assertEquals( 'John Doe ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); $address = new ezcMailAddress( '' ); $this->assertEquals( '', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); } // Tests if ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddresses works as it should // @todo test if no 'email' is given. public function testComposeEmailAddresses() { $addresses = array( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '' ) ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Doe ,', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddresses( $addresses ) ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressUsAscii() { $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Ascii' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Ascii ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); // The Ä does not in US ASCII, but we pass it along anyway $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Äscii' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Äscii ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressLatin1() { // no 8-bit-chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Ascii', 'iso-8859-1' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Ascii ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); // with 8-bit chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Äscii', 'iso-8859-1' ); $this->assertEquals( '=?iso-8859-1?Q?John=20=C4scii?= ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressOtherLatin() { foreach ( array( 'iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-6', 'iso-8859-7', 'iso-8859-9', 'iso-8859-15' ) as $charset ) { // no 8-bit-chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Ascii', $charset ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Ascii ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); // with 8-bit chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Äscii', $charset ); $this->assertEquals( "=?{$charset}?Q?John=20=C4scii?= ", ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); } } public function testComposeEmailAddressUTF8() { // no 8-bit-chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Ascii', 'UTF-8' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Ascii ', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); // with 8-bit chars $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Äscii','UTF-8' ); $this->assertEquals( "=?UTF-8?Q?John=20=C3=84scii?= ", ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressesSingleFolding() { $reference = "John Doe , Harry Doe ," . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . " Gordon Doe ,"; $addresses = array( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Harry Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Gordon Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '' ) ); $result = ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddresses( $addresses, 76 ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $result ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressesMultiFolding() { $reference = "John Doe , Harry Doe ," . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . " Nancy Doe , Faith Doe ," . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . " Gordon Doe ,"; $addresses = array( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Harry Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Nancy Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Faith Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Gordon Doe' ), new ezcMailAddress( '' ) ); $result = ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddresses( $addresses, 76 ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $result ); } public function testComposeEmailAddressNameNotQuoted() { $addressesNotQuoted = array( array( "Doe John ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Doe John' ) ), array( "\"Doe, John\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '"Doe, John"' ) ), // already quoted array( "\"\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '""' ) ), // already quoted array( "\"\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '""' ) ), // already quoted array( "\"John,\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '"John,"' ) ), // already quoted array( "\":sysmail\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '":sysmail"' ) ), // already quoted array( "\";sysmail\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '";sysmail"' ) ), // already quoted array( "sysmail ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'sysmail' ) ), array( "\"John 'Doe'\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John \'Doe\'' ) ), ); foreach ( $addressesNotQuoted as $address ) { $reference = $address[0]; $result = ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address[1] ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $result ); } } public function testComposeEmailAddressNameQuoted() { $addressesQuoted = array( array( "\"Doe, John\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Doe, John' ) ), array( "\"\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '' ) ), // double bad character < and > array( "\"\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '' ) ), array( "\"John,\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John,' ) ), // double bad character , and @ array( "\"John \\\"Doe\\\"\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John "Doe"' ) ), array( "\":sysmail\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', ':sysmail' ) ), array( "\";sysmail\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', ';sysmail' ) ), array( "\"John \\\"Doe\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John "Doe' ) ), array( "\"John 'Doe\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John \'Doe' ) ), array( "\"John \\\\\\\"Doe\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', 'John \"Doe' ) ), // already escaped quotes array( "\"John \\\"Doe\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '"John "Doe"' ) ), array( "\"\\\"Doe\\\" \\\"John\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '"Doe" "John' ) ), array( "\"Doe\\\" John\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', '"Doe" John"' ) ), array( "\"'Doe' 'John\" ", new ezcMailAddress( '', "'Doe' 'John" ) ), ); foreach ( $addressesQuoted as $key => $address ) { $reference = $address[0]; $result = ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address[1] ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $result ); } } public function testParseEmailAddressMimeGood() { $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '"John Doe" ' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Doe', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '"John Doe" ' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Doe', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '"John Doe" <"john.doe">' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Doe', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( '"!#%&/()" ' ); $this->assertEquals( '!#%&/()', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( 'jo-_!#%&', $add->email ); } public function testParseEmailAddressMimeWrong() { $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( "No address in this place @ here" ); $this->assertEquals( null, $add ); } public function testParseEmailMimeAddresses() { $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddresses( '"John Doe" , "my, name" ' ); $this->assertEquals( 'John Doe', $add[0]->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[0]->email ); $this->assertEquals( 'my, name', $add[1]->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[1]->email ); $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddresses( '' ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[0]->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[0]->email ); } public function testParseEmailAddressLocalEncoding() { $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddress( 'Test äöää ', 'iso-8859-1' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Test äöää', $add->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add->email ); } public function testParseEmailAddressesLocalEncoding() { $add = ezcMailTools::parseEmailAddresses( 'Test äöää, En Lømmel ', 'iso-8859-1' ); $this->assertEquals( 'Test äöää', $add[0]->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[0]->email ); $this->assertEquals( 'En Lømmel', $add[1]->name ); $this->assertEquals( '', $add[1]->email ); } public function testValidateEmailAddressCorrect() { $data = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tools/data/addresses_correct.txt' ); $addresses = explode( "\n", $data ); foreach ( $addresses as $address ) { $address = trim( $address ); if ( strlen( $address ) > 1 && $address{0} !== '#' ) { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress( $address ), "Failed asserting that {$address} is correct." ); } } } public function testValidateEmailAddressCorrectMX() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'getmxrr' ) || !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'checkdnsrr' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test needs getmxrr() and checkdnsrr() support' ); } $data = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tools/data/addresses_correct_mx.txt' ); $addresses = explode( "\n", $data ); foreach ( $addresses as $address ) { $address = trim( $address ); if ( strlen( $address ) > 1 && $address{0} !== '#' ) { $this->assertEquals( true, ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress( $address, true ), "Failed asserting that {$address} is correct with MX." ); } } } public function testValidateEmailAddressIncorrect() { $data = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tools/data/addresses_incorrect.txt' ); $addresses = explode( "\n", $data ); foreach ( $addresses as $address ) { $address = trim( $address ); if ( strlen( $address ) > 1 && $address{0} !== '#' ) { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress( $address ), "Failed asserting that {$address} is incorrect." ); } } } public function testValidateEmailAddressIncorrectMX() { if ( !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'getmxrr' ) || !ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'checkdnsrr' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test needs getmxrr() and checkdnsrr() support' ); } $data = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/tools/data/addresses_incorrect_mx.txt' ); $addresses = explode( "\n", $data ); foreach ( $addresses as $address ) { $address = trim( $address ); if ( strlen( $address ) > 1 && $address{0} !== '#' ) { $this->assertEquals( false, ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress( $address, true ), "Failed asserting that {$address} is incorrect with MX." ); } } } public function testValidateEmailAddressMXThrowException() { if ( ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'getmxrr' ) && ezcBaseFeatures::hasFunction( 'checkdnsrr' ) ) { $this->markTestSkipped( 'This test works only if getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() support is missing' ); } try { ezcMailTools::validateEmailAddress( '', true ); $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown.' ); } catch ( ezcBaseFunctionalityNotSupportedException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'Checking DNS records is not supported. Reason: getmxrr() or checkdnsrr() missing.', $e->getMessage() ); } } // Tests if generateContentId works as it should. // Somewhat hard to test since it is supposed to return a unique string. // We simply test if two calls return different strings. public function testGenerateContentId() { if ( ezcMailTools::generateContentID() === ezcMailTools::generateContentID() ) { $this->fail( "testGenerateMessageID generated the same ID twice" ); } } // Tests if generateMessageId works as it should. // Somewhat hard to test since it is supposed to return a unique string. // We simply test if two calls return different strings. public function testGenerateMessageId() { if ( ezcMailTools::generateMessageID( "" ) === ezcMailTools::generateMessageID( "") ) { $this->fail( "testGenerateMessageID generated the same ID twice" ); } } public function testEndline() { // defaul is \n\r as specified in RFC2045 $this->assertEquals( "\r\n", ezcMailTools::lineBreak() ); // now let's set it and check that it works ezcMailTools::setLineBreak( "\n" ); $this->assertEquals( "\n", ezcMailTools::lineBreak() ); } public function testReplyTo() { $parser = new ezcMailParser(); $set = new ezcMailFileSet( array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/parser/data/kmail/simple_mail_with_text_subject_and_body.mail' ) ); $mail = $parser->parseMail( $set ); $reply = ezcMailTools::replyToMail( $mail[0], new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Guy' ) ); $this->assertEquals( array( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Frederik Holljen', 'utf-8' ) ), $reply->to ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Guy' ), $reply->from ); $this->assertEquals( 'Re: Simple mail with text subject and body', $reply->subject ); $this->assertEquals( '<>', $reply->getHeader( 'In-Reply-To' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '<>', $reply->getHeader( 'References' ) ); } public function testReplyToExtended() { $parser = new ezcMailParser(); $set = new ezcMailFileSet( array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/parser/data/kmail/simple_mail_with_text_subject_and_body.mail' ) ); $mail = $parser->parseMail( $set ); $reply = ezcMailTools::replyToMail( $mail[0], new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Guy' ), ezcMailTools::REPLY_SENDER, "Re: ", "ezcMailExtended" ); $this->assertType( "ezcMailExtended", $reply, "replyToMail created incorrect class instance." ); } public function testReplyToAll() { $parser = new ezcMailParser(); $set = new ezcMailFileSet( array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/parser/data/various/multiple_recipients' ) ); $mail = $parser->parseMail( $set ); $reply = ezcMailTools::replyToMail( $mail[0], new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Guy' ), ezcMailTools::REPLY_ALL, 'Sv: ' ); $this->assertEquals( array( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Frederik Holljen', 'utf-8' ) ), $reply->to ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Guy' ), $reply->from ); $this->assertEquals( array( new ezcMailAddress( '', '', 'utf-8' ), new ezcMailAddress( '', '', 'utf-8' ) ), $reply->cc ); $this->assertEquals( 'Sv: Simple mail with text subject and body', $reply->subject ); $this->assertEquals( '<>', $reply->getHeader( 'In-Reply-To' ) ); $this->assertEquals( '<> <>', $reply->getHeader( 'References' ) ); } public function testReplyToReply() { $mail = new ezcMail(); $mail->addTo( new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Fræderik Hølljen', 'ISO-8859-1' ) ); $address = new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Går', 'ISO-8859-1' ); $mail->setHeader( 'Reply-To', ezcMailTools::composeEmailAddress( $address ) ); // $mail->setHeader( 'Reply-To', '' ); $reply = ezcMailTools::replyToMail( $mail, new ezcMailAddress( '', 'Reply Går', 'ISO-8859-1' ) ); $this->assertEquals( $reply->to, array( new ezcMailAddress( '', "Reply G\xC3\xA5r", 'utf-8' ) ) ); } public function testGuessContentType() { $fileNames = array( '/home/1.jpg', '2.jpe', '3.jpeg', '4.gif', '5.tif', '6.tiff', '7.bmp', '8.png', '', '10' ); $types = array( 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif', 'image/tiff', 'image/tiff', 'image/bmp', 'image/png', '/', '/' ); for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $fileNames ); $i++ ) { $contentType = null; $mimeType = null; ezcMailTools::guessContentType( $fileNames[$i], $contentType, $mimeType ); $this->assertEquals( $types[$i], $contentType . '/' . $mimeType ); } } public function testResolveCids() { $parser = new ezcMailParser(); $set = new ezcMailFileSet( array( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/parser/data/various/test-html-inline-images' ) ); $mail = $parser->parseMail( $set ); $relatedParts = $mail[0]->body->getParts(); $alternativeParts = $relatedParts[0]->getParts(); $html = $alternativeParts[1]->getMainPart(); $convertArray = array( 'consoletools-table.png@1421450' => 'foo', 'consoletools-table.png@1421452' => 'bar' ); $htmlBody = ezcMailTools::replaceContentIdRefs( $html->text, $convertArray ); $expected = << Here is the HTML version of your mail with an image: with an image: EOFE; self::assertSame( $expected, $htmlBody ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcMailToolsTest" ); } } ?>