responseLogDir ); } if ( count( $this->exceptions ) > 0 ) { file_put_contents( "{$this->logDir}/error.php", "exceptions, true ) . ";\n\n?>" ); } file_put_contents( $this->backendFile, serialize( $this->backend ) ); file_put_contents( "{$requestLogDir}/server.php", "" ); file_put_contents( "{$requestLogDir}/body.xml", $GLOBALS['EZC_WEBDAV_REQUEST_BODY'] ); file_put_contents( "{$responseLogDir}/headers.php", "" ); file_put_contents( "{$responseLogDir}/body.xml", $GLOBALS['EZC_WEBDAV_RESPONSE_BODY'] ); file_put_contents( "{$responseLogDir}/status.txt", $GLOBALS['EZC_WEBDAV_RESPONSE_STATUS'] ); } /** * Remove unwanted keys from $_SERVER. * * @return void */ protected function filterServerVars() { foreach ( $this->serverBlacklist as $key ) { if ( isset( $_SERVER[$key] ) ) { unset( $_SERVER[$key] ); } } } /** * Retrieves the initial backend. * * @return ezcWebdavBackend */ protected function getBackend() { try { return require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/test_generator_backend.php'; } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->exceptions[] = $e; } } /** * Initialializes the WebDAV server used for capturing. * * Retrieves the global server singleton and replaces all configured * transports with their corresponding mock. * * @param ezcWebdavPathFactory $pathFactory * @return void */ protected function initServer( ezcWebdavPathFactory $pathFactory ) { $this->server = ezcWebdavServer::getInstance(); foreach ( $this->server->configurations as $id => $transportCfg ) { // Prepare mock classes, if not done, yet if ( !class_exists( ( $mockClass = ( $transportCfg->transportClass . 'Mock' ) ), false ) ) { eval( sprintf( $this->mockClassSource, $mockClass, $transportCfg->transportClass ) ); } // Replace with mock config $this->server->configurations[$id]->transportClass = $mockClass; $this->server->configurations[$id]->pathFactory = $pathFactory; } } } ?>