private $properties = array();
* Constructs a new persistent session that works on the database $db.
* The $manager provides valid persistent object definitions to the
* session.
* @param ezcDbHandler $db
* @param ezcPersistentDefinitionManager $manager
public function __construct( ezcDbHandler $db, ezcPersistentDefinitionManager $manager )
$this->properties['database'] = $db;
$this->properties['definitionManager'] = $manager;
* Sets the property $name to $value.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist.
* @param string $name
* @param mixed $value
* @ignore
public function __set( $name, $value )
switch ( $name )
case 'database':
case 'definitionManager':
throw new ezcBasePropertyPermissionException( $name, ezcBasePropertyPermissionException::READ );
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name );
* Returns the property $name.
* @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException if the property does not exist.
* @param string $name
* @return mixed
* @ignore
public function __get( $name )
switch ( $name )
case 'database':
case 'definitionManager':
return isset( $this->properties[$name] ) ? $this->properties[$name] : null;
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name );
* Deletes the persistent object $pObject.
* This method will perform a DELETE query based on the identifier
* of the persistent object.
* After delete() the identifier in $pObject will be reset to null.
* It is possible to save() $pObject afterwords. The object will then
* be stored with a new id.
* If you defined relations for the given object, these will be checked
* to be defined as cascading. If cascading is configured, the related
* objects with this relation will be deleted, too.
* Relations that support cascading are:
* - {@see ezcPersistenOneToManyRelation}
* - {@see ezcPersistenOneToOne}
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundxception
* if $the object is not recognized as a persistent object.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException
* if the object is not persistent already.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* if the object could not be deleted.
* @param object $pObject The persistent object to delete.
public function delete( $pObject )
$class = get_class( $pObject );
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
$state = $pObject->getState();
$idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName];
// check that the object is persistent already
if ( $idValue == null || $idValue < 0 )
$class = get_class( $pObject );
throw new ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException( $class );
// Transaction savety for exceptions thrown while cascading
// check for cascading relations to follow
foreach ( $def->relations as $relatedClass => $relation )
$this->cascadeDelete( $pObject, $relatedClass, $relation );
catch ( Exception $e )
// Roll back the current transaction on any exception
throw $e;
// create and execute query
$q = $this->database->createDeleteQuery();
$q->deleteFrom( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) )
->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ),
$q->bindValue( $idValue ) ) );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
if ( $stmt->errorCode() != 0 )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( "The delete query failed." );
catch ( PDOException $e )
// Need to rollbak manually here, if we are on the first transaction
// level
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
// After recursion of cascades everything should be fine here, or this
// final commit call should perform the rollback ordered by a deeper level
* Perform the cascading of deletes on a specific relation.
* This method checks a given relation of a given object for necessary
* actions on a cascaded delete and performs them.
* @param object $object The persistent object.
* @param string $relatedClass The class of the related persistent
* object.
* @param ezcPersistentRelation $relation The relation to check.
* @return void
* @todo Revise cascading code. So far it sends 1 delete statement per
* object but we can also collect them table wise and send just 1
* for each table.
private function cascadeDelete( $object, $relatedClass, ezcPersistentRelation $relation )
// Remove relation records for ManyToMany relations
if ( $relation instanceof ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation )
foreach ( $this->getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass ) as $relatedObject )
// Need to determine the correct direction for removal
if ( $relation->reverse === true )
$this->removeRelatedObject( $relatedObject, $object );
$this->removeRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject );
if ( isset( $relation->cascade ) && $relation->cascade === true )
if ( isset( $relation->reverse ) && $relation->reverse === true )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupported(
"cascade on delete",
"Reverse relations do not support cascading."
foreach ( $this->getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass ) as $relatedObject )
$this->delete( $relatedObject );
* Returns a delete query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to delete from the correct table and
* it is only neccessary to set the where clause.
* Example:
* $q = $session->createDeleteQuery();
* $q->where( $q->expr->gt( 'age', $q->bindValue( 15 ) ) );
* $session->deleteFromQuery( $q );
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQueryDelete
public function createDeleteQuery( $class )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
// init query
$q = $this->database->createDeleteQuery();
$q->setAliases( $this->generateAliasMap( $def ) );
$q->deleteFrom( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) );
return $q;
* Deletes persistent objects using the query $query.
* The $query should be created using getDeleteQuery().
* Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future
* releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects.
* When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run
* cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is
* advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on
* persistent objects.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException if the delete query failed.
* @param ezcQueryDelete $query
* @return void
public function deleteFromQuery( ezcQueryDelete $query )
$stmt = $query->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
* Returns an update query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to update the correct table and
* it is only neccessary to set the correct values.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQueryUpdate
public function createUpdateQuery( $class )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
// init query
$q = $this->database->createUpdateQuery();
$q->setAliases( $this->generateAliasMap( $def ) );
$q->update( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) );
return $q;
* Updates persistent objects using the query $query.
* The $query should be created using getUpdateQuery().
* Currently this method only executes the provided query. Future
* releases PersistentSession may introduce caching of persistent objects.
* When caching is introduced it will be required to use this method to run
* cusom delete queries. To avoid being incompatible with future releases it is
* advisable to always use this method when running custom delete queries on
* persistent objects.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException if the update query failed.
* @param ezcQueryUpdate $query
* @return void
public function updateFromQuery( ezcQueryUpdate $query )
$stmt = $query->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
* Returns a select query for the given persistent object $class.
* The query is initialized to fetch all columns from the correct table.
* Example:
* $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
* $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectException if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @return ezcQuerySelect
public function createFindQuery( $class )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
// init query
$q = $this->database->createSelectQuery();
$q->setAliases( $this->generateAliasMap( $def ) );
$q->select( $this->getColumnsFromDefinition( $def ) )
->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) );
return $q;
* Returns the result of the query $query as a list of objects.
* Example:
* $q = $session->createFindQuery( 'Person' );
* $allPersons = $session->find( $q, 'Person' );
* If you are retrieving large result set, consider using findIterator()
* instead.
* Example:
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed
* @param ezcQuerySelect $query
* @param string $class
* @return array(object)
public function find( ezcQuerySelect $query, $class )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
$stmt = $query->prepare();
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
// convert all the rows states and then objects
$result = array();
foreach ( $rows as $row )
$object = new $def->class;
$object->setState( ezcPersistentStateTransformer::rowToStateArray( $row, $def ) );
$result[] = $object;
return $result;
* Returns the related objects of a given class for an object.
* This method returns the related objects of type $relatedClass for the
* object $object. This method (in contrast to {@see getRelatedObject()})
* always returns an array of result objects, no matter if only 1 object
* was found (e.g. {@see ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}).
* Example:
* $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
* $relatedAddresses = $session->getRelatedObjects( $person, "Address" );
* echo "Number of addresses found: " . count( $relatedAddresses );
* Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:
* - {@see ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation}
* - {@see ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}
* @param mixed $object The object to fetch related objects for.
* @param mixed $relatedClass The class of the related objects to fetch.
* @return array(int=>object)
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function getRelatedObjects( $object, $relatedClass )
$query = $this->createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass );
return $this->find( $query, $relatedClass );
* Returns the related object of a given class for an object.
* This method returns the related object of type $relatedClass for the
* object $object. This method (in contrast to {@see getRelatedObjects()})
* always a single result object, no matter if more objects could be found
* (e.g. {@see ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation}).
* Example:
* $person = $session->load( "Person", 1 );
* $relatedAddress = $session->getRelatedObject( $person, "Address" );
* echo "Address of this person: " . $relatedAddress->__toString();
* Relations that should preferably be used with this method are:
* - {ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation}
* - {ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation}
* @param object $object The object to fetch related objects for.
* @param string $relatedClass The class of the related objects to fetch.
* @return object
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function getRelatedObject( $object, $relatedClass )
$query = $this->createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass );
// This method only needs to return 1 object
$query->limit( 1 );
$resArr = $this->find( $query, $relatedClass );
if ( sizeof( $resArr ) < 1 )
throw new ezcPersistentRelatedObjectNotFoundException( $object, $relatedClass );
return $resArr[0];
* Returns the base query for retrieving related objects.
* See {@see getRelatedObject()} and {@see getRelatedObjects()}. Can be
* modified by additional where conditions and simply be used with
* {@see find()} and the related class name.
* @param object $object Object to find related objects for.
* @param string $relatedClass Class of the related objects to find.
* @return ezcDbSelectQuery
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the given $object does not have a relation to $relatedClass.
public function createRelationFindQuery( $object, $relatedClass )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( ( $class = get_class( $object ) ) );
if ( !isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass] ) )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass );
$relation = $def->relations[$relatedClass];
$query = $this->createFindQuery( $relatedClass );
$objectState = $object->getState();
switch ( ( $relationClass = get_class( $relation ) ) )
case "ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation":
case "ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation":
case "ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation":
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( "{$map->destinationColumn}" ),
$query->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName] )
case "ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation":
$query->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) );
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationSourceColumn ),
$query->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName] )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationDestinationColumn ),
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->destinationTable ) . "." . $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->destinationColumn )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationInvalidException( $relationClass );
return $query;
* Create a relation between $object and $relatedObject.
* This method is used to create a relation between the given source $object
* and the desired $relatedObject. The related object is not stored in the
* database automatically, only the desired properties are set. An
* exception is {@ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}s, where the
* relation record is stored automatically.
* @param object $object The object to create a relation from.
* @param object $relatedObject The object to create a relation to.
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException
* if a relation to create is marked as "reverse".
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the deisred relation is not defined.
public function addRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject )
$class = get_class( $object );
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( ( $class = get_class( $object ) ) );
$relatedClass = get_class( $relatedObject );
$objectState = $object->getState();
$relatedObjectState = $relatedObject->getState();
if ( !isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass] ) )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass );
if ( isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass]->reverse ) && $def->relations[$relatedClass]->reverse === true )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException(
"Relation is a reverse relation."
$relatedDef = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $relatedObject ) );
switch ( get_class( ( $relation = $def->relations[get_class( $relatedObject )] ) ) )
case "ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation":
case "ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation":
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$relatedObjectState[$relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName] =
case "ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation":
$q = $this->database->createInsertQuery();
$q->insertInto( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) );
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationSourceColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName] )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationDestinationColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $relatedObjectState[$relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName] )
$stmt = $q->prepare();
case "ezcPersistentManyToOneRelation":
throw new Exception( "Still in development, not implemented, yet!" );
$relatedObject->setState( $relatedObjectState );
* Removes the relation between $object and $relatedObject.
* This method is used to delete an existing relation between 2 objects. Like
* {@see addRelatedObject} this method does not store the related object
* after removing its relation properties (unset), except for
* {@see ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation}s, for which the relation record
* is deleted from the database.
* @param object $object Source object of the relation.
* @param object $relatedObject Related object.
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException
* if a relation to create is marked as "reverse".
* @throws ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException
* if the deisred relation is not defined.
public function removeRelatedObject( $object, $relatedObject )
$class = get_class( $object );
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( ( $class = get_class( $object ) ) );
$relatedClass = get_class( $relatedObject );
if ( !isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass] ) )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationNotFoundException( $class, $relatedClass );
if ( isset( $def->relations[$relatedClass]->reverse ) && $def->relations[$relatedClass]->reverse === true )
throw new ezcPersistentRelationOperationNotSupportedException(
"Relation is a reverse relation."
$objectState = $object->getState();
$relatedObjectState = $relatedObject->getState();
$relatedDef = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $relatedObject ) );
switch ( get_class( ( $relation = $def->relations[get_class( $relatedObject )] ) ) )
case "ezcPersistentOneToManyRelation":
case "ezcPersistentOneToOneRelation":
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$relatedObjectState[$relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName] = null;
case "ezcPersistentManyToManyRelation":
$q = $this->database->createDeleteQuery();
$q->deleteFrom( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $relation->relationTable ) );
foreach ( $relation->columnMap as $map )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationSourceColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $objectState[$def->columns[$map->sourceColumn]->propertyName] )
$this->database->quoteIdentifier( $map->relationDestinationColumn ),
$q->bindValue( $relatedObjectState[$relatedDef->columns[$map->destinationColumn]->propertyName] )
$stmt = $q->prepare();
$relatedObject->setState( $relatedObjectState );
* Returns the result of the query $query as an object iterator.
* This method is similar to find() but returns an iterator
* instead of a list of objects. This is useful if you are going
* to loop over the objects and just need them one at the time.
* Because you only instantiate one object is is faster than find().
* Note that if you do not loop over the complete result set you must
* call flush() on the iterator before issuing another query.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if there is no such persistent class.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed
* @param ezcQuerySelect $query
* @return Iterator
public function findIterator( ezcQuerySelect $query, $class )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
$stmt = $query->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
return new ezcPersistentFindIterator( $stmt, $def );
* Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if the object is not available.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if there is no such persistent class.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @return object
public function load( $class, $id )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( $class ); // propagate exception
$object = new $def->class;
$this->loadIntoObject( $object, $id );
return $object;
* Returns the persistent object of class $class with id $id.
* This method is equivalent to load() except that it returns
* null instead of throwing an exception if the object does not
* exist.
* @param string $class
* @param int $id
* @return object|null
public function loadIfExists( $class, $id )
$result = null;
$result = $this->load( $class, $id );
catch ( Exception $e )
// eat, we return null on error
return $result;
* Loads the persistent object with the id $id into the object $pObject.
* The class of the persistent object to load is determined by the class
* of $pObject.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if the object is not available.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if $pObject is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException if the find query failed
* @param object $pObject
* @param int $id
* @return void
public function loadIntoObject( $pObject, $id )
if ( !is_numeric( $id ) )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( "The parameter 'id' was not a valid integer." );
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $pObject ) ); // propagate exception
$q = $this->database->createSelectQuery();
$q->select( $this->getColumnsFromDefinition( $def ) )
->from( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) )
->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ),
$q->bindValue( $id ) ) );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
$row = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
if ( $row !== false ) // we got a result
// we could check if there was more than one result here
// but we don't because of the overhead and since the Persistent
// Object would be faulty by design in that case and the user would have
// to execute custom code to get into an invalid state.
$state = ezcPersistentStateTransformer::rowToStateArray( $row, $def );
catch ( Exception $e )
throw new ezcPersistentObjectException( "The row data could not be correctly converted to set data.", "Most probably there is something wrong with a custom rowToStateArray implementation" );
$pObject->setState( $state );
$class = get_class( $pObject );
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( "No such object $class with id $id." );
* Syncronizes the contents of $pObject with those in the database.
* Note that calling this method is equavalent with calling
* loadIntoObject on $pObject with the id of $pObject. Any
* changes made to $pObject prior to calling refresh() will be discarded.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if $pObject is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if $pObject is not persistent already
* @throws ezcPersistentException if the select query failed.
* @param object $pObject
* @return void
public function refresh( $pObject )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $pObject ) ); // propagate exception
$state = $pObject->getState();
$idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName];
if ( $idValue !== null )
$this->loadIntoObject( $pObject, $idValue );
$class = get_class( $pObject );
throw new ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException( $class );
* Saves the new persistent object $pObject to the database using an INSERT INTO query.
* The correct ID is set to $pObject.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if $pObject is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if $pObject is already stored to the database.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if it was not possible to generate a unique identifier for the new object
* @throws ezcPersistentException if the insert query failed.
* @param object $pObject
* @return void
public function save( $pObject )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $pObject ) );// propagate exception
$state = $this->filterAndCastState( $pObject->getState(), $def );
$idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName];
// fetch the id generator
$idGenerator = null;
if ( ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $def->idProperty->generator->class ) )
$idGenerator = new $def->idProperty->generator->class;
if ( !( $idGenerator instanceof ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator ) )
throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( get_class( $pObject ),
"Could not initialize identifier generator: ". "{$def->idProperty->generator->class} ." );
if ( $idGenerator->checkPersistence( $def, $this->database, $state ) )
$class = get_class( $pObject );
throw new ezcPersistentObjectAlreadyPersistentException( $class );
// set up and execute the query
$q = $this->database->createInsertQuery();
$q->insertInto( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) );
foreach ( $state as $name => $value )
if ( $name != $def->idProperty->propertyName ) // skip the id field
// set each of the properties
$q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->properties[$name]->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $value ) );
// let presave id generator do its work
$idGenerator->preSave( $def, $this->database, $q );
// execute the insert query
$stmt = $q->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentObjectException( "The insert query failed.", $e->getMessage() );
// fetch the newly created id, and set it to the object
$id = $idGenerator->postSave( $def, $this->database );
if ( $id === null )
throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( $def->class );
// everything seems to be fine, lets commit the queries to the database
// and update the object with its newly created id.
$state[$def->idProperty->propertyName] = $id;
$pObject->setState( $state );
* Saves or update the persistent object $pObject to the database.
* If the object is a new object an INSERT INTO query will be executed. If the
* object is persistent already it will be updated with an UPDATE query.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if $pObject is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if any of the definition requirements are not met.
* @throws ezcPersistentException if the insert or update query failed.
* @param object $pObject
* @return void
public function saveOrUpdate( $pObject )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $pObject ) );// propagate exception
$state = $pObject->getState();
$idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName];
if ( $idValue === null )
$this->save( $pObject );
$this->update( $pObject );
* Saves the new persistent object $pObject to the database using an UPDATE query.
* @throws ezcPersistentDefinitionNotFoundException if $pObject is not of a valid persistent object type.
* @throws ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException if $pObject is not stored in the database already.
* @throws ezcPersistentQueryException
* @param object $pObject
* @return void
public function update( $pObject )
$def = $this->definitionManager->fetchDefinition( get_class( $pObject ) ); // propagate exception
$state = $this->filterAndCastState( $pObject->getState(), $def );
$idValue = $state[$def->idProperty->propertyName];
// fetch the id generator
$idGenerator = null;
if ( ezcBaseFeatures::classExists( $def->idProperty->generator->class ) )
$idGenerator = new $def->idProperty->generator->class;
if ( !( $idGenerator instanceof ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerator ) )
throw new ezcPersistentIdentifierGenerationException( get_class( $pObject ),
"Could not initialize identifier generator: ". "{$def->idProperty->generator->class} ." );
if ( !$idGenerator->checkPersistence( $def, $this->database, $state ) )
$class = get_class( $pObject );
throw new ezcPersistentObjectNotPersistentException( get_class( $pObject ) );
// set up and execute the query
$q = $this->database->createUpdateQuery();
$q->update( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->table ) );
foreach ( $state as $name => $value )
if ( $name != $def->idProperty->propertyName ) // skip the id field
// set each of the properties
$q->set( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->properties[$name]->columnName ), $q->bindValue( $value ) );
$q->where( $q->expr->eq( $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName ),
$q->bindValue( $idValue ) ) );
$stmt = $q->prepare();
catch ( PDOException $e )
throw new ezcPersistentQueryException( $e->getMessage() );
// ignore this for now
* Goes through the requirements of the array $state and and check that the requirements
* set in $def are met.
* Currently this method checks if a field marked as required is set to null.
* If this is the case this method will replace it with the default value if present.
* If it is not possible to meet the requirements an exception is thrown.
* @param array $row
* @param ezcPersistentDefinition $def
* @return void
// protected function meetRequirements( array &$state, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def )
// {
// foreach ( $state as $key => $value )
// }
* Returns a hash map between property and column name for the given definition $def.
* The alias map can be used with the query classes.
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def Definition.
* @return array(string=>string)
public function generateAliasMap( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def )
$table = array();
foreach ( $def->properties as $prop )
$table[$prop->propertyName] = $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $prop->columnName );
$table[$def->class] = $def->table;
return $table;
* Returns all the columns defined in the persistent object.
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def Defintion.
* @return array(int=>string)
public function getColumnsFromDefinition( ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def )
$columns = array();
$columns[] = $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $def->idProperty->columnName );
foreach ( $def->properties as $property )
$columns[] = $this->database->quoteIdentifier( $property->columnName );
return $columns;
* Filters out all properties not in the definition and casts the
* values to native PHP types.
* @param array(string=>string) $state
* @param ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def
* @return array(string=>mixed)
private function filterAndCastState( array $state, ezcPersistentObjectDefinition $def )
$typedState = array();
foreach ( $state as $name => $value )
if ( $name == $def->idProperty->propertyName )
if ( $value !== null )
$typedState[$name] = (int) $value;
else if ( !isset( $def->properties[$name] ) )
if ( !is_null( $value ) )
switch ( $def->properties[$name]->propertyType )
case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_INT:
$value = (int) $value;
case ezcPersistentObjectProperty::PHP_TYPE_FLOAT:
$value = (float) $value;
$typedState[$name] = $value;
return $typedState;