options will be set instead {@see ezcMailTransportOptions}. * @property string $senderHost * The hostname of the computer that sends the mail. The default is * 'localhost'. * @property ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions $options * Holds the options you can set to the SMTP transport. * * @package Mail * @version 1.3beta1 * @mainclass */ class ezcMailSmtpTransport implements ezcMailTransport { /** * Plain connection. */ const CONNECTION_PLAIN = 'tcp'; /** * SSL connection. */ const CONNECTION_SSL = 'ssl'; /** * SSLv2 connection. */ const CONNECTION_SSLV2 = 'sslv2'; /** * SSLv3 connection. */ const CONNECTION_SSLV3 = 'sslv3'; /** * TLS connection. */ const CONNECTION_TLS = 'tls'; /** * The line-break characters to use. * * @access private */ const CRLF = "\r\n"; /** * We are not connected to a server. * * @access private */ const STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED = 1; /** * We are connected to the server, but not authenticated. * * @access private */ const STATUS_CONNECTED = 2; /** * We are connected to the server and authenticated. * * @access private */ const STATUS_AUTHENTICATED = 3; /** * The connection to the SMTP server. * * @var resource */ private $connection; /** * Holds the connection status. * * $var int {@link STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED}, * {@link STATUS_CONNECTED} or * {@link STATUS_AUTHENTICATED}. */ private $status; /** * True if authentication should be performed; otherwise false. * * This variable is set to true if a username is provided for login. * * @var bool */ private $doAuthenticate; /** * Holds if the connection should be kept open after sending a mail. * * @var bool */ private $keepConnection = false; /** * Holds the properties of this class. * * @var array(string=>mixed) */ private $properties = array(); /** * Holds the options of this class. * * @var ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions */ private $options; /** * Constructs a new ezcMailSmtpTransport. * * The constructor expects, at least, the hostname $host of the SMTP server. * * The username $user will be used for authentication if provided. * If it is left blank no authentication will be performed. * * The password $password will be used for authentication * if provided. Use this parameter always in combination with the $user * parameter. * * The value $port specifies on which port to connect to $host. By default * it is 25 for plain connections and 465 for TLS/SSL/SSLv2/SSLv3. * * Note: The ssl option from ezcMailTransportOptions doesn't apply to SMTP. * If you want to connect to SMTP using TLS/SSL/SSLv2/SSLv3 use the connectionType * option in ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions. * * @see ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions for options you can specify for SMTP. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * if $options contains a property not defined * @throws ezcBaseValueException * if $options contains a property with a value not allowed * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param int $port * @param array(string=>mixed) $options */ public function __construct( $host, $user = '', $password = '', $port = null, array $options = array() ) { $this->options = new ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions( $options ); $this->serverHost = $host; if ( $port === null ) { $port = ( $this->options->connectionType === self::CONNECTION_PLAIN ) ? 25 : 465; } $this->serverPort = $port; $this->user = $user; $this->password = $password; $this->doAuthenticate = $user != '' ? true : false; $this->status = self::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED; $this->senderHost = 'localhost'; } /** * Destructs this object. * * Closes the connection if it is still open. */ public function __destruct() { if ( $this->status != self::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED ) { $this->sendData( 'QUIT' ); fclose( $this->connection ); } } /** * Sets the property $name to $value. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * if the property $name does not exist * @throws ezcBaseValueException * if $value is not accepted for the property $name * @param string $name * @param mixed $value * @ignore */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'user': case 'password': case 'senderHost': case 'serverHost': case 'serverPort': $this->properties[$name] = $value; break; case 'timeout': // the timeout option from $this->options is used instead of // the timeout option of this class $this->options->timeout = $value; break; case 'options': if ( !( $value instanceof ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions ) ) { throw new ezcBaseValueException( 'options', $value, 'instanceof ezcMailSmtpTransportOptions' ); } $this->options = $value; break; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } } /** * Returns the value of the property $name. * * @throws ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException * if the property $name does not exist * @param string $name * @return mixed * @ignore */ public function __get( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'user': case 'password': case 'senderHost': case 'serverHost': case 'serverPort': return $this->properties[$name]; case 'timeout': return $this->options->timeout; case 'options': return $this->options; default: throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $name ); } } /** * Returns true if the property $name is set, otherwise false. * * @param string $name * @return bool * @ignore */ public function __isset( $name ) { switch ( $name ) { case 'user': case 'password': case 'senderHost': case 'serverHost': case 'serverPort': return isset( $this->properties[$name] ); case 'timeout': case 'options': return true; default: return false; } } /** * Sets if the connection should be kept open after sending an email. * * This method should be called prior to the first call to send(). * * Keeping the connection open is useful if you are sending a lot of mail. * It removes the overhead of opening the connection after each mail is * sent. * * Use disconnect() to close the connection if you have requested to keep * it open. */ public function keepConnection() { $this->keepConnection = true; } /** * Sends the ezcMail $mail using the SMTP protocol. * * If you want to send several emails use keepConnection() to leave the * connection to the server open between each mail. * * @throws ezcMailTransportException * if the mail could not be sent * @throws ezcBaseFeatureNotFoundException * if trying to use SSL and the openssl extension is not installed * @param ezcMail $mail */ public function send( ezcMail $mail ) { // sanity check the e-mail // need at least one recepient if ( ( count( $mail->to ) + count( $mail->cc ) + count( $mail->bcc ) ) < 1 ) { throw new ezcMailTransportException( "Can not send e-mail with no 'to' recipients." ); } try { // open connection unless we are connected already. if ( $this->status != self::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED ) { $this->connect(); } if ( isset( $mail->returnPath ) ) { $this->cmdMail( $mail->returnPath->email ); } else { $this->cmdMail( $mail->from->email ); } // each recepient must be listed here. // this controls where the mail is actually sent as SMTP does not // read the headers itself foreach ( $mail->to as $address ) { $this->cmdRcpt( $address->email ); } foreach ( $mail->cc as $address ) { $this->cmdRcpt( $address->email ); } foreach ( $mail->bcc as $address ) { $this->cmdRcpt( $address->email ); } // done with the from and recipients, lets send the mail itself $this->cmdData(); // A '.' on a line ends the mail. Make sure this does not happen in // the data we want to send. also called transparancy in the RFC, // section 4.5.2 $data = $mail->generate(); $data = str_replace( self::CRLF . '.', self::CRLF . '..', $data ); if ( $data[0] == '.' ) { $data = '.' . $data; } $this->sendData( $data ); $this->sendData( '.' ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '250' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "Error: {$error}" ); } } catch ( ezcMailTransportSmtpException $e ) { throw new ezcMailTransportException( $e->getMessage() ); // TODO: reset connection here.pin } // close connection unless we should keep it if ( $this->keepConnection === false ) { try { $this->disconnect(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // Eat! We don't care anyway since we are aborting the connection } } } /** * Creates a connection to the SMTP server and initiates the login * procedure. * * @todo The @ should be removed when PHP doesn't throw warnings for connect problems * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if no connection could be made * or if the login failed * @throws ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException * if trying to use SSL and the openssl extension is not installed */ private function connect() { $errno = null; $errstr = null; if ( $this->options->connectionType !== self::CONNECTION_PLAIN && !ezcBaseFeatures::hasExtensionSupport( 'openssl' ) ) { throw new ezcBaseExtensionNotFoundException( 'openssl', null, "PHP not configured --with-openssl." ); } if ( count( $this->options->connectionOptions ) > 0 ) { $context = stream_context_create( $this->options->connectionOptions ); $this->connection = @stream_socket_client( "{$this->options->connectionType}://{$this->serverHost}:{$this->serverPort}", $errno, $errstr, $this->options->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $context ); } else { $this->connection = @stream_socket_client( "{$this->options->connectionType}://{$this->serverHost}:{$this->serverPort}", $errno, $errstr, $this->options->timeout ); } if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) ) { stream_set_timeout( $this->connection, $this->options->timeout ); $this->status = self::STATUS_CONNECTED; $greeting = $this->getData(); $this->login(); } else { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "Failed to connect to the smtp server: {$this->serverHost}:{$this->serverPort}." ); } } /** * Performs the initial handshake with the SMTP server and * authenticates the user, if login data is provided to the * constructor. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if the HELO/EHLO command or authentication fails */ private function login() { if ( $this->doAuthenticate ) { $this->sendData( 'EHLO ' . $this->senderHost ); } else { $this->sendData( 'HELO ' . $this->senderHost ); } if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '250' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "HELO/EHLO failed with error: $error." ); } // do authentication if ( $this->doAuthenticate ) { $this->sendData( 'AUTH LOGIN' ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '334' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( 'SMTP server does not accept AUTH LOGIN.' ); } $this->sendData( base64_encode( $this->user ) ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '334' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "SMTP server does not accept login: {$this->user}." ); } $this->sendData( base64_encode( $this->password ) ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '235' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( 'SMTP server does not accept the password.' ); } } $this->status = self::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED; } /** * Sends the QUIT command to the server and breaks the connection. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if the QUIT command failed */ public function disconnect() { if ( $this->status != self::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED ) { $this->sendData( 'QUIT' ); $replyCode = $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '221'; fclose( $this->connection ); $this->status = self::STATUS_NOT_CONNECTED; if ( $replyCode ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "QUIT failed with error: $error." ); } } } /** * Returns the $email enclosed within '< >'. * * If $email is already enclosed within '< >' it is returned unmodified. * * @param string $email * $return string */ private function composeSmtpMailAddress( $email ) { if ( !preg_match( "/<.+>/", $email ) ) { $email = "<{$email}>"; } return $email; } /** * Sends the MAIL FROM command, with the sender's mail address $from. * * This method must be called once to tell the server the sender address. * * The sender's mail address $from may be enclosed in angle brackets. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if there is no valid connection * or if the MAIL FROM command failed * @param string $from */ private function cmdMail( $from ) { if ( self::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED ) { $this->sendData( 'MAIL FROM:' . $this->composeSmtpMailAddress( $from ) . '' ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '250' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "MAIL FROM failed with error: $error." ); } } } /** * Sends the 'RCTP TO' to the server with the address $email. * * This method must be called once for each recipient of the mail * including cc and bcc recipients. The RCPT TO commands control * where the mail is actually sent. It does not affect the headers * of the email. * * The recipient mail address $email may be enclosed in angle brackets. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if there is no valid connection * or if the RCPT TO command failed * @param string $email */ protected function cmdRcpt( $email ) { if ( self::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED ) { $this->sendData( 'RCPT TO:' . $this->composeSmtpMailAddress( $email ) ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '250' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "RCPT TO failed with error: $error." ); } } } /** * Send the DATA command to the SMTP server. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if there is no valid connection * or if the DATA command failed */ private function cmdData() { if ( self::STATUS_AUTHENTICATED ) { $this->sendData( 'DATA' ); if ( $this->getReplyCode( $error ) !== '354' ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( "DATA failed with error: $error." ); } } } /** * Send $data to the SMTP server through the connection. * * This method appends one line-break at the end of $data. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if there is no valid connection * @param string $data */ private function sendData( $data ) { if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) ) { if ( fwrite( $this->connection, $data . self::CRLF, strlen( $data ) + strlen( self::CRLF ) ) === false ) { throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( 'Could not write to SMTP stream. It was probably terminated by the host.' ); } } } /** * Returns data received from the connection stream. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if there is no valid connection * @return string */ private function getData() { $data = ''; $line = ''; $loops = 0; if ( is_resource( $this->connection ) ) { while ( ( strpos( $data, self::CRLF ) === false || (string) substr( $line, 3, 1 ) !== ' ' ) && $loops < 100 ) { $line = fgets( $this->connection, 512 ); $data .= $line; $loops++; } return $data; } throw new ezcMailTransportSmtpException( 'Could not read from SMTP stream. It was probably terminated by the host.' ); } /** * Returns the reply code of the last message from the server. * * $line contains the complete data retrieved from the stream. This can be used to retrieve * the error message in case of an error. * * @throws ezcMailTransportSmtpException * if it could not fetch data from the stream * @param string &$line * @return string */ private function getReplyCode( &$line ) { return substr( trim( $line = $this->getData() ), 0, 3 ); } } ?>