assertAttributeEquals( array( 'table' => null, 'class' => null, 'idProperty' => null, 'properties' => new ezcPersistentObjectProperties(), 'columns' => new ezcPersistentObjectColumns(), 'relations' => new ezcPersistentObjectRelations(), ), 'propertyArray', $definition ); $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( 'table', 'class', array( 'foo' => new ezcPersistentObjectProperty() ), array(), new ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty() ); $res = array( 'table' => 'table', 'class' => 'class', 'idProperty' => new ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty(), 'properties' => new ezcPersistentObjectProperties(), 'columns' => new ezcPersistentObjectColumns(), 'relations' => new ezcPersistentObjectRelations(), ); $res['properties']['foo'] = new ezcPersistentObjectProperty(); $this->assertAttributeEquals( $res, 'propertyArray', $definition ); } public function testConstructureFailure() { try { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( 23 ); $this->fail( 'ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for parameter $table.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) {} try { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( 'foo', 23 ); $this->fail( 'ezcBaseValueException not thrown on invalid value for parameter $class.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseValueException $e ) {} } public function testGetAccessSuccess() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( 'table', 'class' ); $this->assertEquals( 'table', $definition->table ); $this->assertEquals( 'class', $definition->class ); $this->assertNull( $definition->idProperty ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcPersistentObjectProperties(), $definition->properties ); } public function testGetAccessFailure() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( 'table', 'class' ); try { echo $definition->foo; } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { return; } $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on get access to invalid property $foo.' ); } public function testSetAccessSuccess() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition(); $definition->class = 'class'; $definition->table = 'table'; $definition->idProperty = new ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty(); $definition->properties = new ezcPersistentObjectProperties(); $definition->columns = new ezcPersistentObjectColumns(); $definition->relations = new ezcPersistentObjectRelations(); $this->assertEquals( 'class', $definition->class ); $this->assertEquals( 'table', $definition->table ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty(), $definition->idProperty ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcPersistentObjectProperties(), $definition->properties ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcPersistentObjectColumns(), $definition->columns ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcPersistentObjectRelations(), $definition->relations ); } public function testSetAccessFailure() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition(); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $definition, 'columnName', array( true, false, 23, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $definition, 'propertyName', array( true, false, 23, 23.42, array(), new stdClass() ) ); $this->assertSetPropertyFails( $definition, 'propertyType', array( true, false, 'foo', 23.42, array(), new stdClass() ) ); } public function testIssetAccessSuccess() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition(); $this->assertTrue( isset( $definition->class ), 'Property $class seems not to be set.' ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $definition->table ), 'Property $table seems not to be set.' ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $definition->properties ), 'Property $properties seems not to be set.' ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $definition->columns ), 'Property $columns seems not to be set.' ); $this->assertTrue( isset( $definition->relations ), 'Property $relations seems not to be set.' ); $this->assertFalse( isset( $definition->foo ), 'Property $foo seems to be set although it does not exist.' ); } public function testIssetAccessFailure() { $definition = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition(); $this->assertFalse( isset( $definition->foo ), 'Property $foo seems to be set.' ); } // // public function testPersistentObjectDefinitionStruct() { $property = new ezcPersistentObjectProperty( "test column", "test property", ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_INT ); $generator = new ezcPersistentGeneratorDefinition( "test class", array( "param" => 123 ) ); $idProperty = new ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty( "test column", "test property", null, $generator ); $def = new ezcPersistentObjectDefinition( "test table", "test class", array( 'test' => $property ), array(), $idProperty ); $res = ezcPersistentObjectDefinition::__set_state(array( 'table' => 'test table', 'class' => 'test class', 'idProperty' => ezcPersistentObjectIdProperty::__set_state(array( 'columnName' => 'test column', 'propertyName' => 'test property', 'visibility' => NULL, 'generator' => ezcPersistentGeneratorDefinition::__set_state(array( 'class' => 'test class', 'params' => array ( 'param' => 123, ), )), )), 'properties' => array ( 'test' => ezcPersistentObjectProperty::__set_state(array( 'columnName' => 'test column', 'propertyName' => 'test property', 'propertyType' => 2, )), ), 'columns' => array ( ), 'relations' => array ( ), )); $this->assertEquals( $res, $def, "ezcPersistentObjectDefinition not deserialized correctly." ); } /** * Test case for issue #12108. */ public function testMissingReverseColumnLookup() { // Load def without def manager $def = require dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../data/persistenttestobject.php'; try { ezcPersistentStateTransformer::rowToStateArray( array(), $def ); $this->fail( 'Exception not thrown on state transformation without proper reverse-lookup.' ); } catch ( ezcPersistentObjectException $e ) {} } } ?>