cpuType; $haveCpuVendor = preg_match( '/AMD|Intel|Cyrix/', $cpuType ) ? true : false; if( !is_string( $cpuType ) || $cpuType=='' || !$haveCpuVendor ) { self::fail('CPU type was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoCpuSpeedTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $cpuSpeed = $info->cpuSpeed; $haveCpuSpeed = preg_match( '/([0-9]+)(\.)?([0-9]+)$/', $cpuSpeed ) ? true : false; if( !is_float($cpuSpeed) || $cpuSpeed=='' || !$haveCpuSpeed ) { self::fail('CPU speed was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoOsNameTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $osName = $info->osName; $haveOsName = preg_match( '/Linux|FreeBSD|Windows|Mac/', $osName ) ? true : false; if( !$haveOsName ) { self::fail('OS name was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoOsTypeTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $osType = $info->osType; $haveOsType = preg_match( '/unix|win32|mac/', $osType ) ? true : false; if( !$haveOsType ) { self::fail('OS type was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoMemorySizeTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $memorySize = $info->memorySize; if ( substr( php_uname( 's' ), 0, 7 ) == 'Windows' && !extension_loaded("win32ps") ) { // scanning of Total Physical memory not implemented for Windows // without php_win32ps.dll extention installed if ( $memorySize != null ) { self::fail('OS memory size should be null in Windows when win32ps extention is not installed in PHP'); } return; } if ( !is_int( $memorySize ) || $memorySize == 0 || $memorySize % 1024 != 0 ) { self::fail('OS memory size was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoFileSystemTypeTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $fileSystemType = $info->fileSystemType; $haveFileSysType = preg_match( '/unix|win32/', $fileSystemType ) ? true : false; if( !$haveFileSysType ) { self::fail('File System type was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoLineSeparatorTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $lineSeparator = $info->lineSeparator; if( $lineSeparator != "\n" && $lineSeparator != "\r\n" && $lineSeparator != "\r" ) { self::fail('Line separator was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoBackupFileNameTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $backupFileName = $info->backupFileName; if( $backupFileName != "~" && $backupFileName != ".bak" ) { self::fail('Backup file name was not determined correctly'); } } public function testSystemInfoPhpVersionTest() { $phpVersion = ezcSystemInfo::phpVersion(); $waitVersion = explode( '.', phpVersion() ); self::assertEquals( $phpVersion, $waitVersion, 'Php version was not determined correctly' ); unset( $phpVersion ); $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $phpVersion = $info->phpVersion; self::assertEquals( $phpVersion, $waitVersion, 'Php version was not determined correctly' ); } public function testSystemInfoIsShellExecutionTest() { $info = ezcSystemInfo::getInstance(); $isShellExecution = $info->isShellExecution(); self::assertEquals( $isShellExecution, true, 'Execution from shell was not determined correctly' ); unset ( $isShellExecution ); $isShellExecution = ezcSystemInfo::isShellExecution(); self::assertEquals( $isShellExecution, true, 'Execution from shell was not determined correctly' ); } public function testSystemInfoPhpAcceleratorTest() { $testSample = null; $accelerator = ezcSystemInfo::phpAccelerator(); if ( isset( $GLOBALS['_PHPA'] ) ) { $testSample = new ezcSystemInfoAccelerator( "ionCube PHP Accelerator", // name "http://www.php-accelerator.co.uk", // url $GLOBALS['_PHPA']['ENABLED'], // isEnabled $GLOBALS['_PHPA']['iVERSION'], // version int $GLOBALS['_PHPA']['VERSION'] // version string ); self::assertEquals( $accelerator, $testSample, 'PHP Accelerator not determined correctly' ); } else if ( extension_loaded( "Turck MMCache" ) ) { $testSample = new ezcSystemInfoAccelerator( "Turck MMCache", // name "http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net", // url true, // isEnabled false, // version int false // version string ); self::assertEquals( $accelerator, $testSample, 'PHP Accelerator not determined correctly' ); } else if ( extension_loaded( "eAccelerator" ) ) { $testSample = new ezcSystemInfoAccelerator( "eAccelerator", // name "http://sourceforge.net/projects/eaccelerator/", // url true, // isEnabled false, // version int phpversion('eAccelerator') // version string ); self::assertEquals( $accelerator, $testSample, 'PHP Accelerator not determined correctly' ); } else if ( extension_loaded( "apc" ) ) { $testSample = new ezcSystemInfoAccelerator( "APC", // name "http://pecl.php.net/package/APC", // url (ini_get( 'apc.enabled' ) != 0), // isEnabled false, // version int phpversion( 'apc' ) // version string ); self::assertEquals( $accelerator, $testSample, 'PHP Accelerator not determined correctly' ); } else if ( extension_loaded( "Zend Performance Suite" ) ) { $testSample = new ezcSystemInfoAccelerator( "Zend WinEnabler (Zend Performance Suite)", // name "http://www.zend.com/store/products/zend-win-enabler.php", // url true, // isEnabled false, // version int false // version string ); self::assertEquals( $accelerator, $testSample, 'PHP Accelerator not determined correctly' ); } else { self::assertEquals( $accelerator, null, 'phpAccelerator() should return null' ); } } public static function suite() { return new ezcTestSuite( "ezcSystemInfoTest" ); } } ?>