assignmentOperators = array( 'AdditionAssignment', 'ConcatAssignment', 'DivisionAssignment', 'ModulusAssignment', 'MultiplicationAssignment', 'SubtractionAssignment', 'Assignment' ); // Unary operators before operand $this->unaryOperators = array( 'ArithmeticNegation', 'LogicalNegation' ); // Unary operators before/after operand $this->unaryPrePostOperators = array( 'Decrement', 'Increment' ); // Operators which are binary and logical $this->logicalOperators = array( 'Equal', 'GreaterThan', 'GreaterEqual', 'Identical', 'LessThan', 'LessEqual', 'NotEqual', 'NotIdentical', 'LogicalAnd', 'LogicalOr' ); // The binary operators, except array fetch which needs // special attention $this->binaryOperators = array( 'Addition', 'Concat', 'Division', 'Modulus', 'Multiplication', 'Subtraction', 'Concat', 'Instanceof', 'ObjectAccess' ); $this->binaryOperators = array_merge( $this->binaryOperators, $this->assignmentOperators, $this->logicalOperators ); } public function tearDown() { } /** * Test all unary operators which are always placed in front of operands. */ public function testUnaryOperators() { // Create with valid parameter count. foreach ( $this->unaryOperators as $operator ) { $className = 'ezcTemplate' . $operator . 'OperatorAstNode'; try { $operator = new $className(); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Unary operator <{$className}> with one parameter should not throw an exception." ); } } // Create with invalid parameter count. foreach ( $this->unaryOperators as $operator ) { $className = 'ezcTemplate' . $operator . 'OperatorAstNode'; $operator = new $className(); $failed = false; try { $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "b" ) ); $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using two parameters only for unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } $operator = new $className(); $failed = false; try { $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using no parameters for unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } } } /** * Test all unary operators which can be placed in front or after operands. */ public function testPrePostUnaryOperators() { // Create operator with valid parameter count. foreach ( $this->unaryPrePostOperators as $operator ) { $className = 'ezcTemplate' . $operator . 'OperatorAstNode'; try { $operator = new $className( true ); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Pre unary operator <{$className}> with one parameter should not throw an exception." ); } try { $operator = new $className( false ); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Post unary operator <{$className}> with one parameter should not throw an exception." ); } } // Create with invalid parameter count. foreach ( $this->unaryPrePostOperators as $operator ) { $className = 'ezcTemplate' . $operator . 'OperatorAstNode'; $operator = new $className( true ); $failed = false; try { $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "b" ) ); $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using two parameters only for pre unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } $operator = new $className( false ); $failed = false; try { $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using no parameters for pre unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } $operator = new $className( false ); $failed = false; try { $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "b" ) ); $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using two parameters only for post unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } $operator = new $className( false ); $failed = false; try { $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using no parameters for post unary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } } } /** * Test the array fetch binary operator which needs special testing. */ public function testArrayFetchOperator() { // Create with valid parameter count. $className = 'ezcTemplateArrayFetchOperatorAstNode'; // Create with invalid parameter count. $operator = new $className(); $failed = false; try { $operator->appendParameter( new ezcTemplateVariableAstNode( "a" ) ); $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using one parameter only for binary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } $operator = new $className(); $failed = false; try { $operator->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Using no parameters for binary operator <{$className}> does not throw an exception." ); } } public function testEchoConstruct() { $type = new ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode( "text" ); $outputList = array( $type ); $construct = new ezcTemplateEchoAstNode( $outputList ); self::assertSame( $outputList, $construct->getOutputList() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Echo construct with output parameters should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateEchoAstNode(); $construct->appendOutput( $type ); self::assertSame( $outputList, $construct->getOutputList() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Echo construct with appended output parameter should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateEchoAstNode(); $failed = false; try { $construct->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Echo construct without output parameters should fail validation." ); } } public function testIssetConstruct() { $type = new ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode( "text" ); $expressionList = array( $type ); $construct = new ezcTemplateIssetAstNode( $expressionList ); self::assertSame( $expressionList, $construct->getExpressions() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Isset construct with expressions should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateIssetAstNode(); $construct->appendExpression( $type ); self::assertSame( $expressionList, $construct->getExpressions() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Isset construct with appended expression should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateIssetAstNode(); $failed = false; try { $construct->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Isset construct without expressions should fail validation." ); } } public function testUnsetConstruct() { $type = new ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode( "text" ); $expressionList = array( $type ); $construct = new ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode( $expressionList ); self::assertSame( $expressionList, $construct->getExpressions() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Unset construct with expressions should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode(); $construct->appendExpression( $type ); self::assertSame( $expressionList, $construct->getExpressions() ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "Unset construct with appended expression should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateUnsetAstNode(); $failed = false; try { $construct->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "Unset construct without expressions should fail validation." ); } } public function testEmptyConstruct() { $type = new ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode( "text" ); $construct = new ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode( $type ); self::assertSame( $type, $construct->expression ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "'empty' construct with expression should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode(); $construct->expression = $type; self::assertSame( $type, $construct->expression ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "'empty' construct with appended output parameter should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplateEmptyAstNode(); $failed = false; try { $construct->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "'empty' construct without output parameters should fail validation." ); } } public function testPrintConstruct() { $type = new ezcTemplateLiteralAstNode( "text" ); $construct = new ezcTemplatePrintAstNode( $type ); self::assertSame( $type, $construct->expression ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "'print' construct with expression should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplatePrintAstNode(); $construct->expression = $type; self::assertSame( $type, $construct->expression ); try { $construct->validate(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { self::fail( "'print' construct with appended output parameter should not fail validation." ); } $construct = new ezcTemplatePrintAstNode(); $failed = false; try { $construct->validate(); $failed = true; } catch ( Exception $e ) { } if ( $failed ) { self::fail( "'print' construct without output parameters should fail validation." ); } } } ?>