1.0 - Monday 12 June 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed a bug that some indentations were not removed. - Fixed a bug that the newlines after a non output block were not removed. - Fixed a bug that fetching an array element was never considered as a possible sub array. E.g. {var $a = array( array("a") )} {foreach $a[0] as $i} gave an error. - Fixed a bug that an imported variable with default value got the wrong type. E.g. {var $myArray = false} {foreach $myArray as $i} gave an error. 1.0rc1 - Monday 29 May 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added "web" functions. - Added "date" functions. - Added the raw tag that outputs raw, without context, values. - Fixed a bug that arrays and properties could not be send as expression part of the include construct. E.g. {include "abc.ezt" send $a[0] as $b} - Fixed a bug that property fetches were ignored after the first fetch. E.g. {$obj->prop1->prop2} - Fixed a bug that the variable is declared in the 'as' part of the include. E.g. {include "abc.ezt" send $a as $b}, $b was declared. - Fixed a bug that using parenthesis in an 'if' block gave an error message. E.g. {if ( true ) } - Fixed a bug that a function call after a property fetch would give an error message. E.g. {$mail->myProp} {str_len( $mail->myProp)} - Fixed a bug that the equal, not equal, identical, not identical could not compare arrays with arrays and arrays with 'values'. - Fixed a bug in the get_class function. Due to a spelling error it would throw a PHP Fatal Error. - Fixed a bug that blanks between the pre-operator and operand were not allowed. E.g. {5 + - 3} - Fixed a bug that the break and continue tags could contain garbage. E.g. {break abcd} - Fixed a bug that the column number in error messages were incorrect. - Fixed a bug that the hash_intersect_key function was mapped wrong. - Fixed bug #8280: Array assignment with non-constants not working. - All compile errors throw the ezcTemplateParserException. Removed the ezcTemplateSourceToTstParserException. - Renamed the functions: str_trimmed, str_trimmed_left, str_trimmed_right, and str_simplified to respectively str_trim, str_trim_left, str_trim_right, and str_simplify. - The modulo part of the delimiter is now optional. - The delimiter does not appear after the last iteration. 1.0beta2 - Tuesday 09 May 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fixed issues with escape characters in the single quoted string, double quoted string, and in the Text. - Added functionality that a number can also be specified with an exponent. - Throw an exception when a directory in the compile path could not be created (Because of the file permissions). - Throw an exception when a method from an object is called. 1.0beta1 - Monday 01 May 2006 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Initial release of this package.