Regular expressions =================== bool _`preg_has_match` ( string *$subject*, string *$pattern* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns true if the given regular expression $pattern* matches with the *$subject*, otherwise false. The syntax of the pattern is described here_. .. _here: The next example returns true because the pattern matches the subject:: {preg_has_match( "Bernard Black", "/^B.*/" )} array _`preg_match` ( string *$subject*, string *$pattern* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns an array with the matching values of the performed match between the regular expression *$pattern* and the *$subject*. The syntax of the pattern is described here_. .. _here: The next example returns true because the pattern matches the subject:: {var $matches = preg_match( "Bernard Black", "/^B.*/" )} {debug_dump( $matches )} Outputs:: Array ( [0] => Bernard Black ) string _`preg_replace` ( string *$subject*, string *$pattern*, string *$replace* [, int *$limit*] ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Replaces the matching regular expression *$pattern* in the source *$subject* with the value *$replace*. The amount of replacements is limited to the optional given *$limit*. The replaced string is returned:: {preg_replace( "Bernard Black", "/^B.*\s/", "Manny " )} Outputs:: Manny Black Because the pattern matches 'Bernard ', and replaces it with 'Manny '. string _`preg_quote` ( *$str*, [, string *$delim*] ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the quoted string of the *$str*. Every character that is a part of the regular expression syntax will be prepended with an addition slash. If the *$delim* string is given then those characters will also be escaped in the *$str*:: {preg_quote( "^Bernard/Black" )} {preg_quote( "^Bernard/Black", "/" )} Outputs:: \^Bernard/Black \^Bernard\/Black array _`preg_split` ( string *$subject*, string *$pattern* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns an array that contains the substrings of the split elements. The elements are split by the regular expression *$pattern* in the source *$subject*:: {var $a = preg_split( "These|are|my|elements", "/\|/" )} {debug_dump( $a )} Outputs:: Array ( [0] => These [1] => are [2] => my [3] => elements ) array _`preg_grep` ( array *$subject*, string *$pattern* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the array alements from the *subject* that matches the *$pattern*:: {var $a = preg_grep( array( "Manny", "Bernard", "Fram" ), "/^B/" )} {debug_dump( $a )} Outputs:: Array ( [1] => Bernard ) .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79