localName ) { case 'lockdiscovery': $property = new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty(); if ( $domElement->hasChildNodes() ) { $property->activeLock = $this->extractActiveLockContent( $domElement ); } break; case 'supportedlock': $property = new ezcWebdavSupportedLockProperty(); if ( $domElement->hasChildNodes() ) { $property->links = $this->extractLockEntryContent( $domElement ); } break; } return $property; } /** * Extracts the XML elements. * This method extracts the XML elements from the * element and returns the corresponding * ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock object to be used as the * content of ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty. * * @param DOMElement $domElement * @return ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock */ protected function extractActiveLockContent( DOMElement $domElement ) { $activeLock = new ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock(); $activelockElement = $domElement->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'activelock' )->item( 0 ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $activelockElement->childNodes->length; ++$i ) { if ( !( ( $currentElement = $activelockElement->childNodes->item( $i ) ) instanceof DOMElement ) ) { // Skip non element children continue; } switch ( $currentElement->localName ) { case 'locktype': if ( $currentElement->hasChildren && $currentElement->firstChild->localName !== 'write' ) { $activelock->lockType = ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_READ; } else { $activelock->lockType = ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_WRITE; } break; case 'lockscope': if ( $currentElement->hasChildren ) { switch ( $currentElement->firstChild->localName ) { case 'exclusive': $activelock->lockScope = ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_EXCLUSIVE; break; case 'shared': $activelock->lockScope = ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_SHARED; break; } } break; case 'depth': switch ( trim( $currentElement->nodeValue ) ) { case '0': $activelock->depth = ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ZERO; break; case '1': $activelock->depth = ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ONE; break; case 'infinity': $activelock->depth = ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY; break; } break; case 'owner': // Ignore element by intention! $activelock->owner = $currentElement->textContent; break; case 'timeout': // @TODO Need to check for special values here! $activelock->timeout = new ezcWebdavDateTime( $currentElement->nodeValue ); break; case 'locktoken': for ( $i = 0; $i < $currentElement->childNodes->length; ++$i ) { $activelock->tokens[] = trim( $currentElement->childNodes->item( $i )->textContent ); } break; } } return $activelock; } /** * Extracts the XML elements. * This method extracts the XML elements from the * element and returns the corresponding * ezcWebdavSupportedLockPropertyLockentry object to be used as the content * of ezcWebdavSupportedLockProperty. * * @param DOMElement $domElement * @return ezcWebdavSupportedLockProperty */ protected function extractLockEntryContent( DOMElement $domElement ) { $lockEntries = array(); $lockEntryElements = $domElement->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'lockentry' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < $lockEntryElements->length; ++$i ) { $lockEntries[] = new ezcWebdavSupportedLockPropertyLockentry( ( $lockEntryElements->item( $i )->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'locktype' )->item( 0 )->localname === 'write' ? ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_WRITE : ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_READ ), ( $lockEntryElements->item( $i )->getElementsByTagNameNS( ezcWebdavXmlTool::XML_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, 'lockscope' )->item( 0 )->localname === 'shared' ? ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_SHARED : ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_EXCLUSIVE ) ); } return $lockEntries; } /** * Returns the XML representation of a live property. * Returns a DOMElement, representing the content of the given $property. * The newly created element is also appended as a child to the given * $parentElement. * * @param ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property * @param DOMElement $parentElement * @param ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool * @return DOMElement */ public function serializeLiveProperty( ezcWebdavLiveProperty $property, DOMElement $parentElement, ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool ) { switch ( get_class( $property ) ) { case 'ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryProperty': $elementName = 'lockdiscovery'; $elementValue = ( $property->activeLock !== null ? $this->serializeActiveLockContent( $property->activeLock, $parentElement->ownerDocument, $xmlTool ) : null ); break; case 'ezcWebdavSupportedLockProperty': $elementName = 'supportedlock'; $elementValue = ( $property->lockEntry !== null ? $this->serializeLockEntryContent( $property->lockEntry, $parentElement->ownerDocument, $xmlTool ) : null ); break; } $propertyElement = $parentElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $parentElement->ownerDocument, $elementName, $property->namespace ) ); if ( $elementValue instanceof DOMDocument ) { $propertyElement->appendChild( $dom->importNode( $elementValue->documentElement, true ) ); } else if ( is_array( $elementValue ) ) { foreach ( $elementValue as $subValue ) { $propertyElement->appendChild( $subValue ); } } else if ( is_scalar( $elementValue ) ) { $propertyElement->nodeValue = $elementValue; } return $propertyElement; } /** * Serializes an array of ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock elements to XML. * * Receives an array of {@link ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock} * objects in $activeLocks and serializes them to XML nodes in the received * $dom DOMDocument, using the received {@link ezcWebdavXmlTool} $xmlTool. * The created DOMElement objects are returned as an error for further * processing. * * @param array(ezcWebdavLockDiscoveryPropertyActiveLock) $activeLocks * @param DOMDocument $dom * @param ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool * @return array(DOMElement) */ protected function serializeActiveLockContent( array $activeLocks = null, DOMDocument $dom, ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool ) { $activeLockElements = array(); foreach ( $activeLocks as $activeLock ) { $activeLockElement = $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'activelock' ); $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'locktype' ) )->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, ( $activeLock->lockType === ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_READ ? 'read' : 'write' ) ) ); $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'lockscope' ) )->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, ( $activeLock->lockScope === ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_EXCLUSIVE ? 'exclusive' : 'shared' ) ) ); $depthElement = $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'depth' ) ); switch ( $activeLock->depth ) { case ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ZERO: $depthElement->nodeValue = '0'; break; case ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_ONE: $depthElement->nodeValue = '1'; break; case ezcWebdavRequest::DEPTH_INFINITY: $depthElement->nodeValue = 'Infity'; break; } if ( $activeLock->owner !== null ) { $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'owner' ) )->nodeValue = $activeLock->owner; } $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'timeout' ) )->$activeLock->timeout; foreach ( $activeLock->tokens as $token ) { $activeLockElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'locktoken' ) )->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'href' ) )->nodeValue = $token; } $activeLockElements[] = $lockElement; } return $activeLockElements; } /** * Serializes an array of ezcWebdavSupportedLockPropertyLockentry elements to XML. * * @param array(ezcWebdavSupportedLockPropertyLockentry) $lockEntries * @param DOMDocument $dom To create the returned DOMElements. * @param ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool * @return array(DOMElement) */ protected function serializeLockEntryContent( array $lockEntries = null, DOMDocument $dom, ezcWebdavXmlTool $xmlTool ) { $lockEntryContentElements = array(); foreach ( $lockEntries as $lockEntry ) { $lockEntryElement = $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'lockentry' ); $lockEntryElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'lockscope' ) )->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, ( $lockEntry->lockScope === ezcWebdavLockRequest::SCOPE_EXCLUSIVE ? 'exclusive' : 'shared' ) ) ); $lockEntryElement->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, 'locktype' ) )->appendChild( $xmlTool->createDomElement( $dom, ( $lockEntry->lockScope === ezcWebdavLockRequest::TYPE_READ ? 'read' : 'write' ) ) ); $lockEntryContentElements[] = $lockEntryElement; } return $lockEntryContentElements; } } ?>