connection = Zend_Search_Lucene::open( $location ); } catch ( Zend_Search_Lucene_Exception $e ) { $this->connection = Zend_Search_Lucene::create( $location ); } $this->inTransaction = 0; if ( !$this->connection ) { throw new ezcSearchCanNotConnectException( 'zendlucene', $location ); } } /** * Starts a transaction for indexing. * * When using a transaction, the amount of processing that zendlucene does * decreases, increasing indexing performance. Without this, the component * sends a commit after every document that is indexed. Transactions can be * nested, when commit() is called the same number of times as * beginTransaction(), the component sends a commit. */ public function beginTransaction() { } /** * Ends a transaction and calls commit. * * As transactions can be nested, this method will only call commit when * all the nested transactions have been ended. * * @throws ezcSearchTransactionException if no transaction is active. */ public function commit() { $this->connection->optimize(); } /** * Builds query parameters from the different query fields * * @param string $queryWord * @param array(string=>string) $searchFieldList * @return array */ private function buildQuery( $queryWord, $searchFieldList = array() ) { if ( count( $searchFieldList ) > 0 ) { $queryString = ''; foreach ( $searchFieldList as $searchField ) { $queryString .= "$searchField:$queryWord "; } } else { $queryString = $queryWord; } return $queryString; } private function createDataForHit( $hit, $def ) { $document = $hit->getDocument(); $className = $def->documentType; $obj = new $className; $attr = array(); foreach ( $def->fields as $field ) { $fieldName = $this->mapFieldType( $field->field, $field->type ); if ( $field->inResult /*&& isset( $document->$fieldName ) */ ) { $attr[$field->field] = $this->mapFieldValuesForReturn( $field, $document->$fieldName ); } } $obj->setState( $attr ); return new ezcSearchResultDocument( $hit->score, $obj ); } /** * Converts a raw zendlucene result into a document using the definition $def * * @param ezcSearchQuery $query * @param mixed $response * @return ezcSearchResult */ private function createResponseFromData( ezcSearchQuery $query, $response ) { $def = $query->getDefinition(); $s = new ezcSearchResult(); $s->resultCount = count( $response ); $counter = -1; foreach ( $response as $hit ) { $counter++; if ( $counter < $query->offset ) { continue; } if ( $query->limit !== null && $counter >= ( $query->limit + $query->offset ) ) { break; } $resultDocument = $this->createDataForHit( $hit, $def ); $idProperty = $def->idProperty; $s->documents[$resultDocument->document->$idProperty] = $resultDocument; } return $s; } /** * Executes a search by building and sending a query and returns the raw result * * @param string $queryWord * @param array(string=>string) $searchFieldList * @param array(string=>string) $order * @return stdClass */ public function search( $queryWord, $searchFieldList = array(), $order = array() ) { $query = $this->buildQuery( $queryWord, $searchFieldList ); $args = array(); $args[] = $query; if ( is_array( $order ) ) { foreach ( $order as $field => $sort ) { $args[] = $field; $args[] = SORT_REGULAR; $args[] = $sort == ezcSearchQueryTools::ASC ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC; } } $result = call_user_func_array( array( $this->connection, 'find' ), $args ); return $result; } /** * Returns 'zendlucene'. * * @return string */ static public function getName() { return 'zendlucene'; } /** * Creates a search query object with the fields from the definition filled in. * * @param string $type * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition * @return ezcSearchFindQuery */ public function createFindQuery( $type, ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition ) { $query = new ezcSearchQueryZendLucene( $this, $definition ); $query->select( 'score' ); if ( $type ) { $selectFieldNames = array(); foreach ( $definition->getSelectFieldNames() as $docProp ) { $selectFieldNames[] = $this->mapFieldType( $docProp, $definition->fields[$docProp]->type ); } $highlightFieldNames = array(); foreach ( $definition->getHighlightFieldNames() as $docProp ) { $highlightFieldNames[] = $this->mapFieldType( $docProp, $definition->fields[$docProp]->type ); } $query->select( $selectFieldNames ); $query->where( $query->eq( 'ezcsearch_type', $type ) ); $query->highlight( $highlightFieldNames ); } return $query; } /** * Builds the search query and returns the parsed response * * @param ezcSearchFindQuery $query * @return ezcSearchResult */ public function find( ezcSearchFindQuery $query ) { $queryWord = join( ' AND ', $query->whereClauses ); $order = $query->orderByClauses; $res = $this->search( $queryWord, array(), $order ); return $this->createResponseFromData( $query, $res ); } /** * Returns the query as a string for debugging purposes * * @param ezcSearchQueryZendLucene $query * @return string * @ignore */ public function getQuery( ezcSearchQueryZendLucene $query ) { $queryWord = join( ' AND ', $query->whereClauses ); return $this->buildQuery( $queryWord ); } /** * Returns the field name as used by zendlucene created from the field $name and $type. * * @param string $name * @param string $type * @return string */ public function mapFieldType( $name, $type ) { return $name; } /** * This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the indexer. * * Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the indexer understands the value. * * @param string $fieldType * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ public function mapFieldValueForIndex( $fieldType, $value ) { switch ( $fieldType ) { case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE: if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $d = new DateTime( "@$value" ); $value = $d->format( 'U' ); } else { try { $d = new DateTime( $value ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { throw new ezcSearchInvalidValueException( $type, $value ); } $value = $d->format( 'U' ); } break; case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::BOOLEAN: $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false'; break; } return $value; } /** * This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler. * * Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the search * handler understands the value. * * @param string $fieldType * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ public function mapFieldValueForSearch( $fieldType, $value ) { switch ( $fieldType ) { case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::STRING: case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::TEXT: case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::HTML: $value = trim( $value ); if ( strpbrk( $value, ' "' ) !== false ) { $value = '"' . str_replace( '"', '\"', $value ) . '"'; } break; case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::INT: case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::FLOAT: $value = '"' . $value . '"'; break; case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE: if ( is_numeric( $value ) ) { $d = new DateTime( "@$value" ); $value = $d->format( 'U' ); } else { try { $d = new DateTime( $value ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { throw new ezcSearchInvalidValueException( $type, $value ); } $value = $d->format( 'U' ); } break; case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::BOOLEAN: $value = ($value ? 'true' : 'false'); break; } return $value; } /** * This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler. * * Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the search * handler understands the value. * * @param string $fieldType * @param mixed $value * @return mixed */ public function mapFieldValueForReturn( $fieldType, $value ) { switch ( $fieldType ) { case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::BOOLEAN: $value = $value == 'true' ? true : false; break; case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE: $value = new DateTime( "@$value" ); break; } return $value; } /** * This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the search handler. * * Depending on the $field the $values is modified so that the search * handler understands the value. It will also correctly deal with * multi-data fields in the search index. * * @throws ezcSearchInvalidValueException if an array of values is * submitted, but the field has not been defined as a multi-value field. * * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field * @param mixed $values * @return array(mixed) */ public function mapFieldValuesForSearch( $field, $values ) { if ( is_array( $values ) && $field->multi == false ) { throw new ezcSearchInvalidValueException( $field->type, $values, 'multi' ); } if ( !is_array( $values ) ) { $values = array( $values ); } foreach ( $values as &$value ) { $value = $this->mapFieldValueForSearch( $field->type, $value ); } return $values; } /** * This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the indexer. * * Depending on the $field the $values is modified so that the search * handler understands the value. It will also correctly deal with * multi-data fields in the search index. * * @throws ezcSearchInvalidValueException if an array of values is * submitted, but the field has not been defined as a multi-value field. * * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field * @param mixed $values * @return array(mixed) */ public function mapFieldValuesForIndex( $field, $values ) { if ( is_array( $values ) && $field->multi == false ) { throw new ezcSearchInvalidValueException( $field->type, $values, 'multi' ); } if ( !is_array( $values ) ) { $values = array( $values ); } foreach ( $values as &$value ) { $value = $this->mapFieldValueForIndex( $field->type, $value ); } return $values; } /** * This method prepares a value or an array of $values after it has been returned by search handler. * * Depending on the $field the $values is modified. It will also correctly * deal with multi-data fields in the search index. * * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field * @param mixed $values * @return mixed|array(mixed) */ public function mapFieldValuesForReturn( $field, $values ) { $values = $this->mapFieldValueForReturn( $field->type, $values ); return $values; } /** * Runs a commit command to tell zendlucene we're done indexing. */ protected function runCommit() { $r = $this->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' ); } /** * Indexes the document $document using definition $definition * * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition * @param mixed $document */ public function index( ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition, $document ) { $doc = new Zend_Search_Lucene_Document(); $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( 'ezcsearch_type', $definition->documentType ) ); foreach ( $definition->fields as $field ) { $values = $this->mapFieldValuesForIndex( $field, $document[$field->field] ); foreach ( $values as $value ) { switch ( $field->type ) { case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::INT: case ezcSearchDocumentDefinition::DATE: $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword( $field->field, $value ) ); break; default: $doc->addField( Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Text( $field->field, $value ) ); } } } $this->connection->addDocument( $doc ); } /** * Creates a delete query object with the fields from the definition filled in. * * @param string $type * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition * @return ezcSearchDeleteQuery */ public function createDeleteQuery( $type, ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition ) { $query = new ezcSearchDeleteQueryZendLucene( $this, $definition ); if ( $type ) { $selectFieldNames = array(); $query->where( $query->eq( 'ezcsearch_type', $type ) ); } return $query; } /** * Deletes a document by the document's $id. * * If the document with ID $id does not exist, no warning is returned. * * @param mixed $id * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition */ public function deleteById( $id, ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition ) { $idProperty = $definition->idProperty; $fieldName = $this->mapFieldType( $definition->fields[$idProperty]->field, $definition->fields[$idProperty]->type ); $res = $this->search( "{$fieldName}:$id" ); if ( count( $res ) == 1 ) { $this->connection->delete( $res[0]->id ); } } /** * Builds the delete query and returns the parsed response * * @param ezcSearchDeleteQuery $query */ public function delete( ezcSearchDeleteQuery $query ) { $queryWord = join( ' AND ', $query->whereClauses ); $res = $this->search( $queryWord ); foreach ( $res as $hit ) { $this->connection->delete( $hit->id ); } } /** * Finds a document by the document's $id * * @throws ezcSearchIdNotFoundException * if the document with ID $id did not exist. * * @param mixed $id * @param ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition * @return ezcSearchResult */ public function findById( $id, ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition ) { $idProperty = $definition->idProperty; $fieldName = $this->mapFieldType( $definition->fields[$idProperty]->field, $definition->fields[$idProperty]->type ); $res = $this->search( "{$fieldName}:$id" ); if ( count( $res ) != 1 ) { throw new ezcSearchIdNotFoundException( $id ); } return $this->createDataForHit( $res[0], $definition ); } } ?>