definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $object = new $def->class; $this->loadIntoObject( $object, $id ); return $object; } /** * Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id. * * This method is equivalent to {@link load()} except that it returns null * instead of throwing an exception if the object does not exist. * * @param string $class * @param int $id * * @return object|null */ public function loadIfExists( $class, $id ) { $result = null; try { $result = $this->load( $class, $id ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // Eat, we return null on error. } return $result; } /** * Loads the persistent object with the id $id into the object $object. * * The class of the persistent object to load is determined by the class * of $object. * * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if the object is not available. * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the find query failed. * * @param object $object * @param int $id */ public function loadIntoObject( $object, $id ) { $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $object ) ); // Prepare query. $q = $this->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->select( $this->session->getColumnsFromDefinition( $def ) )->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) )->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $id, null, $def->idProperty->databaseType ) ) ); // Execute and fetch rows. $stmt = $this->session->performQuery( $q ); $row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); $stmt->closeCursor(); // Convert result into object. if ( $row !== false ) { // We could check if there was more than one result here // but we don't because of the overhead and since the Persistent // Object would be faulty by design in that case and the user would have // to execute custom code to get into an invalid state. try { $state = ezcPersistentStateTransformer::rowToStateArray( $row, $def ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { throw new ezcPersistentObjectException( "The row data could not be correctly converted to set data.", "Most probably there is something wrong with a custom rowToStateArray implementation" ); } $object->setState( $state ); } else { $class = get_class( $object ); throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( "No object of class '$class' with id '$id'." ); } } /** * Syncronizes the contents of $object with those in the database. * * Note that calling this method is equavalent with calling {@link * loadIntoObject()} on $object with the id of $object. Any changes made * to $object prior to calling refresh() will be discarded. * * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if $object is not of a valid persistent object type. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if $object is not persistent already. * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if the select query failed. * * @param object $object */ public function refresh( $object ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $state = $this->session->getObjectState( $object ); $idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName]; if ( $idValue !== null ) { $this->loadIntoObject( $object, $idValue ); } else { throw new ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException( $class ); } } /** * Returns the result of the query $query as a list of objects. * * Returns the persistent objects found for $class using the submitted * $query. $query should be created using {@link createFindQuery()} to * ensure correct alias mappings and can be manipulated as needed. * * Example: * * $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' ); * $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' ); * * * If you are retrieving large result set, consider using {@link * findIterator()} instead. * * Example: * * $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' ); * $objects = $session->findIterator( $q, 'Person' ); * * foreach( $objects as $object ) * { * // ... * } * * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if there is no such persistent class. * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the find query failed. * * @param ezcQuerySelect $query * @param string $class * * @return array(object($class)) */ public function find( ezcQuerySelect $query, $class ) { $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $rows = $this->session->performQuery( $query ) ->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); // Convert all the rows to states and then to objects. $result = array(); foreach ( $rows as $row ) { $object = new $def->class; $object->setState( ezcPersistentStateTransformer::rowToStateArray( $row, $def ) ); $result[] = $object; } return $result; } /** * Returns the result of $query for the $class as an iterator. * * This method is similar to {@link find()} but returns an {@link * ezcPersistentFindIterator} instead of an array of objects. This is * useful if you are going to loop over the objects and just need them one * at the time. Because you only instantiate one object it is faster than * {@link find()}. In addition, only 1 record is retrieved from the * database in each iteration, which may reduce the data transfered between * the database and PHP, if you iterate only through a small subset of the * affected records. * * Note that if you do not loop over the complete result set you must call * {@link ezcPersistentFindIterator::flush()} before issuing another query. * * @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException * if there is no such persistent class. * @throws ezcPersistentQueryException * if the find query failed. * * @param ezcQuerySelect $query * @param string $class * * @return ezcPersistentFindIterator */ public function findIterator( ezcQuerySelect $query, $class ) { $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); $stmt = $this->session->performQuery( $query ); return new ezcPersistentFindIterator( $stmt, $def ); } /** * Returns the related objects of a given $relatedClass for an $object. * * This method returns the related objects of type $relatedClass for the * given $object. This method (in contrast to {@link getRelatedObject()}) * always returns an array of found objects, no matter if only 1 object * was found (e.g. {@link ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}), none or several * ({@link ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}). * * Example: * * $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 ); * $relatedAddresses = $session->getRelatedObjects( $person, "Address" ); * echo "Number of addresses found: " . count( $relatedAddresses ); * * * Relations that should preferably be used with this method are: * * For other relation types {@link getRelatedObject()} is recommended. * * If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using {@link * ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the parameter $relationName becomes * mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal * relations, this parameter is silently ignored. * * @param object $object * @param string $relatedClass * @param string $relationName * * @return array(int=>object($relatedClass)) * * @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException * if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass. */ public function getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null ) { $query = $this->createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName ); return $this->find( $query, $relatedClass ); } /** * Returns the related object of a given $relatedClass for an $object. * * This method returns the related object of type $relatedClass for the * object $object. This method (in contrast to {@link getRelatedObjects()}) * always returns a single result object, no matter if more related objects * could be found (e.g. {@link ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation}). If no * related object is found, an exception is thrown, while {@link * getRelatedObjects()} just returns an empty array in this case. * * Example: * * $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 ); * $relatedAddress = $session->getRelatedObject( $person, "Address" ); * echo "Address of this person: " . $relatedAddress->__toString(); * * * Relations that should preferably be used with this method are: * * For other relation types {@link getRelatedObjects()} is recommended. * * If multiple relations are defined for the $relatedClass (using {@link * ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the parameter $relationName becomes * mandatory to determine which relation definition to use. For normal * relations, this parameter is silently ignored. * * @param object $object * @param string $relatedClass * @param string $relationName * * @return object($relatedClass) * * @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException * if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass. */ public function getRelatedObject( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null ) { $query = $this->createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName ); // This method only needs to return 1 object $query->limit( 1 ); $resArr = $this->find( $query, $relatedClass ); if ( sizeof( $resArr ) < 1 ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelatedObjectNotFoundException( $object, $relatedClass ); } return $resArr[0]; } /** * Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class. * * The query is initialized to fetch all columns from the correct table and * has correct alias mappings between columns and property names of the * persistent $class. * * Example: * * $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' ); * $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' ); * * * @throws ezcPersistentObjectException * if there is no such persistent class. * * @param string $class * * @return ezcQuerySelect */ public function createFindQuery( $class ) { $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // Init query $q = $this->database->createSelectQuery(); $q->setAliases( $this->session->generateAliasMap( $def ) ); $q->select( $this->session->getColumnsFromDefinition( $def ) )->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) ); return $q; } /** * Returns the base query for retrieving related objects. * * See {@link getRelatedObject()} and {@link getRelatedObjects()}. Can be * modified by additional where conditions and simply be used with * {@link find()} and the related class name, to retrieve a sub-set of * related objects. * * If multiple relations exist to the same PHP class (defined using a * {@link ezcPersistentRelationCollection}), the optional parameter * $relationName becomes mandatory to determine the relation to use for * fetching objects. If the parameter is not submitted, an exception will * be thrown. For normal relations this parameter will be silently ignored. * * @param object $object * @param string $relatedClass * @param string $relationName * * @return ezcDbSelectQuery * * @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException * if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass. */ public function createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass, $relationName = null ) { $class = get_class( $object ); $def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); if ( !isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass] ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass ); } $relation = $def->relations[$relatedClass]; // New multi-relations for a single class if ( $relation instanceof ezcPersistentRelationCollection ) { if ( $relationName === null ) { throw new ezcPersistentUndeterministicRelationException( $relatedClass ); } if ( !isset( $relation[$relationName] ) ) { throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass, $relationName ); } $relation = $relation[$relationName]; } $query = $this->createFindQuery( $relatedClass ); $objectState = $this->session->getObjectState( $object ); switch ( ( $relationClass = get_class( $relation ) ) ) { case "ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation": case "ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation": case "ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation": $this->createSimpleRelationFindQuery( $query, $def, $relation, $objectState ); break; case "ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation": $this->createComplexRelationFindQuery( $query, $def, $relation, $objectState ); break; default: throw new ezcPersistentRelationInvalidException( $relationClass ); } return $query; } /** * Sets find query value for simple related objects. * * Manipulates the find $query for objects related to the object defined in * $objectState, defined my the relation $relation. This method is * responsile for * * for {@link ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation} see {@link * createComplexRelationFindQuery()}. * * @param ezcQuery $query * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def * @param ezcPersistentRelation $relation * @param array $objectState */ private function createSimpleRelationFindQuery( ezcQuery $query, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, ezcPersistentRelation $relation, array $objectState ) { foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map ) { $query->where( $query->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->destinationColumn ), $query->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName], null, $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->databaseType ) ) ); } } /** * Sets find query value for many-to-many related objects. * * Manipulates the find $query for objects related to the object defined in * $objectState, defined my the relation $relation. * * @param ezcQuery $query * @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def * @param ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation * @param array $objectState */ private function createComplexRelationFindQuery( ezcQuery $query, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def, ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation $relation, array $objectState ) { // Join with relation table. $query->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) ); foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map ) { $query->where( $query->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationSourceColumn ), $query->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName], null, $def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->databaseType ) ), $query->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationDestinationColumn ), $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->destinationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->destinationColumn ) ) ); } } } ?>