defManager = $defManager; $this->idMap = $idMap; $this->options = $options; } /** * Extracts all objects and relations from $stmt. * * Extracts the object of $class with $id from the result set in $stmt and * all of its related objects defined in $relations. The extracted relation * sets can be received from the {@link ezcPersistentIdentityMap} given to * {@link __construct()}, after this method has been called. * * @param PDOStatement $stmt * @param string $class * @param mixed $id * @param array $relations */ public function extractObjectWithRelatedObjects( PDOStatement $stmt, $class, $id, array $relations ) { $results = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $def = $this->defManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); if ( $this->options->refetch || $this->idMap->getIdentity( $class, $id ) === null ) { $object = new $class(); $this->setObjectState( $object, $def, reset( $results ) ); $this->idMap->setIdentityWithId( $object, $class, $id ); } foreach ( $results as $row ) { $this->extractObjectsRecursive( $row, $relations, $class, $id, array() ); } } /** * extractObjectsWithRelatedObjects * * @param PDOStatement $stmt * @param mixed $class * @param array $relations * @return void */ public function extractObjectsWithRelatedObjects( PDOStatement $stmt, ezcPersistentFindWithRelationsQuery $q ) { $class = $q->className; $results = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $def = $this->defManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $extractedBaseObjects = array(); foreach ( $results as $row ) { $baseObjId = $row[$def->idProperty->propertyName]; if ( !isset( $extractedBaseObjects[$baseObjId] ) ) { $object = new $class(); $this->setObjectState( $object, $def, $row ); $this->idMap->setIdentityWithId( $object, $class, $baseObjId ); $extractedBaseObjects[$baseObjId] = $object; } $this->extractObjectsRecursive( $row, $q->relations, $class, $baseObjId, $q->isRestricted ); } return $extractedBaseObjects; } /** * Extracts objects recursively from $row. * * Checks if $row contains new objects defined in $relations. If this is * the case, the objects will be extracted and added as related objects of * their class for the object of $parentClass with $parentId. If * sub-sequent relations exist for an extracted object, this method is * called recursively. If $restricted is set to true, named related object * sets will be created instead of normal related object sets. * * @param array $row * @param array $relations * @param string $parentClass * @param mixed $parentId * @param bool $restricted */ protected function extractObjectsRecursive( array $row, array $relations, $parentClass, $parentId, $restricted = false ) { foreach ( $relations as $tableAlias => $relation ) { $id = $row[ $this->getColumnAlias( $relation->definition->idProperty->propertyName, $tableAlias ) ]; if ( $id === null ) { // Related object not present, check if a relation is recorded // in general, to potentially add an empty set if ( $restricted ) { $relatedObjects = $this->idMap->getRelatedObjectSetWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $tableAlias ); if ( $relatedObjects === null ) { $this->idMap->setRelatedObjectSetWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, array(), $tableAlias ); } } else { $relatedObjects = $this->idMap->getRelatedObjectsWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $relation->relatedClass, $relation->relationName ); if ( $relatedObjects === null ) { $this->idMap->setRelatedObjectsWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, array(), $relation->relatedClass, $relation->relationName ); } } // Skip further processing since this related object did not exist continue; } // Check if object was already extracted $object = $this->idMap->getIdentity( $relation->relatedClass, $id ); if ( $this->options->refetch || $object === null ) { $object = $this->createObject( $row, $tableAlias, $relation ); $this->idMap->setIdentityWithId( $object, $relation->relatedClass, $id ); } // Check if relations from $parentClass to $relation->relatedClass // were already recorded if ( $restricted ) { $relatedObjects = $this->idMap->getRelatedObjectSetWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $tableAlias ); } else { $relatedObjects = $this->idMap->getRelatedObjectsWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $relation->relatedClass, $relation->relationName ); } if ( $relatedObjects === null ) { // No relation set recorded, create $relatedObjects = array(); } // Check if relation itself is already recorded and only set the // identities if not if ( $this->options->refetch || !isset( $relatedObjects[$id] ) ) { $relatedObjects[$id] = $object; // This performs the full setting process on every new object, // which is somewhat expensive but not really possible in a // different way, since adding new related objects invalidates // named related sets. if ( $restricted ) { $this->idMap->setRelatedObjectSetWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $relatedObjects, $tableAlias ); } else { $this->idMap->setRelatedObjectsWithId( $parentClass, $parentId, $relatedObjects, $relation->relatedClass, $relation->relationName ); } } // Recurse $this->extractObjectsRecursive( $row, $relation->furtherRelations, $relation->relatedClass, $id, $restricted ); } } /** * Creates a new object of $relation->relatedClass with state from $result. * * Creates a new object of the class defined in $relation->relatedClass and * sets its state from the given $result row, as defined in $relation. * * @param array $result * @param ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition $relation * @return ezcPersistentObject */ protected function createObject( array $result, $tableAlias, ezcPersistentRelationFindDefinition $relation ) { $object = new $relation->relatedClass; $this->setObjectState( $object, $relation->definition, $result, $tableAlias ); return $object; } /** * Sets the state of $object from $result. * * Sets the state of $object from the $result given, using the $def. * * @param ezcPersistentObject $object * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def * @param array $result * @param string $prefix */ protected function setObjectState( $object, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, array $result, $prefix = null ) { $state = array( $def->idProperty->propertyName => $result[ $this->getColumnAlias( $def->idProperty->propertyName, $prefix ) ] ); foreach ( $def->properties as $property ) { $state[$property->propertyName] = $result[ $this->getColumnAlias( $property->propertyName, $prefix ) ]; } $object->setState( $state ); } /** * Returns the column alias for a $column with $prefix. * * @param string $column * @param string $prefix * @return string */ protected function getColumnAlias( $column, $prefix = null ) { if ( $prefix === null ) { return $column; } return sprintf( '%s_%s', $prefix, $column ); } } ?>