String manipulation =================== string _`str_replace` ( string *$before*, int *$index*, int *$length*, string *$replace* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Replaces the part between *$index* and *$index* + *$length* from the string *$before* with *$replace*:: {str_replace( "Hello world!", 6, 5, "earth" )} Outputs:: Hello earth! See also: str_find_replace_ (). string _`str_find_replace` ( string *$source*, string *$find*, string *$replace* [, int *$count*] ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Searches for the string *find* in the string *source*. The first occurence will be replaced with the string *replace*. If the last parameter *count* is given, the amount of replacements is limited to this number:: {str_find_replace( "Hello world!", "world", "earth" )} Outputs:: Hello earth! See also: str_replace_ (). string _`str_remove` ( string *$before*, int *$index*, int *$length* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes the part between *index* and *index* + *length* from the string *before*:: {str_remove( "Hello world!", 6, 5 )} Outputs:: Hello! See also: str_chop_ (), str_chop_front_ (). string _`str_chop` ( string *$before*, int *$number* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes the *number* amount of characters from the end of the string:: {str_chop( "Hello world!", 7 )} Outputs:: Hello See also: str_chop_front_ (), str_remove_ (). string _`str_chop_front` ( string *$before*, string *$number* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes the *$number* amount of characters from the beginning of the string:: {str_chop_front( "Hello world!", 6 )} Outputs:: world! See also: str_chop_ (), str_remove_ (). string _`str_append` ( string *$s1*, string *$s2* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Appends the string *$s2* to the string *$s1*:: {str_append( "Hello", " world!" )} Outputs:: Hello world! Note that this function is the same as using the dot operator. See also str_prepend_ (), str_pad_right_ (), str_pad_left_ (), str_fill_ (). string _`str_prepend` ( string *$s1*, string *$s2* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Prepends the string *$s2* to the string *$s1*:: {str_prepend( "Hello", " world!" )} Outputs:: world!Hello Note that this function is the same as using the dot operator with switched arguments. See also str_append_ (), str_pad_left_ (), str_pad_right_ (), str_fill_ (). string _`str_pad_left` ( string *$str*, int *$length*, string *$fill* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Pads the string *$str* to the length *$length* with the string *$fill*. The padding will be prepended to the string *$str*:: {str_pad_left( " You got the BFG", 20, "-" )} Outputs:: ---- You got the BFG See also str_pad_right_ (), str_prepend_ (), str_append_ (), str_fill_ (). string _`str_pad_right` ( string *$str*, int *$length*, string *$fill* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Pads the string *$str* to the length *$length* with the string *$fill*. The padding will be appended to the string *$str*:: {str_pad_right( "You got the BFG ", 20, "-" )} Outputs:: You got the BFG ---- See also str_pad_left_ (), str_append_ (), str_prepend_ (), str_fill_ (). string _`str_fill` ( string *$str*, int *$repeat* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Repeats the string *$str* for *$repeat* times and returns it:: {str_fill( "-", 5 )} Outputs:: ----- See also str_pad_left_ (), str_pad_right_ (), str_prepend_ (), str_append_ (). int _`str_compare` ( string *$s1*, string *$s2* ) ````````````````````````````````````````````````` Compares string *$s1* with *$s2* and returns 0 if both strings are equal. This function returns a negative value if *$s1* is smaller than *$s2* and returns a positive value if *$s1* is greater than *$s2*:: {str_compare( "Bernard", "Bernard") // = 0 } {str_compare( "Bernard", "Fran" ) // > 0 } {str_compare( "Fran", "Bernard" ) // < 0 } See also str_nat_compare_ (). int _`str_nat_compare` ( string *$sl*, string *$s2* ) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Compares string *$s1* with *$s2* with a 'natural order' algorithm. This function returns 0 if both strings are equal. A negative value is returned if *$s1* is smaller than *$s2* and a positive value is returned if *$s1* is greater than *$s2*. The difference between str_nat_compare_() and str_compare_ () is how numbers are compared:: {str_compare( "img1.png", "img10.png" ) // > 0 } {str_nat_compare( "img1.png", "img10.png" ) // < 0 } The first function sorts pure alphabetically. The second functions recognizes the number and therefore says that 'img10' comes after (has a higher number) than 'img1'. See also str_compare_ (). int _`str_len` ( string *$str* ) ```````````````````````````````` Returns the string length, the amount of characters of the string *$str*:: {str_len( "Bernard" )} Outputs:: 7 This method is the same as str_char_count_ (). See also str_word_count_ (), str_paragraph_count_ (). int _`str_char_count` ( string *$str* ) ``````````````````````````````````````` Returns the number of characters in the given string *$str*:: {str_char_count( "Hello" )} Outputs:: 5 This method is the same as str_len_ (). See also str_word_count_ (), str_paragraph_count_ (). int _`str_word_count` ( string *$str* [, *$word_sep* ] ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the number of words in the given string *$str*. If no word separator *$word_sep* is given, the default word seperator is a whitespace:: {str_word_count( "Just a random sentence" )} Outputs:: 4 See also str_char_count_ (), str_paragraph_count_ (). int _`str_paragraph_count` ( string *$str* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the number of paragraphs in the given string *$str*. Each paragraph is supposed to be split a blank line:: {str_paragraph_count( "The first paragraph The second paragraph" )} Outputs:: 2 See also str_char_count_ (), str_word_count_ (). bool _`str_is_empty` ( string *$str* ) `````````````````````````````````````` Returns true if the given string *$str* is empty, otherwise it returns false:: {str_is_empty( "" ) // true } bool _`str_contains` ( string *$source*, string *$find* ) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns true if the substring *$find* is found in the source string *$source*, otherwise this function returns false:: {str_contains( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "party" )} Returns true. See also str_starts_with_ (), str_ends_with_ (), str_index_of_ (), str_last_index_ (). bool _`str_starts_with` ( string *$s1*, string *$s2* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns true if the string *$s1* starts with *$s2*:: {str_starts_with( "Bernard Black" , "Bernard" )} Returns true. See also str_ends_with_ (), str_contains_ (), str_index_of_ (), str_last_index_ (). bool _`str_ends_with` ( string *$s1*, string *$s2* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns true if the string *$s1* ends with *$s2*:: {str_ends_with( "Bernard Black" , "Black" )} Returns true. See also str_starts_with_ (), str_contains_ (), str_index_of_ (), str_last_index_ (). int _`str_index_of` ( string *$source*, string *$search* [, int *$offset* ] ) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Searches the string *$search* in *$source* and returns the begin position of the first occurrence. If an *$offset* is given, the searching starts at this position. This function returns false if the *$search* string couldn't be found in the *$source*:: {str_index_of( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "party" )} {str_index_of( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "a" )} {str_index_of( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "a", 12 )} Outputs:: 29 11 30 See also str_last_index_ (), str_contains_ (), str_starts_with_ (), str_ends_with_ (). string _`str_last_index` ( string $s1, string $s2 [, int $offset] ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Does a reverse search the string *$search* in *$source* and returns the begin position of the first occurrence. If an *$offset* is given, the searching starts at this position. This function returns false if the *$search* string couldn't be found in the *$source*:: {str_last_index( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "party" )} {str_last_index( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "a" )} {str_last_index( "Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", "a", 38 )} Outputs:: 29 39 36 See also str_index_of_ (), str_contains_ (), str_starts_with_ (), str_ends_with_ (). string _`str_left` ( string *$str*, int *$length* ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the 'left' *$length* characters of the string *$str*:: {str_left( "Bernard Black" , 7 )} Outputs:: Bernard See also str_right_ (), str_mid_ (), str_at_ (). string _`str_right` ( string *$str*, int *$length* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the 'right' *$length* characters of the string *$str*:: {str_right( "Bernard Black" , 5 )} Outputs:: Black See also str_left_ (), str_mid_ (), str_at_ (). string _`str_mid` ( string *$str*, int *$index*, int *$length* ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the sub-string between *$index* and *$index* + *$length* from the string *$str*:: {str_mid( "Bernard Ludwig Black", 8, 6 )} Outputs:: Ludwig See also str_left_ (), str_right_ (), str_at_ (). string _`str_at` ( string *$str*, int *$pos* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns the character that is at position *$pos* in the string *$str*:: {str_at( "Bernard", 2 )} Outputs:: r See also str_left_ (), str_mid_ (), str_right_ (). string _`str_ord` ( int *$char* ) ````````````````````````````````` Returns one character string with the ASCII value *$char*:: {str_ord( 65 )} Outputs:: A string _`str_number` ( float *$number*, int *$decimals*, string *$decimal_sep*, string *$thousands_sep* ) ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Formats the number *$number* with the given amount of decimals *$decimals*, separated with the *$decimal_sep* character. Thousands are separated with the *$thousands_sep* character:: {str_number( 30000.141234", 2, ".", "," )} Outputs:: 3,000.14 string _`str_trim` ( string *$str*, string *$charlist* = false ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes whitespace characters or other characters from the beginning and end of the string. If no *$charlist* is given, the following characters will be removed: :' ': Ordinary whitespaces. :\\t: A tab. :\\n: A newline. :\\r: A carriage return. :\\0: A null byte. If a *$charlist* is given, then the characters in that string will be stripped instead:: { str_trim( " ...Whoohooo.. " )} { str_trim( " ...Whoohooo.. ", "." )} { str_trim( " ...Whoohooo.. ", " ." )} Outputs:: ...Whoohooo.. ...Whoohooo.. Whoohooo See also str_trim_left_ (), str_trim_right_ (), str_simplify_ (). string _`str_trim_left` ( string $str, string *$charlist* = false ) ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes whitespace characters or other characters from the beginning of the string. This function works the same as str_trim_ (), except that the characters on the right side are not trimmed:: { str_trim_left( " ...Whoohooo.. " )} { str_trim_left( " ...Whoohooo.. ", "." )} { str_trim_left( " ...Whoohooo.. ", " ." )} Outputs:: ...Whoohooo.. ...Whoohooo.. Whoohooo.. See also str_trim_ (), str_trim_right_ (), str_simplify_ (). string _`str_trim_right` ( string $str, string *$charlist* = false ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Removes whitespace characters or other characters from the end of the string. This function works the same as str_trim_ (), except that the characters on the left side are not trimmed:: { str_trim_right( " ...Whoohooo.. " )} { str_trim_right( " ...Whoohooo.. ", "." )} { str_trim_right( " ...Whoohooo.. ", " ." )} Outputs:: ...Whoohooo ...Whoohooo.. ...Whoohooo See also str_trim_ (), str_trim_left_ (), str_simplify_ (). string _`str_simplify` ( string *$str* ) `````````````````````````````````````````` Substitutes newlines, tabs, and multiple spaces from the string *$str* and replaces it with a single blank. Whitespace in the beginning and at the end of the *$str* are removed:: {str_simplify( " my\t \n string \n " )} Outputs:: my string See also str_trim_ (), str_trim_left_ (), str_trim_right_ (). array _`str_split` ( string *$str*, string *$separator* [, int *$max*] ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Splits the string *$str* with the *$separator* and returns it as an array. If a maximum *max* is given, the return array will consist of maximum *$max* elements:: {str_split( "Bernard-Ludwig-Black", "-" )} Will return an array with the elements:: [0] => "Bernard", [1] => "Ludwig", [2] => "Black". See also str_join_ (). string _`str_join` ( array *$array*, string *$separator* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Joins an array with strings, *$array* together. Between each element a separator is inserted:: {str_join( array( "Bernard", "Ludwig", "Black" ) , "-"} Outputs:: Bernard-Ludwig-Black See also str_split_ (). string _`str_upper` ( string *$str* ) ````````````````````````````````````` Returns a string with only upper case characters of the source string *$str*:: { str_upper( "hEllO worLD" )} Outputs:: HELLO WORLD See also str_lower_ (), str_capitalize_ (). string _`str_lower` ( string *$str* ) ````````````````````````````````````` Returns a string with only lower case characters of the source string *$str*:: { str_lower( "hEllO worLD" )} Outputs:: hello world See also str_upper_ (), str_capitalize_ (). string _`str_capitalize` ( string *$str* ) `````````````````````````````````````````` Returns a string of which the first character is capitalized. Other characters remain unchanged:: {str_capitalize( "hello WORLD" )} Outputs:: Hello WORLD See also str_lower_ (), str_upper_ (). string _`str_reverse` ( string *$str* ) ``````````````````````````````````````` Returns the reversed string of *$str*:: {str_reverse( "Hello world" )} Outputs:: dlrow olleH string _`str_wrap` ( string *$str*, int *$width*, string *$break* [, bool *$cut_word*] ) ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns a wrapped string of the source string *$str*. The *$width* specifies after how the *$break* character should be inserted. If *$cut_word* is given and set to true, it will directly insert the *$break* in the word. Otherwise the word will be finished and the *$break* will be inserted after the word:: {str_wrap("Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", 20, "
\n" )} {str_wrap("Don't you dare use the word 'party' as a verb in this shop!", 20, "\n", true )} Outputs:: Don't you dare use the
word 'party' as a verb
in this shop! Don't you dare use t he word 'party' as a verb in this shop! string _`str_base64_encode` ( string *$str* ) ````````````````````````````````````````````` Returns a MIME base64 encoded string from the *$str*:: {str_base64_encode( "I don't want to be encoded!" )} Outputs:: SSBkb24ndCB3YW50IHRvIGJlIGVuY29kZWQh See also str_base64_decode_ (). string _`str_base64_decode` ( string *$str* ) `````````````````````````````````````````````` Decodes the given MIME base64 *$str* and returns the original data:: {str_base64_decode( "SSBkb24ndCB3YW50IHRvIGJlIGVuY29kZWQh" )} Outputs:: I don't want to be encoded! See also str_base64_encode_ (). .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79