solr = new ezcSearchSolrHandler;
catch ( ezcSearchCanNotConnectException $e )
self::markTestSkipped( 'Solr is not running.' );
$this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ),
'timestamp:[* TO *]' );
$this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ),
'' );
function testUnableToConnect()
$s = new ezcSearchSolrHandler( 'localhost', 58983 );
$r = $s->sendRawGetCommand( 'admin/ping' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcSearchCanNotConnectException $e )
self::assertEquals( "Could not connect to 'solr' at 'http://localhost:58983/solr'.", $e->getMessage() );
function testConnectAndPing()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'admin/ping' );
self::assertContains( "ping", $r );
function testReConnectAndPing()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'admin/ping' );
self::assertContains( "ping", $r );
function testCloseReConnectAndPing()
fclose( $this->solr->connection );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'admin/ping' );
self::assertContains( "ping", $r );
function testSearchEmptyResultsSimple()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
function testSearchEmptyResults()
$r = $this->solr->search( 'solr', 'name_s' );
self::assertType( 'stdClass', $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->start );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->responseHeader->status );
function testSearchWithBrokenQuery()
$r = $this->solr->search( 'id:[0 to', '' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcSearchNetworkException $e )
self::assertContains( 'A network issue occurred:', $e->getMessage() );
self::assertContains( 'ParseException:', $e->rawBody );
function testSimpleIndex()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 1, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
function testCommit()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 1, $r->response->numFound );
function testTransaction()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->beginTransaction();
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->commit();
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 1, $r->response->numFound );
function testNestedTransaction()
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->beginTransaction();
$r = $this->solr->beginTransaction();
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->commit();
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->commit();
$r = $this->solr->sendRawGetCommand( 'select', array( 'q' => 'solr', 'wt' => 'json', 'df' => 'name_s' ) );
$r = json_decode( $r );
self::assertEquals( 1, $r->response->numFound );
function testCommitWithoutBegin()
$r = $this->solr->commit();
self::fail( "Expected exception not thrown." );
catch ( ezcSearchTransactionException $e )
self::assertEquals( 'Cannot commit without a transaction.', $e->getMessage() );
function testSimpleIndexWithSearch()
$r = $this->solr->search( 'solr', 'name_s' );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' );
$r = $this->solr->search( 'solr', 'name_s', array( 'id', 'name_s' ), array( 'id', 'name_s', 'score' ) );
self::assertEquals( 1, $r->response->numFound );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), '' );
$r = $this->solr->search( 'solr', 'name_s' );
self::assertEquals( 0, $r->response->numFound );
function testSolrHttpStatusCodeOk()
$this->solr = new testSolrFileWrapper( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../testfiles/solr-http-status.txt' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
function testSolrHttpStatusCodeFail()
$this->solr = new testSolrFileWrapper( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../testfiles/solr-http-status-fail.txt' );
$r = $this->solr->sendRawPostCommand( 'update', array( 'wt' => 'json' ), 'cfe5cc06-9b07-4e4b-930e-7e99f5202570solr' );
self::fail( 'Expected exception not thrown.' );
catch ( ezcSearchNetworkException $e )
self::assertEquals( 'A network issue occurred: The HTTP server reported: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error', $e->getMessage() );
fclose( $this->solr->connection );