* class htmlBlocks implements ezcTemplateCustomBlock
* {
* public static function getCustomBlockDefinition( $name )
* {
* switch ( $name )
* {
* case "link":
* $def = new ezcTemplateCustomBlockDefinition();
* $def->class = __CLASS__;
* $def->method = 'link';
* $def->hasCloseTag = false;
* $def->startExpressionName = 'from';
* $def->requiredParameters = array( 'title' );
* $def->optionalParameters = array( 'from', 'to' );
* return $def;
* }
* return false;
* }
* public static function link( $parameters )
* {
* $title = "";
* if ( isset( $parameters['title'] ) )
* {
* $title = "title=\"{$parameters['title']}\"";
* }
* return "<" . "a href=\"{$parameters['to']}\" {$title}>{$parameters['from']}";
* }
* }
* 2. Assign the class to the Template configuration in your application.
* $config = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance();
* $config->addExtension( "htmlBlocks" );
* 3. Use the custom block in the template.
* {link "Google" to "http://www.google.com" title "Google search engine"}
* The generated html code for this will be a hyperlink.
* @package Template
* @version 1.4
* @mainclass
class ezcTemplateCustomBlockDefinition extends ezcTemplateCustomExtension
* Holds the (static) class that implements the function to be executed.
* @var string
public $class;
* Holds the (static) method that should be run.
* @var string
public $method;
* Specifies whether the class has an open and close tag or only a open tag.
* @var bool
public $hasCloseTag;
* Holds the first parameter of a custom block without a name.
* If the custom block should have a start expression then this variable
* specifies a name for it. The name should reappear in either the
* {@link optionalParameters} or the {@link requiredParameters}.
* @var string
public $startExpressionName;
* Holds the optional named parameters for this custom block.
* @var array(string)
public $optionalParameters = array();
* Holds the required named parameters for this custom block.
* @var array(string)
public $requiredParameters = array();
public $isStatic = false;
* Whether or not the Template object is available in the custom block.
* Be aware that if you change this, your custom block's signature
* changes as the first argument will then be the template object.
* @var bool
public $sendTemplateObject = false;
* When excessParameters is set to true, the custom block accepts any amount of
* parameters over the required parameters.
* @var bool
public $excessParameters = false;