mixed) */ private $properties = array(); /** * Holds the connections for this object with the default priority. * * @var array(string=>array(callback)) */ private $defaultConnections = array(); /** * Holds the priority connections for this object. * * @var array(string=>array(int=>array(callback))) */ private $priorityConnections = array(); /** * If set this object will be used to fetch static connections instead of ezcSignalStaticConnections. * * @var ezcSignalStaticConnectionsBase */ private static $staticConnectionsHolder = NULL; /** * Holds the options for this signal collection * * @var ezcSignalCollectionOptions */ private $options; /** * Constructs a new signal collection with the identifier $identifier. * * The identifier can be used to connect to signals statically using * ezcSignalStaticConnections. * * Through the associative array options you can specify the options for this class in the * format array( 'optionName' => value ). See the documentation of ezcSignalCollectionOptions * for information on the available options. * * @param string $identifier * @param array $options */ public function __construct( $identifier = "default", array $options = array() ) { $this->options = new ezcSignalCollectionOptions( $options ); $this->properties['identifier'] = $identifier; $this->signalsBlocked = false; } /** * If set, $holder will be used to fetch static connections instead of ezcSignalStaticConnections. * * @param ezcSignalStaticConnectionsBase $holder */ public static function setStaticConnectionsHolder( ezcSignalStaticConnectionsBase $holder ) { self::$staticConnectionsHolder = $holder; } /** * Returns the current provider of static connections or NULL if there is none. * * @return ezcSignalStaticConnectionsBase */ public static function getStaticConnectionsHolder() { return self::$staticConnectionsHolder; } /** * Sets the property $name to $value. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist. * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @return void */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'signalsBlocked': $this->properties[$name] = $value; break; case 'identifier': throw new ezcBasePropertyPermissionException( $name, ezcBasePropertyPermissionException::READ ); break; case 'options': if ( !( $value instanceof ezcSignalCollectionOptions ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'options', $value, 'instanceof ezcSignalCollectionOptions' ); } $this->options = $value; break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); break; } } /** * Returns the property $name. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist. * @param string $name * @return mixed */ public function __get( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'signalsBlocked': case 'identifier': return $this->properties[$name]; break; case 'options': return $this->options; break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); break; } } /** * Sets the options of this class. * * @param ezcSignalCollectionOptions|array(string=>value) $options The options to set * either as an associative array in the form array(optionName=>value) or a * ezcSignalCollectionOptions object. * * @throws ezcBaseSettingNotFoundException * If you tried to set a non-existent option value. * @throws ezcBaseSettingValueException * If the value is not valid for the desired option. * @throws ezcBaseValueException * If you submit neither an array nor an instance of * ezcSignalCollectionOptions. */ public function setOptions( $options ) { if ( $options instanceof ezcSignalCollectionOptions ) { $this->options = $options; } else if ( is_array( $options ) ) { $this->options = new ezcSignalCollectionOptions( $options ); } else { throw new ezcBaseValueException( "options", $options, 'array or instance of ezcSignalCollectionOptions' ); } } /** * Returns the options for this class. * * @return ezcSignalCollectionOptions */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } /** * Returns true if any slots have been connected to the signal $signal. * False is returned if no slots have been connected to the $signal. * * Note: Emitting the signal $signal may still not call any slots if * the property signalsBlocked has been set. * * @throws ezcSignalSlotException if the signals options has been set and $signal is not in the list of signals. * @param string $signal * @return bool */ public function isConnected( $signal ) { // if the the signals option is set we must check if the signal exists if( $this->options->signals != null && !in_array( $signal, $this->options->signals ) ) { throw new ezcSignalSlotException( "No such signal {$signal}" ); } // static connections if ( self::$staticConnectionsHolder == NULL ) // custom static connections class { if ( count( ezcSignalStaticConnections::getInstance()->getConnections( $this->identifier, $signal ) ) > 0 ) { return true; } } else if ( count( self::$staticConnectionsHolder->getConnections( $this->identifier, $signal ) ) > 0 ) { return true; } // default connections if ( isset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) && count( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) > 0 ) { return true; } // priority connections if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) && count( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) > 0 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Emits the signal with the name $signal * * Any additional parameters are sent as parameters to the slot. * * @throws ezcSignalSlotException if the signals options has been set and $signal is not in the list of signals. * @param string $signal * @param ... $signal_parameters * @return void */ public function emit( $signal ) { // if the the signals option is set we must check if the signal exists if( $this->options->signals != null && !in_array( $signal, $this->options->signals ) ) { throw new ezcSignalSlotException( "No such signal {$signal}" ); } if ( $this->signalsBlocked ) { return; } // prepare the parameters $parameters = array_slice( func_get_args(), 1 ); // check if there are any static connections $priStaticConnections = array(); if ( self::$staticConnectionsHolder == NULL ) { $priStaticConnections = ezcSignalStaticConnections::getInstance()->getConnections( $this->identifier, $signal ); } else { $priStaticConnections = self::$staticConnectionsHolder->getConnections( $this->identifier, $signal ); } $hasPriStaticConnections = false; if ( count( $priStaticConnections ) > ( isset( $priStaticConnections[1000] ) ? 1 : 0) ) { $hasPriStaticConnections = true; } // fast algorithm if there are no prioritized slots if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) === false && !$hasPriStaticConnections ) { if ( isset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) ) { foreach ( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] as $callback ) { call_user_func_array( $callback, $parameters ); } } if ( isset( $priStaticConnections[1000] ) ) { foreach ( $priStaticConnections[1000] as $callback ) { call_user_func_array( $callback, $parameters ); } } } else // default algorithm { // order slots $defaultKeys = array(); if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) ) { $defaultKeys = array_keys( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ); } $staticKeys = array_keys( $priStaticConnections ); $allKeys = array_unique( array_merge( $defaultKeys, $staticKeys, array( 1000 ) /*default*/ ) ); sort( $allKeys, SORT_NUMERIC ); foreach ( $allKeys as $key ) // call all slots in the correct order { if ( $key == 1000 && isset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) ) { foreach ( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] as $callback ) { call_user_func_array( $callback, $parameters ); } } if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$key] ) ) { foreach ( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$key] as $callback ) { call_user_func_array( $callback, $parameters ); } } if ( isset( $priStaticConnections[$key] ) ) { foreach ( $priStaticConnections[$key] as $callback ) { call_user_func_array( $callback, $parameters ); } } } } } /** * Connects the signal $signal to the slot $slot. * * To control the order in which slots are called you can set a priority * from 1 - 65 536. The lower the number the higher the priority. The default * priority is 1000. * Slots with the same priority may be called with in any order. * * A slot will be called once for every time it is connected. It is possible * to connect a slot more than once. * * See the PHP documentation for examples on the callback type. * http://php.net/callback. * * We reccommend avoiding excessive usage of the $priority parameter * since it makes it much harder to track how your program works. * * @throws ezcSignalSlotException if the signals options has been set and $signal is not in the list of signals. * @param string $signal * @param callback $slot * @param int $priority * @return void */ public function connect( $signal, $slot, $priority = 1000 ) { // if the the signals option is set we must check if the signal exists if( $this->options->signals != null && !in_array( $signal, $this->options->signals ) ) { throw new ezcSignalSlotException( "No such signal {$signal}" ); } if ( $priority === 1000 ) // default { $this->defaultConnections[$signal][] = $slot; } else { $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority][] = $slot; sort( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority], SORT_NUMERIC ); } } /** * Disconnects the $slot from the $signal. * * If the priority is given it will try to disconnect a slot with that priority. * If no such slot is found no slot will be disconnected. * * If no priority is given it will disconnect the matching slot with the lowest priority. * * @throws ezcSignalSlotException if the signals options has been set and $signal is not in the list of signals. * @param string $signal * @param callback $slot * @param int $priority * @return void */ public function disconnect( $signal, $slot, $priority = null ) { // if the the signals option is set we must check if the signal exists if( $this->options->signals != null && !in_array( $signal, $this->options->signals ) ) { throw new ezcSignalSlotException( "No such signal {$signal}" ); } if ( $priority === null ) // delete first found, searched from back { $priorityKeys = array(); if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) ) { $priorityKeys = array_keys( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ); } $allPriorities = array_unique( array_merge( $priorityKeys, array( 1000 ) /*default*/ ) ); rsort( $allPriorities, SORT_NUMERIC ); foreach ( $allPriorities as $priority ) { if ( $priority === 1000 ) { if ( isset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) ) { foreach ( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] as $key => $callback ) { if ( ezcSignalCallbackComparer::compareCallbacks( $slot, $callback ) ) { unset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal][$key] ); return; } } } } else { if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) && isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ) ) { foreach ( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] as $key => $callback) { if ( ezcSignalCallbackComparer::compareCallbacks( $slot, $callback ) ) { unset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority][$key] ); // if the priority is empty now it should be unset if ( count( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ) == 0 ) { unset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ); } return; } } } } } } else if ( $priority === 1000 ) // only delete from default { if ( isset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] ) ) { foreach ( $this->defaultConnections[$signal] as $key => $callback ) { if ( ezcSignalCallbackComparer::compareCallbacks( $slot, $callback ) ) { unset( $this->defaultConnections[$signal][$key] ); return; } } } } else // delete from priority connectinos { if ( isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal] ) && isset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ) ) { foreach ( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] as $key => $callback ) { if ( ezcSignalCallbackComparer::compareCallbacks( $slot, $callback ) ) { unset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority][$key] ); // if the priority is empty now it should be unset if ( count( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ) == 0 ) { unset( $this->priorityConnections[$signal][$priority] ); } return; } } } } } } ?>