part = new ezcMailText( "dummy" ); } /** * Test that the constuctor eats parameters like it should */ public function testConstructor() { $this->part = new ezcMailText( "TestText", "ISO-String", ezcMail::BASE64 ); $this->assertEquals( "TestText", $this->part->text ); $this->assertEquals( "ISO-String", $this->part->charset ); $this->assertEquals( ezcMail::BASE64, $this->part->encoding ); } /** * Tests if headers are generated as expected by the TextPart. * It should include both extra headers set manually and content type * and encoding headers */ public function testGenerateHeaders() { $expectedResult = "X-Extra: Test" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak(); $this->part->setHeader( "X-Extra", "Test" ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $this->part->generateHeaders() ); } /** * Tests for properties */ public function testGetProperties() { $temp = new ezcMailText( 'dummy', 'utf-8', ezcMail::EIGHT_BIT, 'iso-8859-2' ); $this->assertEquals( 'utf-8', $temp->charset ); $this->assertEquals( 'iso-8859-2', $temp->originalCharset ); $this->assertEquals( ezcMail::EIGHT_BIT, $temp->encoding ); $this->assertEquals( 'plain', $temp->subType ); $this->assertEquals( 'dummy', $temp->text ); $this->assertEquals( new ezcMailHeadersHolder(), $temp->headers ); } public function testSetProperties() { $temp = new ezcMailText( 'dummy', 'bogus', -1, 'iso-8859-2' ); $temp->charset = 'utf-8'; $temp->encoding = ezcMail::EIGHT_BIT; $temp->subType = 'html'; $temp->text = 'new dummy'; try { $temp->originalCharset = 'iso-8859-5'; $this->fail( 'Expected exception not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyPermissionException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'The property is read-only.', $e->getMessage() ); } try { $temp->no_such_property = 'xxx'; $this->fail( 'Expected exception was not thrown' ); } catch ( ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException $e ) { $this->assertEquals( 'No such property name .', $e->getMessage() ); } $this->assertEquals( 'utf-8', $temp->charset ); $this->assertEquals( 'iso-8859-2', $temp->originalCharset ); $this->assertEquals( ezcMail::EIGHT_BIT, $temp->encoding ); $this->assertEquals( 'html', $temp->subType ); $this->assertEquals( 'new dummy', $temp->text ); } public function testBase64Encode() { $reference = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() .ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "SGVyZSBpcyBzb21lIHRleHQ=" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak(); $text = new ezcMailText( "Here is some text", "us-ascii", ezcMail::BASE64 ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $text->generate() ); } public function testQuotedPrintableEncode() { $reference = "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted_printable" . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . ezcMailTools::lineBreak() . "=E6=F8=E5=0A=F8=E6=E5"; $text = new ezcMailText( "æøå\nøæå", "iso-8859-1", ezcMail::QUOTED_PRINTABLE ); $this->assertEquals( $reference, $text->generate() ); } public function testIsSet() { $this->assertEquals( true, isset( $this->part->charset ) ); $this->assertEquals( true, isset( $this->part->originalCharset ) ); $this->assertEquals( true, isset( $this->part->subType ) ); $this->assertEquals( true, isset( $this->part->encoding ) ); $this->assertEquals( true, isset( $this->part->text ) ); $this->assertEquals( false, isset( $this->part->no_such_property ) ); } public static function suite() { return new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite( "ezcMailTextTest" ); } } ?>