requestRegeneration ) { $this->stdin = fopen("php://stdin","r"); } } public function __destruct() { if( $this->stdin !== null) { fclose( $this->stdin ); } } public function setUp() { date_default_timezone_set( "UTC" ); } public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite( __CLASS__ ); } private function removeTags( $str ) { $str=str_replace('<'.'?php','<'.'?',$str); $str= '?'.'>'. trim($str). '<'.'?'; return $str; } private function readDirRecursively( $dir, &$total, $onlyWithExtension = false) { $extensionLength = strlen( $onlyWithExtension ); $path = opendir( $dir ); while( false !== ( $file = readdir( $path ) ) ) { if( $file != "." && $file != ".." ) { $new = $dir . "/" . $file; if( is_file( $new ) ) { if( !$onlyWithExtension || substr( $file, -$extensionLength - 1 ) == ".$onlyWithExtension" ) { $total[] = $new; } } elseif( is_dir( $new ) ) { $this->readDirRecursively( $new, $total, $onlyWithExtension ); } } } } public function testRunRegression() { $regressionDir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/regression_tests"; $this->createTempDir( "regression_compiled_" ); $directories = array(); $this->readDirRecursively( $regressionDir, $directories, "in" ); // Sort it, than the file will be processed first. Handy for development. natsort( $directories ); foreach( $directories as $directory ) { $template = new ezcTemplate(); $dir = dirname( $directory ); $base = basename( $directory ); $template->configuration = new ezcTemplateConfiguration( $dir, $this->getTempDir() ); if( preg_match("#^(\w+)@(\w+)\..*$#", $base, $match ) ) { $contextClass = "ezcTemplate". ucfirst( strtolower( $match[2] ) ) . "Context"; $template->configuration->context = new $contextClass(); } else { $template->configuration->context = new ezcTemplateNoContext(); } $send = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".send"; if( file_exists( $send ) ) { $template->send = include ($send); } try { $out = $template->process( $base ); } catch (Exception $e ) { $out = $e->getMessage(); // Begin of the error message contains the full path. We replace this with 'mock' so that the // tests work on other systems as well. if( strncmp( $out, $directory, strlen( $directory ) ) == 0 ) { $out = "mock" . substr( $out, strlen( $directory ) ); } } $expected = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".out"; if( !file_exists( $expected ) ) { $help = "The file: <$expected> could not be found."; if( $this->requestRegeneration ) { echo $help; echo "Do you want to create this file? (y/n)"; $char = fgetc( $this->stdin ); if ($char == "y" || $char == "Y" ) { file_put_contents( $expected, $out ); } } else { $this->fail( $help ); } } else if ( file_get_contents( $expected ) != $out ) { $help = "The evaluated template <".$regressionDir . "/current.tmp> differs "; $help .= "from the expected output: <$expected>.\n\n"; $help .= "The original template <$directory>:\n"; $help .= "----------\n".file_get_contents( $directory ) . "----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; $cont = file_get_contents( $template->compiledTemplatePath ); $cont = str_replace( "<"."?php", "", $cont ); $cont = str_replace( "?" . ">", "", $cont ); $help .= "The compiled template:\n"; $help .= "----------\n".$cont."----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; $help .= "The eval'ed output:\n"; $help .= "----------\n".$out."----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; $help .= "The expected output:\n"; $help .= "----------\n" . file_get_contents( $expected ) . "----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; if( $this->showTreesOnFailure && $template->tstTree !== false ) { $help .= "The TST tree:\n"; $help .= "----------\n" . ezcTemplateTstTreeOutput::output( $template->tstTree ) . "----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; } if( $this->showTreesOnFailure && $template->astTree !== false ) { $help .= "The AST tree:\n"; $help .= "----------\n" . ezcTemplateAstTreeOutput::output( $template->astTree ) . "----------\n"; $help .= "\n"; } if( $this->requestRegeneration ) { echo $help; echo "Do you want to set the new file output? "; $char = fgetc( $this->stdin ); if ($char == "y" || $char == "Y" ) { file_put_contents( $expected, $out ); } } else { $this->fail( $help ); } $this->fail( $help ); } else { // check the receive variables. $receive = substr( $directory, 0, -3 ) . ".receive"; if( file_exists( $receive ) ) { $expectedVar = serialize( include( $receive ) ); $foundVar = serialize( $template->receive ); if( $expectedVar != $foundVar ) { echo ("Expected:\n". $expectedVar . "\n\n Found:\n $foundVar\n" ); } } echo "*"; } } $this->removeTempDir(); } } ?>