backend = new ezcSearchSolrHandler; } catch ( ezcSearchCanNotConnectException $e ) { self::markTestSkipped( 'Solr is not running.' ); } $this->testFilesDir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/testfiles/'; $this->backend->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'timestamp:[* TO *]' ); $this->backend->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' ); } public function testCreateSession() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); } public function testIndexDocument1() { $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article', 'This is an article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $session->index( $a ); $this->backend->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'title', 'Article' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testIndexDocument2() { $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article', 'This is an article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $session->beginTransaction(); for ( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i++ ) { $session->index( $a ); } $session->commit(); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'title', 'Article' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testIndexDocument3() { $d = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../../docs/guidelines/implementation.txt' ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article', 'This is Rethans an article to test', $d, time(), array( 'Derick Rethans', 'Legolas Rethans' ) ); $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $session->index( $a ); $this->backend->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'author', 'Rethans' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testCreateFindQuery1() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is the first article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Twee', 'This is the second article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'body', 'Article' ) )->where( $q->eq( 'title', 'Test' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 2, $r->resultCount ); self::assertEquals( 2, count( $r->documents ) ); self::assertEquals( true, isset( $r->documents[$a->id]['meta'] ) ); self::assertEquals( true, isset( $r->documents[$a->id]['meta']['score'] ) ); self::assertEquals( true, isset( $r->documents[$a->id]['document'] ) ); } public function testCreateFindQueryWithAccent() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is article Eén to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Twee', 'This is article twee to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'summary', 'Eén' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testCreateFindQueryJapanese() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'マリコ', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Twee', 'ソウシ', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'summary', 'ソウ*' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testCreateFindQueryOr() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is the first article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Twee', 'This is the second article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->lOr( $q->eq( 'title', 'Nul' ), $q->eq( 'title', 'Drie' ) ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 0, $r->resultCount ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->lOr( $q->eq( 'title', 'Eén' ), $q->eq( 'title', 'Drie' ) ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->lOr( $q->eq( 'title', 'Twee' ), $q->eq( 'title', 'Drie' ) ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->lOr( $q->eq( 'title', 'Eén' ), $q->eq( 'title', 'Twee' ) ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 2, $r->resultCount ); } public function testCreateFindQueryNot() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is the first article to test', 'the body of the article', time() - 86400 ); $session->index( $a ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Twee', 'This is the second article to test', 'the body of the article', time() ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->not( $q->eq( 'title', 'Twee' ) ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public function testCreateFindWithPhrase() { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchXmlManager( $this->testFilesDir ) ); $a = new Article( null, 'Test Article Eén', 'This is the first article to test', 'the body of the article', time(), array( "Me", "You", "Everybody" ) ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Article' ); $q->where( $q->eq( 'title', 'Test Article' ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); } public static function datatypes() { return array( array( 'test', 'test', true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'id', 'testId' ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'id', 'testId' ), array( 'test', 'test', true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'string', 'test' ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'test' ), array( 'test', 'test', true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'string', 'tes*' ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'tes*' ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'test' ), array( 'test', 'test', true, -42, -12831e4, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', true ), array( 'test', 'test', false, -42, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', false ), array( 'test', 'test', true, -51, -12831e4, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'int', -51 ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 0, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'int', 0 ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 913123, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'int', 913123 ), array( 'test', 'test', true, -51, -12831e4, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'float', -12831e4 ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 0, 0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'float', 0.42e-9 ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 913123, 0, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'float', 0 ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 913123, 0, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'date', "2008-04-23 14:35 GMT" ), array( 'test', 'test', false, 913123, 0, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'date', "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider datatypes */ public function testDataTypes1( $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date, $findField, $findValue ) { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchEmbeddedManager() ); $a = new DataTypeTest( 'testId', $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'DataTypeTest' ); $q->where( $q->eq( $findField, $findValue ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); self::assertEquals( $string, $r->documents['testId']['document']->string ); self::assertEquals( $html, $r->documents['testId']['document']->html ); self::assertEquals( $bool, $r->documents['testId']['document']->bool ); self::assertEquals( $int, $r->documents['testId']['document']->int ); self::assertEquals( $float, $r->documents['testId']['document']->float ); self::assertEquals( date_create( "$date" )->format( '\sU' ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->date->format( '\sU' ) ); } /** * @dataProvider datatypes */ public function testDataTypes2( $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date, $findField, $findValue ) { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchEmbeddedManager() ); $a = new DataTypeTestMulti( 'testId', $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'DataTypeTestMulti' ); $q->where( $q->eq( $findField, $findValue ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); self::assertEquals( array( $string ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->string ); self::assertEquals( array( $html ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->html ); self::assertEquals( array( $bool ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->bool ); self::assertEquals( array( $int ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->int ); self::assertEquals( array( $float ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->float ); self::assertEquals( $string, $r->documents['testId']['document']->string[0] ); self::assertEquals( $html, $r->documents['testId']['document']->html[0] ); self::assertEquals( $bool, $r->documents['testId']['document']->bool[0] ); self::assertEquals( $int, $r->documents['testId']['document']->int[0] ); self::assertEquals( $float, $r->documents['testId']['document']->float[0] ); self::assertEquals( date_create( "$date" )->format( '\sU' ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->date[0]->format( '\sU' ) ); } public static function datatypesMulti() { return array( array( array( 'test', 'to' ), array( 'test', 'and' ), true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'id', 'testId' ), array( array( 'test', 'be' ), array( 'test', 'human' ), false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'id', 'testId' ), array( array( 'test', 'or' ), array( 'test', 'stupidity' ), true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'string', 'or' ), array( array( 'test', 'or' ), array( 'test', 'And' ), true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'string', 'test' ), array( array( 'test', 'not' ), array( 'test', 'I' ), true, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'string', 'tes*' ), array( array( 'test', 'to' ), array( 'test', 'am' ), false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'test' ), array( array( 'test', 'be' ), array( 'test', 'not' ), false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'not' ), array( array( 'test', 'that' ), array( 'test', 'sure' ), false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'test' ), array( array( 'test', 'that' ), array( 'test', 'about' ), false, 42, 0.42, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'html', 'about' ), array( array( 'test', 'is' ), array( 'test', 'the' ), true, -42, -12831e4, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', true ), array( array( 'test', 'the' ), array( 'test', 'former' ), false, -42, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', false ), array( array( 'test', 'question' ), array( 'test', ), true, array( 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ), -12831e4, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'int', 5 ), array( array( 'test' ), array( 'test', ), array( true, false ), 0, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', true ), array( array( 'test', 'Only' ), array( 'test', ), array( true, false ), 913123, -0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'bool', false ), array( array( 'test', 'two' ), array( 'test', ), true, -51, array( 3.1415926 ), "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'float', 3.1415926 ), array( array( 'test', 'things' ), array( 'test', ), false, 0, 0.42e-9, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'float', 0.42e-9 ), array( array( 'test', 'are' ), array( 'test', ), false, 913123, 0, array( "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo" ), 'date', "2008-04-23 14:35 GMT" ), array( array( 'test', 'infinite' ), array( 'test', ), false, 913123, 0, array( "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", "2008-04-23 15:35 BST" ), 'date', "2008-04-23 14:35 GMT" ), array( array( 'test', 'universe' ), array( 'test', ), false, 913123, 0, "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo", 'date', "2008-04-23 16:35 Europe/Oslo" ), ); } /** * @dataProvider datatypesMulti */ public function testDataTypes3( $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date, $findField, $findValue ) { $session = new ezcSearchSession( $this->backend, new ezcSearchEmbeddedManager() ); $string = is_array( $string ) ? $string : array( $string ); $html = is_array( $html ) ? $html : array( $html ); $bool = is_array( $bool ) ? $bool : array( $bool ); $int = is_array( $int ) ? $int : array( $int ); $float = is_array( $float ) ? $float : array( $float ); $date = is_array( $date ) ? $date : array( $date ); $a = new DataTypeTestMulti( 'testId', $string, $html, $bool, $int, $float, $date ); $session->index( $a ); $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'DataTypeTestMulti' ); $q->where( $q->eq( $findField, $findValue ) ); $r = $session->find( $q ); self::assertEquals( 1, $r->resultCount ); self::assertEquals( $string, $r->documents['testId']['document']->string ); self::assertEquals( $html, $r->documents['testId']['document']->html ); self::assertEquals( $bool, $r->documents['testId']['document']->bool ); self::assertEquals( $int, $r->documents['testId']['document']->int ); self::assertEquals( $float, $r->documents['testId']['document']->float ); self::assertEquals( date_create( $date[0] )->format( '\sU' ), $r->documents['testId']['document']->date[0]->format( '\sU' ) ); } } class DataTypeTest implements ezcSearchDefinitionProvider { public function __construct( $id = null, $string = null, $html = null, $bool = null, $int = null, $float = null, $date = null ) { $this->id = $id; $this->string = $string; $this->html = $html; $this->bool = $bool; $this->int = $int; $this->float = $float; $this->date = $date; } function getState() { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'string' => $this->string, 'html' => $this->html, 'bool' => $this->bool, 'int' => $this->int, 'float' => $this->float, 'date' => $this->date, ); } function setState( $state ) { foreach ( $state as $key => $value ) { $this->$key = $value; } } static public function getDefinition() { $def = new ezcSearchDocumentDefinition( 'DataTypeTest' ); $def->idProperty = 'id'; $def->fields['id'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'id', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING ); $def->fields['string'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'string', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING ); $def->fields['html'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'html', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::HTML ); $def->fields['bool'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'bool', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::BOOLEAN ); $def->fields['int'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'int', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::INT ); $def->fields['float'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'float', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::FLOAT ); $def->fields['date'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'date', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE ); return $def; } } class DataTypeTestMulti implements ezcSearchDefinitionProvider { public function __construct( $id = null, $string = null, $html = null, $bool = null, $int = null, $float = null, $date = null ) { $this->id = $id; $this->string = $string; $this->html = $html; $this->bool = $bool; $this->int = $int; $this->float = $float; $this->date = $date; } function getState() { return array( 'id' => $this->id, 'string' => $this->string, 'html' => $this->html, 'bool' => $this->bool, 'int' => $this->int, 'float' => $this->float, 'date' => $this->date, ); } function setState( $state ) { foreach ( $state as $key => $value ) { $this->$key = $value; } } static public function getDefinition() { $def = new ezcSearchDocumentDefinition( 'DataTypeTestMulti' ); $def->idProperty = 'id'; $def->fields['id'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'id', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING ); $def->fields['string'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'string', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING, 1, true, true ); $def->fields['html'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'html', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::HTML, 1, true, true ); $def->fields['bool'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'bool', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::BOOLEAN, 1, true, true ); $def->fields['int'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'int', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::INT, 1, true, true ); $def->fields['float'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'float', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::FLOAT, 1, true, true ); $def->fields['date'] = new ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField( 'date', ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE, 1, true, true ); return $def; } } ?>