eZ components - System Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. contents:: Table of Contents Introduction ============ The System Information component provides access to common system variables, such as CPU type and speed, available amount of memory etc. Currently, the system information supports Linux, FreeBSD and Windows systems. Class overview ============== ezcSystemInfo This class provides the main API for accessing common system variables. Variables that ara not available from PHP directly are fetched using readers specific for each supported system. The corresponding reader is automatically detected, attached and forced to scan the systems information. ezcSystemInfoReader The ezcSystemInfoReader represents a common abstract interface for OS info readers. A particular reader implements the ezcSystemInfoReader interface and scana system infoformation specifically for each supported OS. More information about these classes can be found in the documentation of the classes itself. Usage ===== The following example demonstrate how to use the System Information component. Getting CPU type and CPU speed for the current system ----------------------------------------------------- .. include:: tutorial_getinfo.php :literal: More Information ================ For more information, see the System Information API documentation. .. Local Variables: mode: rst fill-column: 79 End: vim: et syn=rst tw=79