format 58 "bouml" revision 12 modified_by 16 "jpic" // class settings default_attribute_visibility protected default_relation_visibility protected default_operation_visibility public //class diagram settings draw_all_relations yes hide_attributes no hide_operations no show_members_full_definition no show_members_visibility no show_members_stereotype no show_members_multiplicity no show_members_initialization no member_max_width 127 show_parameter_dir yes show_parameter_name yes package_name_in_tab no class_drawing_mode natural drawing_language uml show_context_mode no auto_label_position yes show_infonote no shadow yes show_stereotype_properties no //use case diagram settings package_name_in_tab no show_context no auto_label_position yes draw_all_relations yes class_drawing_mode actor shadow yes show_stereotype_properties no //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition no write_horizontally yes class_drawing_mode natural drawing_language uml draw_all_relations yes shadow yes show_stereotype_properties no //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition no show_hierarchical_rank no write_horizontally yes drawing_language uml package_name_in_tab no show_context no draw_all_relations yes shadow yes show_stereotype_properties no //object diagram settings write_horizontally yes package_name_in_tab no show_context no auto_label_position yes draw_all_relations yes shadow yes show_stereotype_properties no //component diagram settings package_name_in_tab no show_context no auto_label_position yes draw_all_relations yes shadow yes draw_component_as_icon no show_component_req_prov no show_component_rea no show_stereotype_properties no //deployment diagram settings package_name_in_tab no show_context no write_horizontally yes auto_label_position yes draw_all_relations yes shadow yes draw_component_as_icon no show_component_req_prov no show_component_rea no show_stereotype_properties no //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab no show_context no auto_label_position yes write_trans_label_horizontally yes show_trans_definition no draw_all_relations yes shadow yes show_activities yes region_horizontally yes drawing_language uml show_stereotype_properties no //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab no show_context no show_opaque_action_definition no auto_label_position yes write_flow_label_horizontally no draw_all_relations yes shadow yes show_infonote yes drawing_language uml show_stereotype_properties no class_color yellow duration_color transparent continuation_color gray note_color blue fragment_color transparent subject_color transparent usecase_color yellow package_color transparent component_color green artifact_color green deploymentnode_color gray state_color yellow stateaction_color transparent activity_color transparent activityregion_color transparent activityaction_color transparent parameterpin_color white font_size 7 diagram_format A4 mark_for_import ncouples 1 key "html dir" value "/home/jpic/mvc_public/" classview 128016 "Dispatching" //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //class settings //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default classdiagram 128144 "Second version" draw_all_relations no hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default size A4 end class 128144 "ezcMvcRequestParser" visibility package stereotype "interface" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 128144 "createRequest" public return_type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " comment " /** * Parses the request and creates an input object. * * @return ezcMvcInput */ " end classrelation 128144 // relation 128144 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 128144 // b parent class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest end end class 128016 "ezcMvcRouter" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "" python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 128016 "createController" public return_type class_ref 128272 // ezcMvcController nparams 1 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)};" end classrelation 128272 // relation 128272 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 128272 // b parent class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest end classrelation 128528 // relation 128528 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 128528 // b parent class_ref 128272 // ezcMvcController end classrelation 139280 // relation 139024 *--> a role_name "" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 139280 // b parent class_ref 136720 // ezcMvcRoute end end class 128272 "ezcMvcController" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "/** * Interface defining controller classes. * * Controllers process the client's request and returns variables usable by * the view-manager in an instance of an ezcMvcOutput. * Controllers should not access request variables directly but should use the * passed ezcMvcInput. * The process is done through the run() method, but is not limited to use protected * nor private methods. The result of running a controller is an instance of * ezcMvcOutput. * * @package MvcTools * @version //autogen// * @mainclass */ " operation 128400 "createResult" public explicit_return_type "ezcMvcResult" nparams 1 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end classrelation 128400 // relation 128400 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 128400 // b parent class_ref 128784 // ezcMvcResult end classrelation 128656 // relation 128656 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 128656 // b parent class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest end classrelation 135824 // relation 135696 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 135824 // b parent class_ref 134800 // ezcMvcRedirection end classrelation 136208 // relation 136080 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 136208 // b parent class_ref 135056 // ezcMvcRequestFilter end classrelation 136336 // relation 136208 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 136336 // b parent class_ref 135312 // ezcMvcResultFilter end end class 128528 "ezcMvcViewHandler" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "/** * Interface defining view-handling classes. * * View-handlers uses the abstract input and output objects: ezcMvcInput * and ezcMvcOutput; in order to create the response headers and body. * It's usable should be delegated to the view-manager. * * @package MvcTools * @version //autogen// * @mainclass */ " operation 131472 "createResponse" public explicit_return_type "ezcMvcResponse" nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 131344 "__construct" public explicit_return_type "void" nparams 2 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest param in name "result" explicit_type "ezcMvcResult" php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 131600 "runFilters" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "response" explicit_type "ezcMvcResponse" php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 132752 "handleResponse" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "response" explicit_type "ezcMvcResponse" php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 132880 "handle" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end classrelation 134032 // relation 133904 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 134032 // b parent class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse end classrelation 136976 // relation 136848 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 136976 // b parent class_ref 135184 // ezcMvcResponseFilter end classrelation 139408 // relation 139152 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 139408 // b parent class_ref 128784 // ezcMvcResult end end class 128784 "ezcMvcResult" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" attribute 129296 "cookie" protected explicit_type "array" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end classrelation 135952 // relation 135824 *--> a role_name "" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 135952 // b parent class_ref 134800 // ezcMvcRedirection end attribute 134032 "variables" protected explicit_type "" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 133520 "ezcMvcResponse" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" attribute 132496 "body" public explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 132624 "headers" public explicit_type "array" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 135056 "ezcMvcRequestFilter" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 134160 "filterRequest" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end classrelation 136464 // relation 136336 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 136464 // b parent class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest end end class 135184 "ezcMvcResponseFilter" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 134288 "filterResponse" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "response" type class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end classrelation 136848 // relation 136720 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 136848 // b parent class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse end end class 135312 "ezcMvcResultFilter" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" operation 134416 "filterResult" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "result" explicit_type "ezcMvcResult" php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end classrelation 137488 // relation 137232 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 137488 // b parent class_ref 128784 // ezcMvcResult end end class 136464 "ezcMvcDispatcherConfiguration" visibility package stereotype "interface" cpp_decl "" java_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}interface ${name}${extends} { ${members}} " php_decl "${comment}${visibility}interface ${name} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}${abstract}${local}interface ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 138640 // relation 138384 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 138640 // b parent class_ref 128016 // ezcMvcRouter end classrelation 138768 // relation 138512 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 138768 // b parent class_ref 128528 // ezcMvcViewHandler end classrelation 138896 // relation 138640 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 138896 // b parent class_ref 128144 // ezcMvcRequestParser end classrelation 139024 // relation 138768 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 139024 // b parent class_ref 136592 // ezcMvcResponseWriter end operation 135568 "createRequestParser" public return_type class_ref 128144 // ezcMvcRequestParser nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 135696 "createRouter" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 135824 "createView" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 2 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest param in name "result" type class_ref 128784 // ezcMvcResult php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 135952 "createResponseWriter" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 3 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest param in name "result" type class_ref 128784 // ezcMvcResult param in name "response" type class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end end class 136592 "ezcMvcResponseWriter" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 139152 // relation 138896 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 139152 // b parent class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse end operation 136336 "__construct" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "response" type class_ref 133520 // ezcMvcResponse php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 136464 "handleResponse" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 136592 "addResponseFilter" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end operation 136720 "runResponseFilters" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 0 php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)} { ${body}} " end end class 136720 "ezcMvcRoute" visibility package stereotype "interface" cpp_decl "" java_decl "${comment}${@}${visibility}interface ${name}${extends} { ${members}} " php_decl "${comment}${visibility}interface ${name} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}${abstract}${local}interface ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" operation 136080 "matches" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "request" type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)};" end operation 136208 "prefix" public explicit_return_type "" nparams 1 param in name "prefix" explicit_type "string" php_def " ${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}${static}function ${name}${(}${)};" end end end classview 129168 "Request" //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //class settings //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default classdiagram 129296 "Request" draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default size A4 end class 128912 "ezcMvcRequestFile" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" attribute 128711 "mimeType" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 128839 "name" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 128967 "size" protected explicit_type "int" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 129095 "status" protected explicit_type "int" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 128583 "tmpPath" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 128656 "ezcMvcRequest" visibility public cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" comment "Encapsulates request data" classrelation 130704 // userAgent () relation 130576 *--> a role_name "userAgent" multiplicity "1" public php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 130704 // userAgent () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 130320 // ezcMvcRequestUserAgent end classrelation 130832 // content () relation 130704 *--> a role_name "content" multiplicity "1" public php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 130832 // content () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 130448 // ezcMvcRequestContent end classrelation 130960 // authentication () relation 130832 *--> a role_name "authentication" multiplicity "1" public php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 130960 // authentication () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 130576 // ezcMvcRequestAuthentication end classrelation 131088 // cache () relation 130960 *--> a role_name "cache" multiplicity "1" public php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 131088 // cache () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 130704 // ezcMvcRequestCache end classrelation 131216 // files () relation 131088 *--> a role_name "files" multiplicity "*" public php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 131216 // files () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 128912 // ezcMvcRequestFile end classrelation 128327 // raw () relation 128199 *--- a role_name "raw" multiplicity "0..1" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 128327 // raw () b role_name "" multiplicity "1" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 128455 // end end class 130320 "ezcMvcRequestUserAgent" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" attribute 130448 "name" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 130448 "ezcMvcRequestContent" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" attribute 130576 "type" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 130704 "charset" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 130832 "langage" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 134416 "compressions" protected explicit_type "" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" comment "HTTP clients can send a header with the acceptable compressions" end end class 130576 "ezcMvcRequestAuthentication" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" attribute 130960 "identifier" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 131088 "password" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 130704 "ezcMvcRequestCache" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" attribute 131216 "lastAccess" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 131344 "etag" protected explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end class 128071 "ezcMvcRawRequest" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 128455 // relation_ref 128199 // end attribute 128455 "variables" protected explicit_type "array" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end classrelation 128583 // files () relation 128327 o--> a role_name "files" multiplicity "*" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 128583 // files () b multiplicity "1" parent class_ref 128912 // ezcMvcRequestFile end classrelation 136080 // http () relation 135952 *--> a role_name "http" multiplicity "0..1" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 136080 // http () b parent class_ref 134928 // ezcMvcHttpRequest end end class 134928 "ezcMvcHttpRequest" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" attribute 134160 "method" public explicit_type "string" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" comment "HTTP method name used by the client to send the request" end attribute 134288 "parameters" public explicit_type "array" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end end end classview 130320 "Controller and model loose coupling demo" //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //class settings //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default classdiagram 130576 "Service" draw_all_relations no hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default size A4 end class 131984 "ezcMvcControllerImplementation" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 132368 // relation 132240 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 132368 // b parent class_ref 132112 // yourServiceInterface end end class 132112 "yourServiceInterface" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 132880 // relation 132752 -_-|> a public php "${type}" classrelation_ref 132880 // b parent class_ref 132368 // yourServiceImplementation end end class 132240 "PersistentSession" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" end class 132368 "yourServiceImplementation" visibility package cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "" explicit_switch_type "" classrelation 132496 // relation 132368 -_-> a default classrelation_ref 132496 // b parent class_ref 132240 // PersistentSession end end end classview 131472 "Result" //class diagram settings draw_all_relations default hide_attributes default hide_operations default show_members_full_definition default show_members_visibility default show_members_stereotype default show_members_multiplicity default show_members_initialization default member_max_width 0 show_parameter_dir default show_parameter_name default package_name_in_tab default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default show_context_mode default auto_label_position default show_infonote default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //collaboration diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default show_hierarchical_rank default write_horizontally default drawing_language default package_name_in_tab default show_context default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //object diagram settings write_horizontally default package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //sequence diagram settings show_full_operations_definition default write_horizontally default class_drawing_mode default drawing_language default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_stereotype_properties default //state diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default auto_label_position default write_trans_label_horizontally default show_trans_definition default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_activities default region_horizontally default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default //class settings //activity diagram settings package_name_in_tab default show_context default show_opaque_action_definition default auto_label_position default write_flow_label_horizontally default draw_all_relations default shadow default show_infonote default drawing_language default show_stereotype_properties default class 134800 "ezcMvcRedirection" visibility package stereotype "struct" cpp_decl "${comment}${template}struct ${name}${inherit} { ${members}}; ${inlines} " java_decl "" php_decl "${comment}${final}${visibility}${abstract}class ${name}${extends}${implements} { ${members}} " python_2_2 python_decl "" idl_decl "${comment}struct ${name} { ${members}}; " explicit_switch_type "" attribute 133776 "request" protected type class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end attribute 133904 "where" protected explicit_type "" cpp_decl "" java_decl "" php_decl " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " python_decl "" idl_decl "" end classrelation 137360 // relation 137104 *--> a role_name "" protected php " ${comment}${visibility}${const}${static}${var}${name}${value}; " classrelation_ref 137360 // b parent class_ref 128656 // ezcMvcRequest end end end end