basePath = $this->createTempDir( "ezcTemplate_" ); $this->templatePath = $this->basePath . "/templates"; $this->compilePath = $this->basePath . "/compiled"; mkdir ( $this->templatePath ); mkdir ( $this->compilePath ); $config = ezcTemplateConfiguration::getInstance(); $config->templatePath = $this->templatePath; $config->compilePath = $this->compilePath; $config->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext; $this->originalLocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, 0); } protected function tearDown() { setlocale( LC_ALL, $this->originalLocale ); } public function testLocale() { setlocale( LC_ALL, 'de_DE', 'de_DE.UTF-8', 'deu', 'german' ); $a = 3.4; $this->assertEquals("3,4", (string)$a); } public function testFloats() { setlocale( LC_ALL, 'de_DE' ); $template = new ezcTemplate(); $file = "float.ezt"; // The number 3.14 should not be translated to 3,14. The array size should be one, not two. file_put_contents( $this->templatePath . "/". $file, "{array_count(array(3.14))}" ); $this->assertEquals(1, $template->process( $file), "Number 3.14 is internally translated to 3,14 when the de_DE locale is used."); } } ?>